package im.angry.openeuicc.core import android.content.Context import android.os.Handler import android.os.HandlerThread import import android.telephony.UiccCardInfo import android.util.Log import im.angry.openeuicc.OpenEuiccApplication import im.angry.openeuicc.util.* import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import java.lang.Exception import kotlin.coroutines.resume import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine class EuiccChannelManager(private val context: Context) { companion object { const val TAG = "EuiccChannelManager" } private val channels = mutableListOf() private var seService: SEService? = null private val lock = Mutex() private val tm by lazy { (context.applicationContext as OpenEuiccApplication).telephonyManager } private val handler = Handler(HandlerThread("EuiccChannelManager").also { it.start() }.looper) private suspend fun connectSEService(): SEService = suspendCoroutine { cont -> { var service: SEService? = null service = SEService(context, { }) { cont.resume(service!!) } } } private suspend fun ensureSEService() { if (seService == null) { seService = connectSEService() } } private suspend fun tryOpenEuiccChannel(uiccInfo: UiccCardInfo): EuiccChannel? { lock.withLock { ensureSEService() val existing = channels.find { it.slotId == uiccInfo.slotIndex } if (existing != null) { if (existing.valid) { return existing } else { existing.close() channels.remove(existing) } } val channelInfo = EuiccChannelInfo( uiccInfo.slotIndex, uiccInfo.cardId, "SIM ${uiccInfo.slotIndex}", tm.getImei(uiccInfo.slotIndex), uiccInfo.isRemovable ) var euiccChannel: EuiccChannel? = null if (uiccInfo.isEuicc && !uiccInfo.isRemovable) { Log.d(TAG, "Using TelephonyManager for slot ${uiccInfo.slotIndex}") // TODO: On Tiramisu, we should also connect all available "ports" for MEP support euiccChannel = TelephonyManagerChannel.tryConnect(tm, channelInfo) } if (euiccChannel == null) { euiccChannel = OmapiChannel.tryConnect(seService!!, channelInfo) } if (euiccChannel != null) { channels.add(euiccChannel) } return euiccChannel } } private suspend fun findEuiccChannelBySlot(slotId: Int): EuiccChannel? { return tm.uiccCardsInfo.find { it.slotIndex == slotId }?.let { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) } } fun findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(slotId: Int): EuiccChannel? = runBlocking { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { findEuiccChannelBySlot(slotId) } } suspend fun enumerateEuiccChannels() { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { ensureSEService() for (uiccInfo in tm.uiccCardsInfo) { if (tryOpenEuiccChannel(uiccInfo) != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Found eUICC on slot ${uiccInfo.slotIndex}") } } } } val knownChannels: List get() = channels.toList() fun invalidate() { for (channel in channels) { channel.close() } channels.clear() seService?.shutdown() seService = null } // Clean up channels left open in TelephonyManager // due to a (potentially) forced restart // This should be called every time the application is restarted fun closeAllStaleChannels() { for (card in tm.uiccCardsInfo) { for (channel in 0 until 10) { try { tm.iccCloseLogicalChannelBySlot(card.slotIndex, channel) } catch (_: Exception) { // We do not care } } } } }