Add 'compat' flavor dimension to SUW lib.

Change-Id: I6538454ba777730f3a75cffda737a07901521733
Test: Gradle sync with 2.3 plugin.
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Davidson 2017-12-14 14:48:22 -08:00
parent 462823c777
commit a820a7f85d

View file

@ -13,6 +13,22 @@ android {
publishNonDefault true
flavorDimensions 'compat'
productFlavors {
// Platform version that will not include the compatibility libraries
platform {
dimension 'compat'
minSdkVersion 23
// Provides backwards compatibility for Gingerbread or above, using support libraries.
gingerbreadCompat {
dimension 'compat'
minSdkVersion 9
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'main/AndroidManifest.xml'
@ -21,46 +37,6 @@ android {
res.srcDirs = ['main/res']
flavorDimensions 'compat'
productFlavors {
// Platform version that will not include the compatibility libraries
platform {
dimension 'compat'
minSdkVersion 23
dependencies {
// Read the dependencies from the "deps" map in the extra properties.
// For builds in the Android tree we want to build the dependencies from source
// for reproducible builds, for example in build.gradle define something like
// this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': project(':project-path')]
// }
// For standalone project clients, since the source may not be available, we
// fetch the dependencies from maven. For example in standalone.gradle define
// something like this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': '']
// }
platformImplementation deps['support-annotations']
// Provides backwards compatibility for Gingerbread or above, using support libraries.
gingerbreadCompat {
dimension 'compat'
minSdkVersion 9
dependencies {
gingerbreadCompatImplementation deps['support-appcompat-v7']
gingerbreadCompatImplementation deps['support-recyclerview-v7']
platform {
java.srcDirs = ['platform/src']
res.srcDirs = ['platform/res']
@ -72,3 +48,26 @@ android {
dependencies {
// Read the dependencies from the "deps" map in the extra properties.
// For builds in the Android tree we want to build the dependencies from source
// for reproducible builds, for example in build.gradle define something like
// this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': project(':project-path')]
// }
// For standalone project clients, since the source may not be available, we
// fetch the dependencies from maven. For example in standalone.gradle define
// something like this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': '']
// }
platformCompile deps['support-annotations']
gingerbreadCompatCompile deps['support-appcompat-v7']
gingerbreadCompatCompile deps['support-recyclerview-v7']