Aurimas Liutikas d533ee27e4 Migrate setup-wizard-lib to androidx.
Test: make setup-wizard-lib
Bug: 76692459
Change-Id: I40171e973d442b1a1815e9e7d7c2cc984cb38bac
Merged-In: I40171e973d442b1a1815e9e7d7c2cc984cb38bac
(cherry picked from commit 4860e4ee48)
(cherry picked from commit 939b955af8)
(cherry picked from commit 9a8a69a845)
2018-08-28 14:18:14 -07:00

36 lines
1.4 KiB

* Include this gradle file if you are building against this as a standalone gradle library project,
* but are defining the compile SDK version and build tools version at the top-level.
* For example, you can include the following in your settings.gradle file:
* include ':setup-wizard-lib'
* project(':setup-wizard-lib').projectDir = new File(PATH_TO_THIS_DIRECTORY)
* project(':setup-wizard-lib').buildFileName = 'standalone-rules.gradle'
* And then you can include the :setup-wizard-lib project as one of your dependencies
* dependencies {
* compile project(path: ':setup-wizard-lib', configuration: 'gingerbreadCompatRelease')
* }
ext {
// For standalone project clients, since the source may not be available, we fetch the
// dependencies from maven. To add a dependency, you want to specify something like this:
// ext {
// deps = ['project-name': '']
// }
// And then in rules.gradle you can reference the dependency by
// dependencies {
// compile deps['project-name']
// }
deps = [
'support-annotations': 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.0.0-alpha1',
'support-appcompat-v7': 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0-alpha1',
'support-recyclerview-v7': 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.0.0-alpha1'
apply from: 'rules.gradle'