.\"Generated by db2man.xsl. Don't modify this, modify the source. .de Sh \" Subsection .br .if t .Sp .ne 5 .PP \fB\\$1\fR .PP .. .de Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP) .if t .sp .5v .if n .sp .. .de Ip \" List item .br .ie \\n(.$>=3 .ne \\$3 .el .ne 3 .IP "\\$1" \\$2 .. .TH "IRQBALANCE" 1 "Dec 2006" "Linux" "irqbalance" .SH NAME irqbalance \- distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system .SH "SYNOPSIS" .nf \fBirqbalance\fR .fi .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The purpose of \fBirqbalance\fR is distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system in order to increase performance\&. .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .B --oneshot Causes irqbalance to be run once, after which the daemon exits .TP .B --debug Causes irqbalance to run in the foreground and extra debug information to be printed .TP .B --hintpolicy=[exact | subset | ignore] Set the policy for how irq kernel affinity hinting is treated. Can be one of: .P .I exact irq affinity hint is applied unilaterally and never violated .P .I subset irq is balanced, but the assigned object will be a subset of the affintiy hint .P .I ignore irq affinity hint value is completely ignored .SH "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" .TP .B IRQBALANCE_ONESHOT Same as --oneshot .TP .B IRQBALANCE_DEBUG Same as --debug .TP .B IRQBALANCE_BANNED_CPUS Provides a mask of cpus which irqbalance should ignore and never assign interrupts to .TP .B IRQBALANCE_BANNED_INTERRUPTS A list of space delimited IRQ numbers that irqbalance should not touch .SH "Homepage" http://code.google.com/p/irqbalance