sway: Enable more fancy effects such as fade in on swaylock

...because I just fixed them for swaylock-effects
This commit is contained in:
Peter Cai 2023-01-04 14:09:54 -05:00
parent aa37246fdd
commit 00eaed8a26
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ include /home/peter/.config/sway/local.d/*
output "*" bg $wallpaper fill
bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+l exec "PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS=true pass gocrypt close; systemctl --user stop gpg-agent; /home/peter/.local/bin/swaylock-effects-peter -S --effect-pixelate 20 --clock --indicator --indicator-thickness 6 --ring-color ebdbb2 --inside-color 00000055 --key-hl-color 4d4d4d --line-uses-ring --separator-color 00000000 --text-color ebdbb2 --timestr '%H:%M'"
bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+l exec "PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS=true pass gocrypt close; systemctl --user stop gpg-agent; /home/peter/.local/bin/swaylock-effects-peter -S --effect-pixelate 20 --effect-vignette 0.3:1 --clock --indicator --indicator-thickness 6 --ring-color ebdbb2 --inside-color 00000055 --key-hl-color 4d4d4d --line-uses-ring --separator-color 00000000 --text-color ebdbb2 --timestr '%H:%M' --fade-in 1"
bindsym $mod+x exec bemenu-run | xargs swaymsg exec --
bindsym Print exec grimshot --notify save area