package im.angry.openeuicc.service import android.service.euicc.* import android.telephony.euicc.DownloadableSubscription import android.telephony.euicc.EuiccInfo import com.truphone.lpa.LocalProfileInfo import com.truphone.lpad.progress.Progress import im.angry.openeuicc.OpenEuiccApplication import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannel import im.angry.openeuicc.util.* class OpenEuiccService : EuiccService() { private val openEuiccApplication get() = application as OpenEuiccApplication private fun findChannel(slotId: Int): EuiccChannel? = openEuiccApplication.euiccChannelManager .findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(slotId) override fun onGetEid(slotId: Int): String? = findChannel(slotId)?.lpa?.eid // When two eSIM cards are present on one device, the Android settings UI // gets confused and sets the incorrect slotId for profiles from one of // the cards. This function helps Detect this case and abort early. private fun EuiccChannel.profileExists(iccid: String?) = lpa.profiles.any { it.iccid == iccid } override fun onGetOtaStatus(slotId: Int): Int { // Not implemented return 5 // EUICC_OTA_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE } override fun onStartOtaIfNecessary( slotId: Int, statusChangedCallback: OtaStatusChangedCallback? ) { // Not implemented } override fun onGetDownloadableSubscriptionMetadata( slotId: Int, subscription: DownloadableSubscription?, forceDeactivateSim: Boolean ): GetDownloadableSubscriptionMetadataResult { // Stub: return as-is and do not fetch anything // This is incompatible with carrier eSIM apps; should we make it compatible? return GetDownloadableSubscriptionMetadataResult(RESULT_OK, subscription) } override fun onGetDefaultDownloadableSubscriptionList( slotId: Int, forceDeactivateSim: Boolean ): GetDefaultDownloadableSubscriptionListResult { // Stub: we do not implement this (as this would require phoning in a central GSMA server) return GetDefaultDownloadableSubscriptionListResult(RESULT_OK, arrayOf()) } override fun onGetEuiccProfileInfoList(slotId: Int): GetEuiccProfileInfoListResult? { val channel = findChannel(slotId) ?: return null val profiles = { EuiccProfileInfo.Builder(it.iccid).apply { setProfileName( setNickname(it.displayName) setServiceProviderName(it.providerName) setState( when (it.state) { LocalProfileInfo.State.Enabled -> EuiccProfileInfo.PROFILE_STATE_ENABLED LocalProfileInfo.State.Disabled -> EuiccProfileInfo.PROFILE_STATE_DISABLED } ) setProfileClass( when (it.profileClass) { LocalProfileInfo.Clazz.Testing -> EuiccProfileInfo.PROFILE_CLASS_TESTING LocalProfileInfo.Clazz.Provisioning -> EuiccProfileInfo.PROFILE_CLASS_PROVISIONING LocalProfileInfo.Clazz.Operational -> EuiccProfileInfo.PROFILE_CLASS_OPERATIONAL } ) }.build() } return GetEuiccProfileInfoListResult(RESULT_OK, profiles.toTypedArray(), channel.removable) } override fun onGetEuiccInfo(slotId: Int): EuiccInfo { return EuiccInfo("Unknown") // TODO: Can we actually implement this? } override fun onDeleteSubscription(slotId: Int, iccid: String): Int { try { val channel = findChannel(slotId) ?: return RESULT_FIRST_USER if (!channel.profileExists(iccid)) { return RESULT_FIRST_USER } val profile = channel.lpa.profiles.find { it.iccid == iccid } ?: return RESULT_FIRST_USER if (profile.state == LocalProfileInfo.State.Enabled) { // Must disable the profile first return RESULT_FIRST_USER } return if (channel.lpa.deleteProfile(iccid, Progress()) == "0") { RESULT_OK } else { RESULT_FIRST_USER } } catch (e: Exception) { return RESULT_FIRST_USER } } // TODO: on some devices we need to update the mapping (and potentially disable a pSIM) // for eSIM to be usable, in which case we will have to respect forceDeactivateSim. // This is the same for our custom LUI. Both have to take this into consideration. @Deprecated("Deprecated in Java") override fun onSwitchToSubscription( slotId: Int, iccid: String?, forceDeactivateSim: Boolean ): Int { try { val channel = findChannel(slotId) ?: return RESULT_FIRST_USER if (!channel.profileExists(iccid)) { return RESULT_FIRST_USER } if (iccid == null) { // Disable active profile val activeProfile = channel.lpa.profiles.find { it.state == LocalProfileInfo.State.Enabled } ?: return RESULT_OK return if (channel.lpa.disableProfile(activeProfile.iccid, Progress()) == "0") { RESULT_OK } else { RESULT_FIRST_USER } } else { return if (channel.lpa.enableProfile(iccid, Progress()) == "0") { RESULT_OK } else { RESULT_FIRST_USER } } } catch (e: Exception) { return RESULT_FIRST_USER } finally { openEuiccApplication.euiccChannelManager.invalidate() } } override fun onUpdateSubscriptionNickname(slotId: Int, iccid: String, nickname: String?): Int { val channel = findChannel(slotId) ?: return RESULT_FIRST_USER if (!channel.profileExists(iccid)) { return RESULT_FIRST_USER } val success = channel.lpa .setNickname(iccid, nickname) openEuiccApplication.subscriptionManager.tryRefreshCachedEuiccInfo(channel.cardId) return if (success) { RESULT_OK } else { RESULT_FIRST_USER } } @Deprecated("Deprecated in Java") override fun onEraseSubscriptions(slotId: Int): Int { // No-op return RESULT_FIRST_USER } override fun onRetainSubscriptionsForFactoryReset(slotId: Int): Int { // No-op -- we do not care return RESULT_FIRST_USER } }