package consent import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" client "" "misso/consts" "misso/global" "misso/types" "misso/utils" "net/http" ) func ConsentCheck(ctx *gin.Context) { oauth2challenge := ctx.Query("consent_challenge") // OAuth2 login if oauth2challenge == "" { ctx.HTML(http.StatusBadRequest, "error.tmpl", gin.H{ "error": "Necessary challenge not provided", }) return } // Get OAuth2 Request global.Logger.Debugf("Getting OAuth2 Consent Request...") consentReq, _, err := global.Hydra.Admin.OAuth2Api.GetOAuth2ConsentRequest(context.Background()).ConsentChallenge(oauth2challenge).Execute() if err != nil { global.Logger.Errorf("Failed to get required consent request with error: %v", err) ctx.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error.tmpl", gin.H{ "error": "Failed to get required consent request", }) return } // Check if is able to skip if consentReq.Skip != nil && *consentReq.Skip { global.Logger.Debugf("Consent is able to skip, skipping...") // Skip consent confirm acceptReq, _, err := global.Hydra.Admin.OAuth2Api.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest(context.Background()).ConsentChallenge(oauth2challenge).AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest(client.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest{ GrantScope: consentReq.RequestedScope, GrantAccessTokenAudience: consentReq.RequestedAccessTokenAudience, }).Execute() if err != nil { global.Logger.Errorf("Failed to accept consent request with error: %v", err) ctx.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error.tmpl", gin.H{ "error": "Failed to accept consent request", }) return } // Redirect to target uri ctx.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, acceptReq.RedirectTo) global.Logger.Debugf("User should now be redirecting to target URI.") } else { global.Logger.Debugf("Consent is NOT able to skip, preparing authorize UI...") // Generate CSRF token global.Logger.Debugf("Generating CSRF token...") csrf := utils.RandString(32) sessKey := fmt.Sprintf(consts.REDIS_KEY_CONSENT_CSRF, csrf) err := global.Redis.Set(context.Background(), sessKey, oauth2challenge, consts.TIME_CONSENT_REQUEST_VALID).Err() if err != nil { global.Logger.Errorf("Failed to save csrf into redis with error: %v", err) ctx.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error.tmpl", gin.H{ "error": "Failed to save csrf", }) return } // Retrieve context global.Logger.Debugf("Retrieving context...") var acceptCtx types.SessionContext sessKey = fmt.Sprintf(consts.REDIS_KEY_SHARE_CONTEXT, *consentReq.Subject) acceptCtxBytes, err := global.Redis.Get(context.Background(), sessKey).Bytes() if err != nil { global.Logger.Errorf("Failed to retrieve context with error: %v", err) ctx.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error.tmpl", gin.H{ "error": "Failed to retrieve context", }) return } global.Logger.Debugf("Decoding context...") err = json.Unmarshal(acceptCtxBytes, &acceptCtx) if err != nil { global.Logger.Errorf("Failed to parse context with error: %v", err) ctx.HTML(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error.tmpl", gin.H{ "error": "Failed to parse context", }) return } // Show the consent UI global.Logger.Debugf("Rendering consent UI...") ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, "consent.tmpl", gin.H{ "client": consentReq.Client, "user": acceptCtx.User, "challenge": oauth2challenge, "csrf": csrf, }) global.Logger.Debugf("User should now see Consent UI.") } }