l00520965 55c5c321c7 arm64: Add irq aff change check
For aarch64, the PPIs format in /proc/interrputs can be parsed and add to interrupt db, and next, the number of interrupts is counted and used to calculate the load. Finally these interrupts maybe scheduled between the NUMA domains.

Acctually, the PPIs cannot change aff, and it should not be added to interrupt db. This patch fix it.

Add a check before add a interrupt to db, just only reads the irq's aff, and write it back to avoid any impact on the system, According to the result of writing to fitler the irq.
2020-03-17 20:03:43 +08:00

174 lines
4.3 KiB

#include "constants.h"
#include "cpumask.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib-unix.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "config.h"
#ifdef __aarch64__
#define AARCH64
#ifdef HAVE_NUMA_H
#include <numa.h>
#define numa_available() -1
#include <systemd/sd-journal.h>
#define NUMA_NO_NODE (-1)
extern char *classes[];
extern void parse_cpu_tree(void);
extern void clear_work_stats(void);
extern void parse_proc_interrupts(void);
extern GList* collect_full_irq_list();
extern void parse_proc_stat(void);
extern void set_interrupt_count(int number, uint64_t count);
extern void set_msi_interrupt_numa(int number);
extern GList *rebalance_irq_list;
void update_migration_status(void);
void dump_workloads(void);
void sort_irq_list(GList **list);
void calculate_placement(void);
void dump_tree(void);
void activate_mappings(void);
void clear_cpu_tree(void);
void free_cpu_topo(gpointer data);
/*===================NEW BALANCER FUNCTIONS============================*/
* Master topo_obj type lists
extern GList *numa_nodes;
extern GList *packages;
extern GList *cache_domains;
extern GList *cpus;
extern int numa_avail;
extern GList *cl_banned_irqs;
extern int debug_mode;
extern int journal_logging;
extern int one_shot_mode;
extern int need_rescan;
extern int need_rebuild;
extern unsigned long long cycle_count;
extern unsigned long power_thresh;
extern unsigned long deepest_cache;
extern char *polscript;
extern cpumask_t banned_cpus;
extern cpumask_t unbanned_cpus;
extern long HZ;
extern unsigned long migrate_ratio;
* Numa node access routines
extern void build_numa_node_list(void);
extern void free_numa_node_list(void);
extern void dump_numa_node_info(struct topo_obj *node, void *data);
extern void connect_cpu_mem_topo(struct topo_obj *p, void *data);
extern struct topo_obj *get_numa_node(int nodeid);
* cpu core functions
#define cpu_numa_node(cpu) ((cpu)->parent->numa_nodes)
extern struct topo_obj *find_cpu_core(int cpunr);
extern int get_cpu_count(void);
* irq db functions
extern void rebuild_irq_db(void);
extern void free_irq_db(void);
extern void add_cl_banned_irq(int irq);
extern void for_each_irq(GList *list, void (*cb)(struct irq_info *info, void *data), void *data);
extern struct irq_info *get_irq_info(int irq);
extern void migrate_irq(GList **from, GList **to, struct irq_info *info);
extern void free_cl_opts(void);
extern void add_cl_banned_module(char *modname);
extern void add_banned_irq(int irq);
extern void remove_one_irq_from_db(int irq);
#define irq_numa_node(irq) ((irq)->numa_node)
* Generic object functions
static inline void for_each_object(GList *list, void (*cb)(struct topo_obj *obj, void *data), void *data)
GList *entry, *next;
entry = g_list_first(list);
while (entry) {
next = g_list_next(entry);
cb(entry->data, data);
entry = next;
* Logging functions
#define TO_SYSLOG (1 << 0)
#define TO_CONSOLE (1 << 1)
extern const char * log_indent;
extern unsigned int log_mask;
#define log(mask, lvl, fmt, args...) do { \
if (journal_logging) { \
sd_journal_print(lvl, fmt, ##args); \
if (log_mask & mask & TO_CONSOLE) \
printf(fmt, ##args); \
} else { \
if (log_mask & mask & TO_SYSLOG) \
syslog(lvl, fmt, ##args); \
if (log_mask & mask & TO_CONSOLE) \
printf(fmt, ##args); \
} \
#else /* ! HAVE_LIBSYSTEMD */
#define log(mask, lvl, fmt, args...) do { \
if (journal_logging) { \
printf("<%d>", lvl); \
printf(fmt, ##args); \
} else { \
if (log_mask & mask & TO_SYSLOG) \
syslog(lvl, fmt, ##args); \
if (log_mask & mask & TO_CONSOLE) \
printf(fmt, ##args); \
} \
#endif /* HAVE_LIBSYSTEMD */
#define SOCKET_PATH "irqbalance"
#define SOCKET_TMPFS "/run/irqbalance/"
extern int process_one_line(char *path, void (*cb)(char *line, void *data), void *data);
extern void get_mask_from_bitmap(char *line, void *mask);
extern void get_int(char *line, void *data);
extern void get_hex(char *line, void *data);