package eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableDecl; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.Content; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.GenericDescription; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.GenericTransportInfo; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.Group; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.IceUdpTransportInfo; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.JinglePacket; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.OmemoVerifiedIceUdpTransportInfo; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jingle.stanzas.RtpDescription; public class RtpContentMap { public final Group group; public final Map contents; public RtpContentMap(Group group, Map contents) { = group; this.contents = contents; } public static RtpContentMap of(final JinglePacket jinglePacket) { final Map contents = DescriptionTransport.of(jinglePacket.getJingleContents()); if (isOmemoVerified(contents)) { return new OmemoVerifiedRtpContentMap(jinglePacket.getGroup(), contents); } else { return new RtpContentMap(jinglePacket.getGroup(), contents); } } private static boolean isOmemoVerified(Map contents) { final Collection values = contents.values(); if (values.size() == 0) { return false; } for (final DescriptionTransport descriptionTransport : values) { if (descriptionTransport.transport instanceof OmemoVerifiedIceUdpTransportInfo) { continue; } return false; } return true; } public static RtpContentMap of(final SessionDescription sessionDescription) { final ImmutableMap.Builder contentMapBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (SessionDescription.Media media : { final String id = Iterables.getFirst(media.attributes.get("mid"), null); Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "media has no mid"); contentMapBuilder.put(id, DescriptionTransport.of(sessionDescription, media)); } final String groupAttribute = Iterables.getFirst(sessionDescription.attributes.get("group"), null); final Group group = groupAttribute == null ? null : Group.ofSdpString(groupAttribute); return new RtpContentMap(group,; } public Set getMedia() { return Sets.newHashSet( Collections2.transform( contents.values(), input -> { final RtpDescription rtpDescription = input == null ? null : input.description; return rtpDescription == null ? Media.UNKNOWN : input.description.getMedia(); })); } public List getNames() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(contents.keySet()); } void requireContentDescriptions() { if (this.contents.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No contents available"); } for (Map.Entry entry : this.contents.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().description == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("%s is lacking content description", entry.getKey())); } } } void requireDTLSFingerprint() { requireDTLSFingerprint(false); } void requireDTLSFingerprint(final boolean requireActPass) { if (this.contents.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No contents available"); } for (Map.Entry entry : this.contents.entrySet()) { final IceUdpTransportInfo transport = entry.getValue().transport; final IceUdpTransportInfo.Fingerprint fingerprint = transport.getFingerprint(); if (fingerprint == null || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(fingerprint.getContent()) || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(fingerprint.getHash())) { throw new SecurityException( String.format( "Use of DTLS-SRTP (XEP-0320) is required for content %s", entry.getKey())); } final IceUdpTransportInfo.Setup setup = fingerprint.getSetup(); if (setup == null) { throw new SecurityException( String.format( "Use of DTLS-SRTP (XEP-0320) is required for content %s but missing setup attribute", entry.getKey())); } if (requireActPass && setup != IceUdpTransportInfo.Setup.ACTPASS) { throw new SecurityException( "Initiator needs to offer ACTPASS as setup for DTLS-SRTP (XEP-0320)"); } } } JinglePacket toJinglePacket(final JinglePacket.Action action, final String sessionId) { final JinglePacket jinglePacket = new JinglePacket(action, sessionId); if ( != null) { jinglePacket.addGroup(; } for (Map.Entry entry : this.contents.entrySet()) { final Content content = new Content(Content.Creator.INITIATOR, entry.getKey()); if (entry.getValue().description != null) { content.addChild(entry.getValue().description); } content.addChild(entry.getValue().transport); jinglePacket.addJingleContent(content); } return jinglePacket; } RtpContentMap transportInfo( final String contentName, final IceUdpTransportInfo.Candidate candidate) { final RtpContentMap.DescriptionTransport descriptionTransport = contents.get(contentName); final IceUdpTransportInfo transportInfo = descriptionTransport == null ? null : descriptionTransport.transport; if (transportInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find transport info for content name " + contentName); } final IceUdpTransportInfo newTransportInfo = transportInfo.cloneWrapper(); newTransportInfo.addChild(candidate); return new RtpContentMap( null, ImmutableMap.of(contentName, new DescriptionTransport(null, newTransportInfo))); } RtpContentMap transportInfo() { return new RtpContentMap( null, Maps.transformValues( contents, dt -> new DescriptionTransport(null, dt.transport.cloneWrapper()))); } public IceUdpTransportInfo.Credentials getDistinctCredentials() { final Set allCredentials = getCredentials(); final IceUdpTransportInfo.Credentials credentials = Iterables.getFirst(allCredentials, null); if (allCredentials.size() == 1 && credentials != null) { return credentials; } throw new IllegalStateException("Content map does not have distinct credentials"); } public Set getCredentials() { final Set credentials = ImmutableSet.copyOf( Collections2.transform( contents.values(), dt -> dt.transport.getCredentials())); if (credentials.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Content map does not have any credentials"); } return credentials; } public IceUdpTransportInfo.Credentials getCredentials(final String contentName) { final DescriptionTransport descriptionTransport = this.contents.get(contentName); if (descriptionTransport == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Unable to find transport info for content name %s", contentName)); } return descriptionTransport.transport.getCredentials(); } public IceUdpTransportInfo.Setup getDtlsSetup() { final Set setups = ImmutableSet.copyOf( Collections2.transform( contents.values(), dt -> dt.transport.getFingerprint().getSetup())); final IceUdpTransportInfo.Setup setup = Iterables.getFirst(setups, null); if (setups.size() == 1 && setup != null) { return setup; } throw new IllegalStateException("Content map doesn't have distinct DTLS setup"); } public boolean emptyCandidates() { int count = 0; for (DescriptionTransport descriptionTransport : contents.values()) { count += descriptionTransport.transport.getCandidates().size(); } return count == 0; } public RtpContentMap modifiedCredentials( IceUdpTransportInfo.Credentials credentials, final IceUdpTransportInfo.Setup setup) { final ImmutableMap.Builder contentMapBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); for (final Map.Entry content : contents.entrySet()) { final RtpDescription rtpDescription = content.getValue().description; IceUdpTransportInfo transportInfo = content.getValue().transport; final IceUdpTransportInfo modifiedTransportInfo = transportInfo.modifyCredentials(credentials, setup); contentMapBuilder.put( content.getKey(), new DescriptionTransport(rtpDescription, modifiedTransportInfo)); } return new RtpContentMap(,; } public static class DescriptionTransport { public final RtpDescription description; public final IceUdpTransportInfo transport; public DescriptionTransport( final RtpDescription description, final IceUdpTransportInfo transport) { this.description = description; this.transport = transport; } public static DescriptionTransport of(final Content content) { final GenericDescription description = content.getDescription(); final GenericTransportInfo transportInfo = content.getTransport(); final RtpDescription rtpDescription; final IceUdpTransportInfo iceUdpTransportInfo; if (description == null) { rtpDescription = null; } else if (description instanceof RtpDescription) { rtpDescription = (RtpDescription) description; } else { throw new UnsupportedApplicationException( "Content does not contain rtp description"); } if (transportInfo instanceof IceUdpTransportInfo) { iceUdpTransportInfo = (IceUdpTransportInfo) transportInfo; } else { throw new UnsupportedTransportException( "Content does not contain ICE-UDP transport"); } return new DescriptionTransport( rtpDescription, OmemoVerifiedIceUdpTransportInfo.upgrade(iceUdpTransportInfo)); } public static DescriptionTransport of( final SessionDescription sessionDescription, final SessionDescription.Media media) { final RtpDescription rtpDescription = RtpDescription.of(sessionDescription, media); final IceUdpTransportInfo transportInfo = IceUdpTransportInfo.of(sessionDescription, media); return new DescriptionTransport(rtpDescription, transportInfo); } public static Map of(final Map contents) { return ImmutableMap.copyOf( Maps.transformValues( contents, new Function() { @NullableDecl @Override public DescriptionTransport apply(@NullableDecl Content content) { return content == null ? null : of(content); } })); } } public static class UnsupportedApplicationException extends IllegalArgumentException { UnsupportedApplicationException(String message) { super(message); } } public static class UnsupportedTransportException extends IllegalArgumentException { UnsupportedTransportException(String message) { super(message); } } }