2018-01-20 21:32:37 +01:00

1777 lines
85 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 Schürmann & Breitmoser GbR
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.nist.NISTNamedCurves;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ECDHPublicBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ECDSAPublicBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.PublicKeyAlgorithmTags;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.S2K;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.sig.Features;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.sig.KeyFlags;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.sig.RevocationReasonTags;
import org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.eddsa.spec.EdDSAGenParameterSpec;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ElGamalParameterSpec;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPKeyFlags;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPrivateKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignature;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignatureGenerator;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PBESecretKeyDecryptor;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PBESecretKeyEncryptor;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PGPContentSignerBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PGPDigestCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcaKeyFingerprintCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcaPGPContentSignerBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcaPGPKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcePBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.NfcSyncPGPContentSignerBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.NfcSyncPGPContentSignerBuilder.NfcInteractionNeeded;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.Constants;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.R;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.EditKeyResult;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.OperationResult;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.OperationResult.LogType;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.OperationResult.OperationLog;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.PgpEditKeyResult;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.ChangeUnlockParcel;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.Algorithm;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.Builder;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.Curve;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyChange;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.input.CryptoInputParcel;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.input.RequiredInputParcel;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.input.RequiredInputParcel.SecurityTokenKeyToCardOperationsBuilder;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.input.RequiredInputParcel.SecurityTokenSignOperationsBuilder;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.ui.util.KeyFormattingUtils;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.IterableIterator;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.Passphrase;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.Primes;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.ProgressScaler;
import timber.log.Timber;
* This class is the single place where ALL operations that actually modify a PGP public or secret
* key take place.
* <p/>
* Note that no android specific stuff should be done here, ie no imports from
* <p/>
* All operations support progress reporting to a Progressable passed on initialization.
* This indicator may be null.
public class PgpKeyOperation {
private Stack<Progressable> mProgress;
private AtomicBoolean mCancelled;
public PgpKeyOperation(Progressable progress) {
if (progress != null) {
mProgress = new Stack<>();
public PgpKeyOperation(Progressable progress, AtomicBoolean cancelled) {
mCancelled = cancelled;
private boolean checkCancelled() {
return mCancelled != null && mCancelled.get();
private void subProgressPush(int from, int to) {
if (mProgress == null) {
mProgress.push(new ProgressScaler(mProgress.peek(), from, to, 100));
private void subProgressPop() {
if (mProgress == null) {
if (mProgress.size() == 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to pop progressable without prior push! "
+ "This is a programming error, please file a bug report.");
private void progress(int message, int current) {
if (mProgress == null) {
mProgress.peek().setProgress(message, current, 100);
private ECGenParameterSpec getEccParameterSpec(Curve curve) {
switch (curve) {
case NIST_P256: return new ECGenParameterSpec("P-256");
case NIST_P384: return new ECGenParameterSpec("P-384");
case NIST_P521: return new ECGenParameterSpec("P-521");
// @see SaveKeyringParcel
// case BRAINPOOL_P256: return new ECGenParameterSpec("brainpoolp256r1");
// case BRAINPOOL_P384: return new ECGenParameterSpec("brainpoolp384r1");
// case BRAINPOOL_P512: return new ECGenParameterSpec("brainpoolp512r1");
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid choice! (can't happen)");
/** Creates new secret key. */
private PGPKeyPair createKey(SubkeyAdd add, Date creationTime, OperationLog log, int indent) {
try {
// Some safety checks
if (add.getAlgorithm() == Algorithm.ECDH || add.getAlgorithm() == Algorithm.ECDSA) {
if (add.getCurve() == null) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_NO_CURVE, indent);
return null;
} else if (add.getAlgorithm() != Algorithm.EDDSA) {
if (add.getKeySize() == null) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_NO_KEYSIZE, indent);
return null;
if (add.getKeySize() < 2048) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_KEYSIZE_2048, indent);
return null;
int algorithm;
KeyPairGenerator keyGen;
switch (add.getAlgorithm()) {
case DSA: {
if ((add.getFlags() & (PGPKeyFlags.CAN_ENCRYPT_COMMS | PGPKeyFlags.CAN_ENCRYPT_STORAGE)) > 0) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_FLAGS_DSA, indent);
return null;
progress(R.string.progress_generating_dsa, 30);
keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA", Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
keyGen.initialize(add.getKeySize(), new SecureRandom());
algorithm = PGPPublicKey.DSA;
case ELGAMAL: {
if ((add.getFlags() & (PGPKeyFlags.CAN_SIGN | PGPKeyFlags.CAN_CERTIFY)) > 0) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_FLAGS_ELGAMAL, indent);
return null;
progress(R.string.progress_generating_elgamal, 30);
keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ElGamal", Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
BigInteger p = Primes.getBestPrime(add.getKeySize());
BigInteger g = new BigInteger("2");
ElGamalParameterSpec elParams = new ElGamalParameterSpec(p, g);
algorithm = PGPPublicKey.ELGAMAL_ENCRYPT;
case RSA: {
progress(R.string.progress_generating_rsa, 30);
keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
keyGen.initialize(add.getKeySize(), new SecureRandom());
algorithm = PGPPublicKey.RSA_GENERAL;
case ECDSA: {
