/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013, microG Project Team * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ apply plugin: 'com.android.library' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' android { compileSdkVersion androidCompileSdk buildToolsVersion "$androidBuildVersionTools" defaultConfig { versionName version minSdkVersion androidMinSdk targetSdkVersion androidTargetSdk } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 } } afterEvaluate { publishing { publications { release(MavenPublication) { pom { name = 'UnifiedNlp API' description = 'API interfaces and helpers to create backends for UnifiedNlp' url = 'https://github.com/microg/UnifiedNlp' licenses { license { name = 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0' url = 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt' } } developers { developer { id = 'microg' name = 'microG Team' } developer { id = 'mar-v-in' name = 'Marvin W.' } } scm { url = 'https://github.com/microg/UnifiedNlp' connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/microg/UnifiedNlp.git' developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://github.com/microg/UnifiedNlp.git' } } from components.release } } } }