Peter Cai e48f9aa828
All checks were successful
/ build-debug (push) Successful in 4m51s
refactor: Channel validity, and reconnection
* ApduInterfaces also need a concept of validity based on the underlying
  APDU channel. For example, OMAPI depends on SEService being still
* We then rely on this validity to wait for reconnection; we do not need
  to manually remove all channels under a slot because the rest will be
  invalid anyway, and the next attempt at connection will lazily
  recreate the channel.
* We had to manage channels manually before during reconnect because
  `valid` may result in SIGSEGV's when the underlying APDU channel has
  become invalid. This is avoided by the validity concept added to APDU
2024-03-22 21:08:59 -04:00

167 lines
5.7 KiB

package im.angry.openeuicc.core
import android.content.Context
import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager
import android.util.Log
import im.angry.openeuicc.di.AppContainer
import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeout
open class DefaultEuiccChannelManager(
protected val appContainer: AppContainer,
protected val context: Context
) : EuiccChannelManager {
companion object {
const val TAG = "EuiccChannelManager"
private val channels = mutableListOf<EuiccChannel>()
private val lock = Mutex()
protected val tm by lazy {
private val euiccChannelFactory by lazy {
protected open val uiccCards: Collection<UiccCardInfoCompat>
get() = (0..<tm.activeModemCountCompat).map { FakeUiccCardInfoCompat(it) }
private suspend fun tryOpenEuiccChannel(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? {
lock.withLock {
val existing =
channels.find { it.slotId == port.card.physicalSlotIndex && it.portId == port.portIndex }
if (existing != null) {
if (existing.valid && port.logicalSlotIndex == existing.logicalSlotId) {
return existing
} else {
if (port.logicalSlotIndex == SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SIM_SLOT_INDEX) {
// We can only open channels on ports that are actually enabled
return null
return euiccChannelFactory.tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)?.also {
override fun findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(logicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (card in uiccCards) {
for (port in card.ports) {
if (port.logicalSlotIndex == logicalSlotId) {
return@withContext tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)
override fun findEuiccChannelByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (card in uiccCards) {
if (card.physicalSlotIndex != physicalSlotId) continue
for (port in card.ports) {
tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)?.let { return@withContext it }
override suspend fun findAllEuiccChannelsByPhysicalSlot(physicalSlotId: Int): List<EuiccChannel>? {
for (card in uiccCards) {
if (card.physicalSlotIndex != physicalSlotId) continue
return card.ports.mapNotNull { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) }
.ifEmpty { null }
return null
override fun findAllEuiccChannelsByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): List<EuiccChannel>? =
runBlocking {
override suspend fun findEuiccChannelByPort(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
uiccCards.find { it.physicalSlotIndex == physicalSlotId }?.let { card ->
card.ports.find { it.portIndex == portId }?.let { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) }
override fun findEuiccChannelByPortBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
findEuiccChannelByPort(physicalSlotId, portId)
override suspend fun waitForReconnect(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int, timeoutMillis: Long) {
// If there is already a valid channel, we close it proactively
// Sometimes the current channel can linger on for a bit even after it should have become invalid
channels.find { it.slotId == physicalSlotId && it.portId == portId }?.apply {
if (valid) close()
withTimeout(timeoutMillis) {
while (true) {
try {
// tryOpenEuiccChannel() will automatically dispose of invalid channels
// and recreate when needed
val channel = findEuiccChannelByPortBlocking(physicalSlotId, portId)!!
check(channel.valid) { "Invalid channel" }
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.d(TAG, "Slot $physicalSlotId port $portId reconnect failure, retrying in 1000 ms")
override suspend fun enumerateEuiccChannels() {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (uiccInfo in uiccCards) {
for (port in uiccInfo.ports) {
if (tryOpenEuiccChannel(port) != null) {
"Found eUICC on slot ${uiccInfo.physicalSlotIndex} port ${port.portIndex}"
override val knownChannels: List<EuiccChannel>
get() = channels.toList()
override fun invalidate() {
for (channel in channels) {