package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.remote; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import org.openintents.openpgp.util.OpenPgpApi; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.Constants; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.provider.KeychainExternalContract.EmailStatus; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.ui.util.KeyFormattingUtils; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.Log; class OpenPgpServiceKeyIdExtractor { @VisibleForTesting static final String[] PROJECTION_KEY_SEARCH = { "email_address", "master_key_id", "email_status", }; private static final int INDEX_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 0; private static final int INDEX_MASTER_KEY_ID = 1; private static final int INDEX_EMAIL_STATUS = 2; private final ApiPendingIntentFactory apiPendingIntentFactory; private final ContentResolver contentResolver; static OpenPgpServiceKeyIdExtractor getInstance(ContentResolver contentResolver, ApiPendingIntentFactory apiPendingIntentFactory) { return new OpenPgpServiceKeyIdExtractor(contentResolver, apiPendingIntentFactory); } private OpenPgpServiceKeyIdExtractor(ContentResolver contentResolver, ApiPendingIntentFactory apiPendingIntentFactory) { this.contentResolver = contentResolver; this.apiPendingIntentFactory = apiPendingIntentFactory; } KeyIdResult returnKeyIdsFromIntent(Intent data, boolean askIfNoUserIdsProvided, String callingPackageName) { boolean hasKeysFromSelectPubkeyActivity = data.hasExtra(OpenPgpApi.EXTRA_KEY_IDS_SELECTED); KeyIdResult result; if (hasKeysFromSelectPubkeyActivity) { HashSet encryptKeyIds = new HashSet<>(); for (long keyId : data.getLongArrayExtra(OpenPgpApi.EXTRA_KEY_IDS_SELECTED)) { encryptKeyIds.add(keyId); } result = createKeysOkResult(encryptKeyIds, false); } else if (data.hasExtra(OpenPgpApi.EXTRA_USER_IDS) || askIfNoUserIdsProvided) { String[] userIds = data.getStringArrayExtra(OpenPgpApi.EXTRA_USER_IDS); result = returnKeyIdsFromEmails(data, userIds, callingPackageName); } else { result = createNoKeysResult(); } // add key ids from non-ambiguous key id extra if (data.hasExtra(OpenPgpApi.EXTRA_KEY_IDS)) { HashSet explicitKeyIds = new HashSet<>(); for (long keyId : data.getLongArrayExtra(OpenPgpApi.EXTRA_KEY_IDS)) { explicitKeyIds.add(keyId); } result = result.withExplicitKeyIds(explicitKeyIds); } return result; } private KeyIdResult returnKeyIdsFromEmails(Intent data, String[] encryptionUserIds, String callingPackageName) { boolean hasUserIds = (encryptionUserIds != null && encryptionUserIds.length > 0); boolean anyKeyNotVerified = false; HashSet keyIds = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList missingEmails = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList duplicateEmails = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap keyRows = new HashMap<>(); if (hasUserIds) { Uri queryUri = EmailStatus.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(callingPackageName).build(); Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(queryUri, PROJECTION_KEY_SEARCH, null, encryptionUserIds, null); if (cursor == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error, received null cursor!"); } try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String queryAddress = cursor.getString(INDEX_EMAIL_ADDRESS); Long masterKeyId = cursor.isNull(INDEX_MASTER_KEY_ID) ? null : cursor.getLong(INDEX_MASTER_KEY_ID); int verified = cursor.getInt(INDEX_EMAIL_STATUS); KeyRow row = new KeyRow(masterKeyId, verified == 2); if (!keyRows.containsKey(queryAddress)) { keyRows.put(queryAddress, row); continue; } KeyRow previousRow = keyRows.get(queryAddress); if (previousRow.masterKeyId == null) { keyRows.put(queryAddress, row); } else if (!previousRow.verified && row.verified) { keyRows.put(queryAddress, row); } else if (previousRow.verified == row.verified) { previousRow.hasDuplicate = true; } } } finally { cursor.close(); } for (Entry entry : keyRows.entrySet()) { String queriedAddress = entry.getKey(); KeyRow keyRow = entry.getValue(); if (keyRow.masterKeyId == null) { missingEmails.add(queriedAddress); continue; } keyIds.add(keyRow.masterKeyId); if (keyRow.hasDuplicate) { duplicateEmails.add(queriedAddress); } if (!keyRow.verified) { anyKeyNotVerified = true; } } if (keyRows.size() != encryptionUserIds.length) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Number of rows doesn't match number of retrieved rows! Probably a bug?"); } } long[] keyIdsArray = KeyFormattingUtils.getUnboxedLongArray(keyIds); PendingIntent pi = apiPendingIntentFactory.createSelectPublicKeyPendingIntent(data, keyIdsArray, missingEmails, duplicateEmails, false); if (!missingEmails.isEmpty()) { return createMissingKeysResult(pi); } if (!duplicateEmails.isEmpty()) { return createDuplicateKeysResult(pi); } if (keyIds.isEmpty()) { return createNoKeysResult(pi); } boolean allKeysConfirmed = !anyKeyNotVerified; return createKeysOkResult(keyIds, allKeysConfirmed); } private static class KeyRow { private final Long masterKeyId; private final boolean verified; private boolean hasDuplicate; KeyRow(Long masterKeyId, boolean verified) { this.masterKeyId = masterKeyId; this.verified = verified; } } static class KeyIdResult { private final PendingIntent mKeySelectionPendingIntent; private final HashSet mUserKeyIds; private final HashSet mExplicitKeyIds; private final KeyIdResultStatus mStatus; private final boolean mAllKeysConfirmed; private KeyIdResult(PendingIntent keySelectionPendingIntent, KeyIdResultStatus keyIdResultStatus) { mKeySelectionPendingIntent = keySelectionPendingIntent; mUserKeyIds = null; mAllKeysConfirmed = false; mStatus = keyIdResultStatus; mExplicitKeyIds = null; } private KeyIdResult(HashSet keyIds, boolean allKeysConfirmed, KeyIdResultStatus keyIdResultStatus) { mKeySelectionPendingIntent = null; mUserKeyIds = keyIds; mAllKeysConfirmed = allKeysConfirmed; mStatus = keyIdResultStatus; mExplicitKeyIds = null; } private KeyIdResult(KeyIdResult keyIdResult, HashSet explicitKeyIds) { mKeySelectionPendingIntent = keyIdResult.mKeySelectionPendingIntent; mUserKeyIds = keyIdResult.mUserKeyIds; mAllKeysConfirmed = keyIdResult.mAllKeysConfirmed; mStatus = keyIdResult.mStatus; mExplicitKeyIds = explicitKeyIds; } boolean hasKeySelectionPendingIntent() { return mKeySelectionPendingIntent != null; } PendingIntent getKeySelectionPendingIntent() { if (mKeySelectionPendingIntent == null) { throw new AssertionError("result intent must not be null when getResultIntent is called!"); } if (mUserKeyIds != null) { throw new AssertionError("key ids must be null when getKeyIds is called!"); } return mKeySelectionPendingIntent; } long[] getKeyIds() { if (mKeySelectionPendingIntent != null) { throw new AssertionError("result intent must be null when getKeyIds is called!"); } HashSet allKeyIds = new HashSet<>(); if (mUserKeyIds != null) { allKeyIds.addAll(mUserKeyIds); } if (mExplicitKeyIds != null) { allKeyIds.addAll(mExplicitKeyIds); } return KeyFormattingUtils.getUnboxedLongArray(allKeyIds); } boolean isAllKeysConfirmed() { return mAllKeysConfirmed; } private KeyIdResult withExplicitKeyIds(HashSet explicitKeyIds) { return new KeyIdResult(this, explicitKeyIds); } KeyIdResultStatus getStatus() { return mStatus; } } enum KeyIdResultStatus { OK, MISSING, DUPLICATE, NO_KEYS, NO_KEYS_ERROR } private KeyIdResult createKeysOkResult(HashSet encryptKeyIds, boolean allKeysConfirmed) { return new KeyIdResult(encryptKeyIds, allKeysConfirmed, KeyIdResultStatus.OK); } private static KeyIdResult createNoKeysResult(PendingIntent pendingIntent) { return new KeyIdResult(pendingIntent, KeyIdResultStatus.NO_KEYS); } private static KeyIdResult createNoKeysResult() { return new KeyIdResult(null, KeyIdResultStatus.NO_KEYS_ERROR); } private static KeyIdResult createDuplicateKeysResult(PendingIntent pendingIntent) { return new KeyIdResult(pendingIntent, KeyIdResultStatus.DUPLICATE); } private static KeyIdResult createMissingKeysResult(PendingIntent pendingIntent) { return new KeyIdResult(pendingIntent, KeyIdResultStatus.MISSING); } }