/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Schürmann & Breitmoser GbR * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.securitytoken.usb; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import android.hardware.usb.UsbDeviceConnection; import android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.annotation.WorkerThread; import com.google.auto.value.AutoValue; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.securitytoken.usb.UsbTransportException.UsbCcidErrorException; import timber.log.Timber; import static org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex.toHexString; public class CcidTransceiver { private static final int CCID_HEADER_LENGTH = 10; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_RDR_TO_PC_DATA_BLOCK = 0x80; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_PC_TO_RDR_ICC_POWER_ON = 0x62; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_PC_TO_RDR_ICC_POWER_OFF = 0x63; private static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_PC_TO_RDR_XFR_BLOCK = 0x6f; private static final int COMMAND_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; private static final int COMMAND_STATUS_TIME_EXTENSION_RQUESTED = 2; private static final int SLOT_NUMBER = 0x00; private static final int ICC_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; private static final int DEVICE_COMMUNICATE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 5000; private static final int DEVICE_SKIP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 100; private final UsbDeviceConnection usbConnection; private final UsbEndpoint usbBulkIn; private final UsbEndpoint usbBulkOut; private final CcidDescription usbCcidDescription; private final byte[] inputBuffer; private byte currentSequenceNumber; CcidTransceiver(UsbDeviceConnection connection, UsbEndpoint bulkIn, UsbEndpoint bulkOut, CcidDescription ccidDescription) { usbConnection = connection; usbBulkIn = bulkIn; usbBulkOut = bulkOut; usbCcidDescription = ccidDescription; inputBuffer = new byte[usbBulkIn.getMaxPacketSize()]; } /** * Power of ICC * Spec: 6.1.1 PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn */ @NonNull @WorkerThread public synchronized CcidDataBlock iccPowerOn() throws UsbTransportException { long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); skipAvailableInput(); CcidDataBlock response = null; for (CcidDescription.Voltage v : usbCcidDescription.getVoltages()) { Timber.v("CCID: attempting to power on with voltage " + v.toString()); try { response = iccPowerOnVoltage(v.powerOnValue); } catch (UsbCcidErrorException e) { if (e.getErrorResponse().getError() == 7) { // Power select error Timber.v("CCID: failed to power on with voltage " + v.toString()); iccPowerOff(); Timber.v("CCID: powered off"); continue; } throw e; } break; } if (response == null) { throw new UsbTransportException("Couldn't power up ICC2"); } long elapsedTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startTime; Timber.d("Usb transport connected, took " + elapsedTime + "ms, ATR=" + toHexString(response.getData())); return response; } private CcidDataBlock iccPowerOnVoltage(byte voltage) throws UsbTransportException { byte sequenceNumber = currentSequenceNumber++; final byte[] iccPowerCommand = { MESSAGE_TYPE_PC_TO_RDR_ICC_POWER_ON, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, SLOT_NUMBER, sequenceNumber, voltage, 0x00, 0x00 // reserved for future use }; sendRaw(iccPowerCommand, 0, iccPowerCommand.length); return receiveDataBlock(sequenceNumber); } private void iccPowerOff() throws UsbTransportException { byte sequenceNumber = currentSequenceNumber++; final byte[] iccPowerCommand = { MESSAGE_TYPE_PC_TO_RDR_ICC_POWER_OFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, sequenceNumber, 0x00 }; sendRaw(iccPowerCommand, 0, iccPowerCommand.length); } /** * Transmits XfrBlock * 6.1.4 PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock * * @param payload payload to transmit */ @WorkerThread public synchronized CcidDataBlock sendXfrBlock(byte[] payload) throws UsbTransportException { long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); int l = payload.length; byte sequenceNumber = currentSequenceNumber++; byte[] headerData = { MESSAGE_TYPE_PC_TO_RDR_XFR_BLOCK, (byte) l, (byte) (l >> 8), (byte) (l >> 16), (byte) (l >> 24), SLOT_NUMBER, sequenceNumber, 0x00, // block waiting time 0x00, 0x00 // level parameters }; byte[] data = Arrays.concatenate(headerData, payload); int sentBytes = 0; while (sentBytes < data.length) { int bytesToSend = Math.min(usbBulkOut.getMaxPacketSize(), data.length - sentBytes); sendRaw(data, sentBytes, bytesToSend); sentBytes += bytesToSend; } CcidDataBlock ccidDataBlock = receiveDataBlock(sequenceNumber); long elapsedTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startTime; Timber.d("USB XferBlock call took " + elapsedTime + "ms"); return