[//]: # (NOTERING: Var vänlig och sätt varje mening på sin egen rad, Transifex sätter varje rad i sitt eget fält för översättningar!) ## 5.1 * Stöd för Ledger Nano S * Stöd för Web Key Directory (WKD) sökning * Åtgärdat potentiellt API-säkerhetsproblem ## 5.0 * Förbättrat stöd för Autocrypt ## 4.9 * Curve25519 stöd * Förbättrat stöd för säkerhetstoken ## 4.8 * Förbättrat stöd för USB-tokens: Gnuk, Nitrokey-modeller, YubiKey 4-modeller * Funktion för att hitta platsen för enhetens NFC-läsare ## 4.7 * Förbättrad import från urklipp * Ny nyckelskaparguide för säkerhetstoken * Removed password cache "time to live" setting ## 4.6 * Import your keys using our new Secure Wi-Fi Transfer mechanism ## 4.5 * Detaljerad beskrivning av säkerhetsproblem * Visa keyserverstatus per nyckel * Stöd för EdDSA * Åtgärda pgp.mit.edu (nytt certifikat) ## 4.4 * Ny nyckelstatus visar detaljerad information varför en nyckel anses vara osäker eller defekt ## 4.3 * Bättre stöd för stora nycklar * Åtgärdar import av Gpg4win-filer med brutna kodningar ## 4.2 * Experimental support for Elliptic Curve Encryption with Security Tokens * Redesigned key import screen * Design improvements to key lists * Support for keyserver onion addresses ## 4.1 * Bättre detektering av e-post och annat innehåll när den öppnas ## 4.0 * Experimentellt stöd för säkerhetstoken via USB * Tillåt lösenord byte av avskalade nycklar ## 3.9 * Detektering och hantering av textdata * Prestandaförbättringar * UI-förbättringar för hantering av säkerhetstoken ## 3.8 * Gjort om nyckelredigering * Välj kom ihåg tid individuellt när du skriver lösenord * Facebook nyckelimport ## 3.7 * Förbättrat stöd för Android 6 (behörigheter, integration i textmarkeringen ) * API: Version 10 ## 3.6 * Krypterade säkerhetskopior * Säkerhetskorrigeringar baserade på extern säkerhetsrevision * YubiKey NEO-guide för att skapa nyckel * Grundläggande internt MIME-stöd * Automatisk nyckelsynkronisering * Experimentell funktion: länka nycklar till Github- och Twitter-konton * Experimentell funktion: nyckelbekräftelse via fraser * Experimentell funktion: mörkt tema * API: Version 9 ## 3.5 * Nyckelåterkallelse vid nyckelradering * Förbättrade kontroller för osäker kryptografi * Fix: Don't close OpenKeychain after first time wizard succeeds * API: Version 8 ## 3.4 * Anonym nyckelhämtning över Tor * Proxy stöd * Better YubiKey error handling ## 3.3 * Ny dekrypteringsfönster * Decryption of multiple files at once * Better handling of YubiKey errors ## 3.2 * Första versionen med fullt YubiKey-stöd tillgängligt från användargränssnittet: Redigera nycklar. binda YubiKey till nycklar,... * Materialkonstruktion * Integrering av skanning av QR-kod (Nya behörigheter krävs) * Förbättrade guiden för skapande av nyckel * Åtgärda kontakter som saknas efter synkronisering * Kräver Android 4 * Redesigned key screen * Simplify crypto preferences, better selection of secure ciphers * API: Detached signatures, free selection of signing key,... * Korrigering: Vissa giltiga nycklar visades som återkallade eller förfallna * Acceptera inte signaturer av undernycklar som har förfallit eller återkallats * Keybase.io-stöd i avancerad vy * Metod för att uppdatera alla nycklar på en gång ## 3.1.2 * Fix key export to files (now for real) ## 3.1.1 * Fix key export to files (they were written partially) * Åtgärda krasch i Android 2.3 ## 3.1 * Åtgärda krasch i Android 5 Ny certifieringsskärm * Secure Exchange directly from key list (SafeSlinger library) * New QR Code program flow * Redesigned decrypt screen * New icon usage and colors * Fix import of secret keys from Symantec Encryption Desktop * Experimental YubiKey support: Subkey IDs are now checked correctly ## 3.0.1 * Better handling of large key imports * Improved subkey selection ## 3.0 * Propose installable compatible apps in apps list * New design for decryption screens * Many fixes for key import, also fixes stripped keys * Honor and display key authenticate flags * User interface to generate custom keys * Fixing user ID revocation certificates * Ny moln sökning (sökningar över traditionella nyckelservrar och keybase.io) * Support for stripping keys inside OpenKeychain * Experimental YubiKey support: Support for signature generation and decryption ## 2.9.2 Åtgärda trasiga nycklar i 2.9.1 * Experimental YubiKey support: Decryption now working via API ## 2.9.1 * Split encrypt screen into two * Fix key flags handling (now supporting Mailvelope 0.7 keys) * Improved passphrase handling * Key sharing via SafeSlinger * Experimental YubiKey support: Preference to allow other PINs, currently only signing via the OpenPGP API works, not inside of OpenKeychain * Fix usage of stripped keys * SHA256 as default for compatibility * Intent API has changed, see https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/wiki/Intent-API * OpenPGP API hanterar nu återkallade/utgångna nycklar och returnerar alla användar-ids ## 2.9 * Fixing crashes introduced in v2.8 * Experimental ECC support * Experimental