Neil Horman 65169e022c Add banscript option
Its been requested in several different ways, that irqbalance have a more robust
mechanism for setting balancing policy at run time.  While I don't feel its
apropriate to have irqbalance be able to implement arbitrary balance policy
(having a flexible mechanism to define which irqs should be placed where can
become exceedingly complex), I do think we need some mechanism that easily
allows users to dynamically exclude irqs from the irqbalance policy at run time.
The banscript option does exactly this.  It allows the user to point irqbalance
toward an exacutable file that is run one for each irq deiscovered passing the
sysfs path of the device and an irq vector as arguments.  A zero exit code tells
irqbalance to manage the irq as it normally would, while a non-zero exit tells
irqbalance to ignore the interrupt entirely.  This provides adminstrators a code
point with which to exclude irqs dynamically based on any programatic
informatino available, and to manage those irqs independently, etither via
another irqbalance like program, or via static affinity setting.

Signed-off-by: Neil Horman <>

2012-07-05 15:21:25 -04:00

110 lines
3 KiB

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.TH "IRQBALANCE" 1 "Dec 2006" "Linux" "irqbalance"
irqbalance \- distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system
The purpose of \fBirqbalance\fR is distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system in order to increase performance\&.
.B --oneshot
Causes irqbalance to be run once, after which the daemon exits
.B --debug
Causes irqbalance to print extra debug information. Implies --foreground
.B --foreground
Causes irqbalance to run in the foreground (without --debug)
.B --hintpolicy=[exact | subset | ignore]
Set the policy for how irq kernel affinity hinting is treated. Can be one of:
.I exact
irq affinity hint is applied unilaterally and never violated
.I subset
irq is balanced, but the assigned object will be a subset of the affintiy hint
.I ignore
irq affinity hint value is completely ignored
.B --powerthresh=<threshold>
Set the threshold at which we attempt to move a cpu into powersave mode
If more than <threshold> cpus are more than 1 standard deviation below the
average cpu softirq workload, and no cpus are more than 1 standard deviation
above (and have more than 1 irq assigned to them), attempt to place 1 cpu in
powersave mode. In powersave mode, a cpu will not have any irqs balanced to it,
in an effort to prevent that cpu from waking up without need.
.B --banirq=<irqnum>
Add the specified irq list to the set of banned irqs. irqbalance will not affect
the affinity of any irqs on the banned list, allowing them to be specified
manually. This option is addative and can be specified multiple times
.B --banscript=<script>
Execute the specified script for each irq that is discovered, passing the sysfs
path to the associated device as the first argument, and the irq vector as the
second. An exit value of 0 tells irqbalance that this interrupt should balanced
and managed as a normal irq, while a non-zero exit code indicates this irq
should be ignored by irqbalance completely (see --banirq above). Use of this
script provides users the ability to dynamically select which irqs get exluded
from balancing, and provides an opportunity for manual affinity setting in one
single code point.
.B --pid=<file>
Have irqbalance write its process id to the specified file. By default no
pidfile is written. The written pidfile is automatically unlinked when
irqbalance exits.
Same as --oneshot
Same as --debug
Provides a mask of cpus which irqbalance should ignore and never assign interrupts to
.SH "Homepage"