var NickMap = require("./nickmap"); module.exports = class Forwarder { constructor(clientIRC, clientMatrix, mappingI2M, mappingM2I) { this.clientIRC = clientIRC; this.clientMatrix = clientMatrix; this.mappingI2M = mappingI2M; this.mappingM2I = mappingM2I; this.nickMap = new NickMap("./nickmap.json"); } joinIRCRooms() { console.log("Joining IRC Rooms..."); for (const room of Object.keys(this.mappingI2M)) { this.clientIRC.say("ChanServ", "INVITE " + room); this.clientIRC.join(room); } } start() { this.joinIRCRooms(); console.log("Starting relay"); this.clientIRC.on("registered", this.onReconnect.bind(this)); this.clientIRC.on("message", this.onIRCMessage.bind(this)); this.clientMatrix.on("Room.timeline", this.onMatrixMessage.bind(this)); } onReconnect() { console.log("IRC client reconnected"); this.joinIRCRooms(); } onIRCMessage(event) { if (! { // Not something we care about return; } if (!this.mappingI2M[]) { // Not a mapped channel return; } let content = null; if (event.type == "action") { content = { msgtype: "m.text", body: `* ${event.nick} ${event.message}` } } else { content = { msgtype: "m.text", body: `[${event.nick}] ${event.message}` } } this.clientMatrix.sendMessage(this.mappingI2M[], content); } stripMatrixName(name) { if (name.length < 16) { return name; } else { return name.slice(0, 16); } } isMatrixCommand(msg) { return msg.startsWith("!"); } handleMatrixCommand(sender, msg) { let splitted = msg.split(" "); let cmd = splitted[0].slice(1); switch (cmd) { case "nick": if (splitted.length < 2) { this.nickMap.set(sender.userId, null); this.clientMatrix.sendMessage(sender.roomId, { msgtype: "m.text", body: `Nickname of '${}' cleared` }); } else if (splitted.length >= 3 || splitted[1].length > 16) { this.clientMatrix.sendMessage(sender.roomId, { msgtype: "m.text", body: "Invalid nickname format (too long or contains space)" }); } else { this.nickMap.set(sender.userId, splitted[1]); this.clientMatrix.sendMessage(sender.roomId, { msgtype: "m.text", body: `Nickname of '${}' changed to '${splitted[1]}'` }); } return true; default: return false; } } onMatrixMessage(event, room, toStartOfTimeline) { if (toStartOfTimeline) { return; // Ignore pagniation } if (!this.mappingM2I[room.roomId]) { return; // Unmapped room } if (event.sender.userId == this.clientMatrix.getUserId()) { return; // Prevent loop } let content = event.getContent(); if (event.getType() == "" && this.isMatrixCommand(content.body)) { if (this.handleMatrixCommand(event.sender, content.body)) { return; } } let msgTxt = null; switch (event.getType()) { case "m.sticker": msgTxt = `${content.body} ${this.clientMatrix.mxcUrlToHttp(content.url)}`; break; case "": switch (content.msgtype) { case "m.image": case "": case "m.file": case "": msgTxt = `${content.body} ${this.clientMatrix.mxcUrlToHttp(content.url)}`; break; default: msgTxt = content.body; break; } break; } if (msgTxt != null) { let name = this.stripMatrixName(; let mappedName = this.nickMap.get(event.sender.userId); if (mappedName) { name = mappedName; } if (content.msgtype == "m.emote") { // Special format for emote this.clientIRC.say(this.mappingM2I[room.roomId], `* ${name} ${msgTxt}`); } else { this.clientIRC.say(this.mappingM2I[room.roomId], `[${name}] ${msgTxt}`); } } } }