Shelter You are about to set up Shelter.\n\nThis app depends on the Work Profile feature of Android to isolate the apps. If you use a vendor / custom ROM that breaks related features (e.g. MIUI), you should now QUIT and DO NOT use this app.\n\nIf you choose to continue, Shelter will set up Work Profile for you.\n\nIf you are a developer and would like to make Shelter work on those incompatible ROMs like MIUI, pull requests are always welcome. The developer takes ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY if you break your device running an incompatible ROM.\n\nYou will need to receive a notification in order to finish setup, please make sure your device is NOT on Do Not Disturb mode. Bye Continue Shelter App Isolation Service Shelter needs to become Device Admin in order to perform its isolation tasks. Choose an Image File Welcome to Shelter Shelter is an application to help you run other applications in an isolated profile. It does so by making use of the Work Profile feature of Android.\n\nClick "Next", and we will provide you with more information about Shelter, and guide you through the setup process.\n\nWe suggest that you read through all of the following pages carefully. A word on permissions By default, Shelter will not ask for any individual permissions. However, once you proceed with the setup process, Shelter will try to set up a Work Profile and hence become the profile manager of said profile.\n\nThis will grant Shelter an extensive list of permissions inside the profile, comparable to that of a Device Admin, albeit confined to the profile. Being the profile manager is necessary for most of Shelter\'s functionality.\n\nSome advanced features of Shelter may require more permissions outside the Work Profile. When needed, Shelter will ask for those permissions separately when you enable the corresponding features. Shelter Important Click here to finish setting up Shelter Congratulations! You are one click away from finishing setting up Shelter. Shelter Service Shelter is now running … Auto-freeze pending Shelter will auto-freeze apps launched from \"Unfreeze & Launch\" on the next screen lock event. Freeze Now Installing... Main Shelter [Frozen] %s Batch operation Clone to Shelter (Work Profile) Clone to Main Profile Uninstall Freeze Unfreeze Launch Create Unfreeze and/or Launch Shortcut Unfreeze and Launch Auto Freeze Allow Widgets in Main Profile Search Batch Freeze Create Batch Freeze Shortcut Freeze Install APK into Shelter Application installation finished in work profile. Show All Apps Manipulating apps that are hidden from the list could cause crashes and all sorts of unexpected behavior. However, this feature can be useful when faulty vendor-customized ROMs does not enable all necessary system apps in work profile by default. If you continue, you are on your own. Open Documents UI Settings Interaction File Shuttle When enabled, you\'ll be able to browse / view / pick / copy files in Shelter from main profile and vice-versa, ONLY through Documents UI (named Files or Documents on your launcher) or apps with Documents UI support (they only gain temporary access to files you choose in Documents UI), while still pertaining the filesystem isolation. Image Chooser as Fake Camera Present a fake camera app to other apps, allowing you to choose an arbitrary image from Documents UI (and File Shuttle if enabled) as the taken picture. This enables File Shuttle for any app that supports invoking other camera apps to take a picture, even if they don\'t support Documents UI natively. Block Contacts Searching Deny access from main profile to contacts inside work profile. Services Auto Freeze Service When the screen is locked, automatically freeze apps launched from \"Unfreeze & Launch Shortcut\". Auto Freeze Delay Skip Foreground Apps Do NOT freeze foreground apps (with visible activity) when you lock your screen. This can be useful for apps like music players, but you\'ll need to manually freeze them through \"Batch Freeze Shortcut\" afterwards. About Version Source Code Translate Bug Report / Issue Tracker Patreon Shelter is still being set up. You should be seeing a notification soon from Shelter, which you must click on to finish the setup process. If you do not see the notification, please disable Do Not Disturb mode and try again. Shelter setup complete. Now restarting Shelter. If Shelter didn\'t start automatically, you may launch it again from your launcher. Permission is denied or Unsupported device Work profile not found. Please restart the app to re-provision the profile. Cannot provision work profile. You may try again by restarting Shelter. It looks like you have disabled Work Mode while starting Shelter. If you have enabled it now, please start Shelter again. Application \"%s\" cloned successfully Application \"%s\" uninstalled successfully Application \"%s\" frozen successfully Application \"%s\" unfrozen successfully Cannot clone system apps to a profile that Shelter has no control of. Cannot uninstall system apps in a profile that Shelter has no control of. Cannot add shortcuts to your launcher. Please contact the developer for more information. Operations for %s All apps in \"Auto Freeze\" list have been frozen successfully. Shortcut created on your launcher. Shelter needs Usage Stats permission to do this. Please enable the permission for BOTH OF THE TWO Shelter apps shown in the dialog after you press \"Ok\". Failing to do so will cause this feature to not work properly. Cannot launch app %s because it has no GUI. Shelter needs access to All Files for File Shuttle. Please enable the permission for BOTH OF THE TWO (Personal / Work) Shelter apps shown in the dialog after you press \"Ok\". Shelter needs to Draw over Other Apps in order for File Shuttle to function correctly. Please enable the permission for BOTH OF THE TWO (Personal / Work) Shelter apps shown in the dialog after you press \"Ok\". This permission is used to start File Shuttle services in the background. Cloning non-system apps to another profile is currently not possible on MIUI. Please clone your system\'s app store (e.g. Play Store) into the other profile and then install apps from there. Continue anyway