A ditch where all proprietary apps (mainly games) with long, dirty dependency lists shall live. Apps are containerized using unprivileged Podman. Wayland / X11 access is isolated using Sommelier.
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2025-02-16 15:13:36 -05:00
apps Fixup & update prismlauncher 2025-02-16 15:13:36 -05:00
assets steam: Allow the use of sub-namespaces 2023-06-07 15:44:19 -04:00
deps Bump archlinux base 2024-10-13 09:37:33 -04:00
.gitignore dobu-run: Implement support for persistent HOME inside containers 2023-06-05 22:22:36 -04:00
build-image.sh Add AUR as version check / cache invalidation source 2024-04-27 15:06:07 -04:00
config-default.sh Add support for per-app extra bind mounts 2024-05-16 18:12:52 -04:00
create-shortcut.sh create-shortcut: Do not check for the existence of control files 2023-06-10 14:56:48 -04:00
dobu-run.sh Fixup error message when bind mount configs are nonexistent 2024-10-12 17:16:19 -04:00
functions.sh Add AUR as version check / cache invalidation source 2024-04-27 15:06:07 -04:00
README.md README: Update upstream check docs 2024-04-28 15:28:40 -04:00


This is a collection of scripts and corresponding container images to run desktop Linux applications (mainly games) in isolated environments using unprivileged (rootless) Podman.

Unlike Distrobox, Dobu uses exclusively pre-defined Containerfiles (Dockerfiles) and does not support ad-hoc containers. All applications are defined using Containerfiles under the apps/ directory. Also unlike Distrobox, Dobu does not share everything accessible through the host graphics environment with application containers. By default, Dobu only allows access to the following:

  • Wayland / Xorg proxied through sommelier
    • This gives containers effectively a separate Wayland subcompositor with its own Xwayland server, mitigating risks associated with sharing a desktop session
    • You can optionally grant access to raw Wayland / Xorg sockets for specific apps in config.sh in case of compatibility issues.
  • DRI render nodes (for GL acceleration)
  • PulseAudio / Pipewire server
    • This should ideally be proxied too like Wayland / Xorg, but currently no ideal implementation is known
  • A user-defined, isolated, per-container $HOME directory
  • Direct /dev/input access can be optionally granted


  • A Wayland compositor: this is required for sommelier
  • Unprivileged user namespaces support
    • This is to support Podman and some applications which require further namespacing inside the containers
    • Unprivileged user namespaces will be blocked by default inside application containers unless otherwise specified.
  • Rootless Podman
  • A PulseAudio-compatible audio server


Scripts here expect to be run straight from the repository. Before running any application, you will need to build the sommelier image first, as it is run from its own isolated container too.

$ ./build-image.sh deps/sommelier

Then, take a look at config-default.sh, where some configurable options are located. This includes the base path to $HOME directories for containers, and whether to allow direct /dev/input to some containers, etc. If there is an option you would like to override, create a config.sh and include the override options there.

You should now be ready to run an application. Take a look at apps/, choose an application to run, and build its image (using prismlauncher as an example):

$ ./build-image.sh apps/prismlauncher
$ ./dobu-run.sh apps/prismlauncher

Instead of manually executing ./dobu-run.sh every time, you could also generate a desktop shortcut:

$ ./create-shortcut.sh apps/prismlauncher

Note that this shortcut is created on a best-effort basis. Not all features are supported, but you should at least be able to launch an application through the shortcut.

Adding an Application

Adding an application should in general be straightforward if you are familiar with Containerfiles / Dockerfiles. You can use existing applications under apps/ as a template.

In general, all applications should use a base image available under deps/. Currently, this means either deps/base-archlinux, tagged dobu/deps-base-archlinux when built, or deps/base-ubuntu-jammy, tagged dobu/deps-base-ubuntu-jammy when built.

A Containerfile for a Dobu application looks in general like the following:

FROM dobu/deps-base-<archlinux|ubuntu-jammy>:latest

RUN <whatever you need to install the application>

# This is IMPORTANT because Dobu assumes "user" to be the default unprivileged username inside
# the container. This username will be mapped to the host user ID when a container is started.
USER user

# This is used by create-shortcut.sh to generate desktop entries outside of the container
LABEL net.typeblog.dobu.desktop_file_path="/path/to/desktop/file/in/container"
# If your application requires the use of unprivileged user namespaces even inside the
# container, set the following
# LABEL net.typeblog.dobu.unsafe_i_know_what_i_am_doing_allow_namespaces="true"

ENTRYPOINT [ "/path/to/main/app/binary" ]

Then, run ./build-image.sh apps/your-app to create an image.

There is an additional control file that you could add in your app directory. Currently, there are only a few supported options:

# If your application image is based on an Arch Linux package, setting this would tell Dobu
# to set an argument UPSTREAM_VERSION to the version of the indicated Arch Linux package when
# building the application image. If you refer to this version somewhere in your Containerfile
# (it could be as simple as `ARG UPSTREAM_VERSION` near the start of your Containerfile), this
# would invalidate Podman's build cache whenever this version changes. This allows these images
# to be updated with a simple rebuild instead of having to manually bump some version code
# every time something updates.
# Note that you SHALL NOT depend on the exact value of this UPSTREAM_VERSION variable. It should
# ONLY be used as a cache invalidation mechanism.
# Same thing, but for GitHub upstreams
# or Ubuntu
# or AUR (Arch User Repository)


  • Dobu is currently created with x86_64 and only x86_64 in mind.
  • Applications inside containers share the same UID as the host user. This is to make file sharing easier (otherwise you have to either sudo or podman unshare all the time), and to share things like the Sommelier socket and PulseAudio without making them world-writable or setfacl hacks.
  • Some applications can show compatibility issues when running with Sommelier under some desktop environments. For example, popup dialogs might be positioned wrong. These cases can currently only be worked around by granting direct access to the raw display server in config.sh until Sommelier, the desktop environment, or the app improve.
  • PulseAudio socket is not isolated but shared directly. This could ideally be solved by a proxy of PulseAudio similar to Sommelier for Wayland / Xorg.
  • JACK is unsupported; however, Pipewire socket is shared by default just like PulseAudio, if it exists on the host. All apps requiring JACK is packaged with pipewire-jack in this repository.
  • DBus is not shared at all into application containers. This means that input methods such as Fcitx would not work through their traditional DBus interfaces, and status indicators through libappindicator are broken (e.g. Steam).
    • I do not have a plan to support DBus inside containers. In my opinion, many of these limitations should be solved by Wayland protocols and be proxied through Sommelier. Once compositors, input methods, and Sommelier all support the text_input suite of protocols, they should work inside these containers.