YubiKey support: Only signing with imported keys ## 2.8 * So many bugs have been fixed in this release that we focus on the main new features * Key edit: awesome new design, key revocation * Key import: awesome new design, secure keyserver connections via hkps, keyserver resolving via DNS SRV records * New first time screen * New key creation screen: autocompletion of name and email based on your personal Android accounts * Filkryptering: maffig ny design, stöd för kryptering av flera filer * Nya ikoner för att visa status för nyckeln (av Brennan Novak) * Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible * Notification showing cached passphrases * Keys are connected to Android's contacts This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar ## 2.7 * Purple! (Dominik, Vincent) * New key view design (Dominik, Vincent) * New flat Android buttons (Dominik, Vincent) * API fixes (Dominik) * Keybase.io import (Tim Bray) ## 2.6.1 * Some fixes for regression bugs ## 2.6 * Key certifications (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser) * Support for GnuPG partial secret keys (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser) * New design for signature verification * Custom key length (thanks to Greg Witczak) * Fix share-functionality from other apps ## 2.5 * Åtgärda dekryptering av symmetriska OpenPGP-meddelanden/filer * Refactored key edit screen (thanks to Ash Hughes) * Ny modern design för kryptera/dekryptera skärmar * OpenPGP API version 3 (multiple api accounts, internal fixes, key lookup) ## 2.4 Thanks to all applicants of Google Summer of Code 2014 who made this release feature rich and bug free! Besides several small patches, a notable number of patches are made by the following people (in alphabetical order): Daniel Hammann, Daniel Haß, Greg Witczak, Miroojin Bakshi, Nikhil Peter Raj, Paul Sarbinowski, Sreeram Boyapati, Vincent Breitmoser. * New unified key list * Colorized key fingerprint * Support for keyserver ports * Deactivate possibility to generate weak keys * Much more internal work on the API * Certify user ids * Keyserver query based on machine-readable output * Lock navigation drawer on tablets * Suggestions for emails on creation of keys * Sök i offentliga nyckellistor * And much more improvements and fixes… ## 2.3.1 * Hotfix for crash when upgrading from old versions ## 2.3 * Remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes) * Fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes) * More internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes) * Querying keyservers directly from the import screen * Fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0 * Fix crash on keys with empty user ids * Fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen * Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source * Fix upload of key from signing screen ## 2.2 * New design with navigation drawer * New public key list design * New public key view * Bug fixes for importing of keys * Key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes) * Handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes) * First version with new languages (thanks to the contributors on Transifex) * Sharing of keys via QR Codes fixed and improved * Package signature verification for API ## 2.1.1 * API Updates, preparation for K-9 Mail integration ## 2.1 * Lots of bug fixes * New API for developers * PRNG bug fix by Google ## 2.0 * Complete redesign * Share public keys via QR codes, NFC beam * Sign keys * Skicka nycklar till server * Fixes import issues * New AIDL API ## 1.0.8 * Basic keyserver support * App2sd * More choices for passphrase cache: 1, 2, 4, 8, hours * Translations: Norwegian Bokmål (thanks, Sander Danielsen), Chinese (thanks, Zhang Fredrick) * Bugfixes * Optimizations ## 1.0.7 * Fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline * More options for passphrase cache time to live (20, 40, 60 mins) ## 1.0.6 * Account adding crash on Froyo fixed * Secure file deletion * Option to delete key file after import * Stream encryption/decryption (gallery, etc.) * New options (language, force v3 signatures) * Interface changes * Bugfixes ## 1.0.5 * German and Italian translation * Much smaller package, due to reduced BC sources * New preferences GUI * Layout adjustment for localization * Signature bugfix ## 1.0.4 * Fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder ## 1.0.3 * Fixed crashes during encryption/signing and possibly key export ## 1.0.2 * Filterable key lists * Smarter pre-selection of encryption keys * New Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers * Fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available ## 1.0.1 * GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again ## 1.0.0 * K-9 Mail integration, APG supporting beta build of K-9 Mail * Support of more file managers (including ASTRO) * Slovenian translation * New database, much faster, less memory usage * Defined Intents and content provider for other apps * Bugfixes