/** * Base rules for building setup wizard library. This build file is not used directly but rather * included in scripts like build.gradle or standalone.gradle using 'apply from'. * * This allows the dependencies to be configured so that for builds in the Android tree, the * dependencies like support library is built directly from source, while for standalone builds they * will be fetched from maven central. */ apply plugin: 'com.android.library' android { publishNonDefault true flavorDimensions 'compat' productFlavors { // DEPRECATED: Platform version that will not include the compatibility libraries platformDeprecated { dimension 'compat' // TODO(yukl): Bump this file to v28 once we can properly test that minSdkVersion 27 } // Provides backwards compatibility for Gingerbread or above, using support libraries. gingerbreadCompat { dimension 'compat' minSdkVersion 9 } } sourceSets { main { manifest.srcFile 'main/AndroidManifest.xml' java.srcDirs = ['main/src'] resources.srcDirs = ['main/src'] res.srcDirs = ['main/res'] } platformDeprecated { java.srcDirs = ['platform/src'] res.srcDirs = ['platform/res'] } gingerbreadCompat { java.srcDirs = ['gingerbread/src', 'recyclerview/src'] res.srcDirs = ['gingerbread/res', 'recyclerview/res'] } } } dependencies { // Read the dependencies from the "deps" map in the extra properties. // // For builds in the Android tree we want to build the dependencies from source // for reproducible builds, for example in build.gradle define something like // this: // ext { // deps = ['project-name': project(':project-path')] // } // // For standalone project clients, since the source may not be available, we // fetch the dependencies from maven. For example in standalone.gradle define // something like this: // ext { // deps = ['project-name': 'com.example.group:project-name:1.0.0'] // } // platformDeprecatedCompile deps['support-annotations'] gingerbreadCompatCompile deps['support-appcompat-v7'] gingerbreadCompatCompile deps['support-recyclerview-v7'] }