Fork of OpenKeychain for bug fixes on newer Android versions
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2012-09-10 11:50:41 +02:00
com_actionbarsherlock new compat lib to fix nullpointer 2012-09-08 22:52:24 +02:00
org_apg qr code scanning basically works 2012-09-10 11:50:41 +02:00
org_apg_integration_demo started working on dialogs 2012-06-13 19:28:23 +03:00
org_apg_integration_lib backward compatible extras, restructuring 2012-06-20 20:06:17 +03:00
Resources new qr code icon 2012-06-13 19:28:24 +03:00
.gitignore new directory structure 2012-03-10 20:22:29 +01:00
CHANGELOG changelog fixes 2012-06-14 02:24:34 +03:00
COPYING renaming whole package to org.apg to simplifiy name 2012-03-09 16:27:29 +01:00
LICENSE new qr code icon 2012-06-13 19:28:24 +03:00
MARKET first version 2012-06-13 19:28:09 +03:00 updated readme 2012-09-05 22:42:11 +02:00


This is a fork of Android Privacy Guard (APG)

I will try to reintegrate the various forks and develope a new user interface and API via AIDL and build a new stable version.


Fork APG and do a merge request. I will merge your changes back into the main project.


Build with Ant

  1. Add a file called in org_apg folder with the following lines, altered to your locations of the SDK: sdk.dir=/opt/android-sdk
  2. execute "ant release"

Build with Eclipse

  1. File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace, choose com_actionbarsherlock
  2. File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace, choose org_apg
  3. Add com_actionbarsherlock as Android Lib (Properties of org_apg -> Android -> Library -> add)
  4. APG can now be build


The Libraries are provided in the git repository.

  • ActionBarSherlock to provide an ActionBar for Android < 3.0
  • Spongy Castle Crypto Lib (Android version of Bouncy Castle)
  • android-support-v4.jar: Compatibility Lib
  • barcodescanner-android-integration-supportv4.jar: Barcode Scanner Integration

Build Barcode Scanner Integration

  1. Checkout their SVN (see
  2. Change android-home variable in "" in the main directory to point to your Android SDK
  3. Change directory to android-integration
  4. Build using "ant build"
  5. We use "android-integration-supportv4.jar"

On error see:

Build Spongy Castle



Eclipse: "GC overhead limit exceeded"

If you have problems starting APG from Eclipse, consider increasing the memory limits in eclipse.ini. See for more information.

Generate pressed dashboard icons

  1. Open svg file in Inkscape
  2. Extensions -> Color -> darker (2 times!)