ccidDataBlock; } private void skipAvailableInput() { int ignoredBytes; do { ignoredBytes = usbConnection.bulkTransfer( usbBulkIn, inputBuffer, inputBuffer.length, DEVICE_SKIP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); if (ignoredBytes > 0) { Timber.e("Skipped " + ignoredBytes + " bytes: " + toHexString(inputBuffer, 0, ignoredBytes)); } } while (ignoredBytes > 0); } private CcidDataBlock receiveDataBlock(byte expectedSequenceNumber) throws UsbTransportException { CcidDataBlock response; do { response = receiveDataBlockImmediate(expectedSequenceNumber); } while (response.isStatusTimeoutExtensionRequest()); if (!response.isStatusSuccess()) { throw new UsbCcidErrorException("USB-CCID error!", response); } return response; } private CcidDataBlock receiveDataBlockImmediate(byte expectedSequenceNumber) throws UsbTransportException { int readBytes = usbConnection.bulkTransfer(usbBulkIn, inputBuffer, inputBuffer.length, DEVICE_COMMUNICATE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); if (readBytes < CCID_HEADER_LENGTH) { throw new UsbTransportException("USB-CCID error - failed to receive CCID header"); } if (inputBuffer[0] != (byte) MESSAGE_TYPE_RDR_TO_PC_DATA_BLOCK) { if (expectedSequenceNumber != inputBuffer[6]) { throw new UsbTransportException("USB-CCID error - bad CCID header, type " + inputBuffer[0] + " (expected " + MESSAGE_TYPE_RDR_TO_PC_DATA_BLOCK + "), sequence number " + inputBuffer[6] + " (expected " + expectedSequenceNumber + ")"); } throw new UsbTransportException("USB-CCID error - bad CCID header type " + inputBuffer[0]); } CcidDataBlock result = CcidDataBlock.parseHeaderFromBytes(inputBuffer); if (expectedSequenceNumber != result.getSeq()) { throw new UsbTransportException("USB-CCID error - expected sequence number " + expectedSequenceNumber + ", got " + result); } byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[result.getDataLength()]; int bufferedBytes = readBytes - CCID_HEADER_LENGTH; System.arraycopy(inputBuffer, CCID_HEADER_LENGTH, dataBuffer, 0, bufferedBytes); while (bufferedBytes < dataBuffer.length) { readBytes = usbConnection.bulkTransfer(usbBulkIn, inputBuffer, inputBuffer.length, DEVICE_COMMUNICATE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); if (readBytes < 0) { throw new UsbTransportException("USB error - failed reading response data! Header: " + result); } System.arraycopy(inputBuffer, 0, dataBuffer, bufferedBytes, readBytes); bufferedBytes += readBytes; } result = result.withData(dataBuffer); return result; } private void sendRaw(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws UsbTransportException { int tr1; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { tr1 = usbConnection.bulkTransfer(usbBulkOut, data, offset, length, DEVICE_COMMUNICATE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); } else { byte[] dataToSend = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset+length); tr1 = usbConnection.bulkTransfer(usbBulkOut, dataToSend, dataToSend.length, DEVICE_COMMUNICATE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); } if (tr1 != length) { throw new UsbTransportException("USB error - failed to transmit data (" + tr1 + "/" + length + ")"); } } /** Corresponds to 6.2.1 RDR_to_PC_DataBlock. */ @AutoValue public abstract static class CcidDataBlock { public abstract int getDataLength(); public abstract byte getSlot(); public abstract byte getSeq(); public abstract byte getStatus(); public abstract byte getError(); public abstract byte getChainParameter(); @Nullable @SuppressWarnings("mutable") public abstract byte[] getData(); static CcidDataBlock parseHeaderFromBytes(byte[] headerBytes) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerBytes); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byte type = buf.get(); if (type != (byte) MESSAGE_TYPE_RDR_TO_PC_DATA_BLOCK) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header has incorrect type value!"); } int dwLength = buf.getInt(); byte bSlot = buf.get(); byte bSeq = buf.get(); byte bStatus = buf.get(); byte bError = buf.get(); byte bChainParameter = buf.get(); return new AutoValue_CcidTransceiver_CcidDataBlock( dwLength, bSlot, bSeq, bStatus, bError, bChainParameter, null); } CcidDataBlock withData(byte[] data) { if (getData() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add data to this class twice!"); } return new AutoValue_CcidTransceiver_CcidDataBlock( getDataLength(), getSlot(), getSeq(), getStatus(), getError(), getChainParameter(), data); } byte getIccStatus() { return (byte) (getStatus() & 0x03); } byte getCommandStatus() { return (byte) ((getStatus() >> 6) & 0x03); } boolean isStatusTimeoutExtensionRequest() { return getCommandStatus() == COMMAND_STATUS_TIME_EXTENSION_RQUESTED; } boolean isStatusSuccess() { return getIccStatus() == ICC_STATUS_SUCCESS && getCommandStatus() == COMMAND_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } }