Jeff Davidson 3354831fb1 Create a standalone gradle file without SDK/build-tools.
Currently, setup-wizard-lib has two gradle files - build.gradle,
which is used when building from inside the Android tree, where
all dependencies are built from source, and standalone.gradle,
where all dependencies are prebuilts. Unbundled apps generally
want the latter, but this gradle file defines a specific build
tools and SDK version, which is undesirable if we want to build
everything with the same build tools and SDK.

So, introduce a third gradle file, standalone-rules.gradle, which
uses prebuilt support lib dependencies, but which does not define
the SDK and build tools so that another gradle file can define
these at the top level.

Since this doesn't affect existing gradle files, this should be
a safe change.

Bug: 22670848
Change-Id: I95f4294105b54c5d978f6632bd98e2492a6d983c
2015-08-09 16:31:47 -07:00

32 lines
1.2 KiB

* Include this gradle file if you are building against this as a standalone gradle library project,
* but are defining the compile SDK version and build tools version at the top-level.
* For example, you can include the following in your settings.gradle file:
* include ':setup-wizard-lib'
* project(':setup-wizard-lib').projectDir = new File(PATH_TO_THIS_DIRECTORY)
* project(':setup-wizard-lib').buildFileName = 'standalone-rules.gradle'
* And then you can include the :setup-wizard-lib project as one of your dependencies
* dependencies {
* compile project(path: ':setup-wizard-lib', configuration: 'icsCompatRelease')
* }
ext {
// For standalone project clients, since the source may not be available, we fetch the
// dependencies from maven. To add a dependency, you want to specify something like this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': '']
// }
// And then in rules.gradle you can reference the dependency by
// dependencies {
// compile deps['project-name']
// }
deps = ['support-appcompat-v7': '']
apply from: 'rules.gradle'