if ((add.getFlags() & (PGPKeyFlags.CAN_ENCRYPT_COMMS | PGPKeyFlags.CAN_ENCRYPT_STORAGE)) > 0) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_FLAGS_ECDSA, indent);
return null;
progress(R.string.progress_generating_ecdsa, 30);
ECGenParameterSpec ecParamSpec = getEccParameterSpec(add.getCurve());
keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECDSA", Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
keyGen.initialize(ecParamSpec, new SecureRandom());
algorithm = PGPPublicKey.ECDSA;
case EDDSA: {
if ((add.getFlags() & (PGPKeyFlags.CAN_ENCRYPT_COMMS | PGPKeyFlags.CAN_ENCRYPT_STORAGE)) > 0) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_FLAGS_ECDSA, indent);
return null;
progress(R.string.progress_generating_eddsa, 30);
EdDSAGenParameterSpec edParamSpec =
new EdDSAGenParameterSpec("ed25519");
keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EdDSA", Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
keyGen.initialize(edParamSpec, new SecureRandom());
algorithm = PGPPublicKey.EDDSA;
case ECDH: {
// make sure there are no sign or certify flags set
if ((add.getFlags() & (PGPKeyFlags.CAN_SIGN | PGPKeyFlags.CAN_CERTIFY)) > 0) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_FLAGS_ECDH, indent);
return null;
progress(R.string.progress_generating_ecdh, 30);
ECGenParameterSpec ecParamSpec = getEccParameterSpec(add.getCurve());
keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECDH", Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
keyGen.initialize(ecParamSpec, new SecureRandom());
algorithm = PGPPublicKey.ECDH;
default: {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ALGO, indent);
return null;
// build new key pair
return new JcaPGPKeyPair(algorithm, keyGen.generateKeyPair(), creationTime);
} catch(NoSuchProviderException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ALGO, indent);
return null;
} catch(PGPException e) {
Timber.e(e, "internal pgp error");
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_INTERNAL_PGP, indent);
return null;
public PgpEditKeyResult createSecretKeyRing(SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel) {
OperationLog log = new OperationLog();
int indent = 0;
try {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR, indent);
progress(R.string.progress_building_key, 0);
indent += 1;
if (saveParcel.getAddSubKeys().isEmpty()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_NO_MASTER, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (saveParcel.getAddUserIds().isEmpty()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_NO_USER_ID, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
SubkeyAdd certificationKey = saveParcel.getAddSubKeys().get(0);
if ((certificationKey.getFlags() & KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER) != KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_NO_CERTIFY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (certificationKey.getExpiry() == null) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_NULL_EXPIRY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
Date creationTime = new Date();
subProgressPush(10, 30);
PGPKeyPair keyPair = createKey(certificationKey, creationTime, log, indent);
// return null if this failed (an error will already have been logged by createKey)
if (keyPair == null) {
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
progress(R.string.progress_building_master_key, 40);
// Build key encrypter and decrypter based on passphrase
PGPDigestCalculator encryptorHashCalc = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder()
PBESecretKeyEncryptor keyEncryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder(
encryptorHashCalc, PgpSecurityConstants.SECRET_KEY_ENCRYPTOR_S2K_COUNT)
PGPDigestCalculator sha1Calc = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder()
PGPSecretKey masterSecretKey = new PGPSecretKey(keyPair.getPrivateKey(), keyPair.getPublicKey(),
sha1Calc, true, keyEncryptor);
PGPSecretKeyRing sKR = new PGPSecretKeyRing(
masterSecretKey.getEncoded(), new JcaKeyFingerprintCalculator());
// Remove certification key from remaining SaveKeyringParcel
Builder builder = SaveKeyringParcel.buildUpon(saveParcel);
saveParcel =;
subProgressPush(50, 100);
CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput = CryptoInputParcel.createCryptoInputParcel(creationTime, new Passphrase(""));
return internal(sKR, masterSecretKey, certificationKey.getFlags(), certificationKey.getExpiry(), cryptoInput, saveParcel, log, indent);
} catch (PGPException e) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_CR_ERROR_INTERNAL_PGP, indent);
Timber.e(e, "pgp error encoding key");
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
Timber.e(e, "io error encoding key");
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
/** This method introduces a list of modifications specified by a SaveKeyringParcel to a
* WrappedSecretKeyRing.
* This method relies on WrappedSecretKeyRing's canonicalization property!
* Note that PGPPublicKeyRings can not be directly modified. Instead, the corresponding
* PGPSecretKeyRing must be modified and consequently consolidated with its public counterpart.
* This is a natural workflow since pgp keyrings are immutable data structures: Old semantics
* are changed by adding new certificates, which implicitly override older certificates.
* Note that this method does not care about any "special" type of master key. If unlocking
* with a passphrase fails, the operation will fail with an unlocking error. More specific
* handling of errors should be done in UI code!
* If the passphrase is null, only a restricted subset of operations will be available,
* namely stripping of subkeys and changing the protection mode of dummy keys.
public PgpEditKeyResult modifySecretKeyRing(CanonicalizedSecretKeyRing wsKR,
CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput,
SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel) {
OperationLog log = new OperationLog();
int indent = 0;
* 1. Unlock private key
* 2a. Add certificates for new user ids
* 2b. Add revocations for revoked user ids
* 3. If primary user id changed, generate new certificates for both old and new
* 4a. For each subkey change, generate new subkey binding certificate
* 4b. For each subkey revocation, generate new subkey revocation certificate
* 5. Generate and add new subkeys
* 6. If requested, change passphrase
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF, indent,
indent += 1;
progress(R.string.progress_building_key, 0);
// Make sure this is called with a proper SaveKeyringParcel
if (saveParcel.getMasterKeyId() == null || saveParcel.getMasterKeyId() != wsKR.getMasterKeyId()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_KEYID, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// We work on bouncycastle object level here
PGPSecretKeyRing sKR = wsKR.getRing();
PGPSecretKey masterSecretKey = sKR.getSecretKey();
// Make sure the fingerprint matches
if (saveParcel.getFingerprint() == null || !Arrays.equals(saveParcel.getFingerprint(),
masterSecretKey.getPublicKey().getFingerprint())) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_FINGERPRINT, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (isParcelEmpty(saveParcel)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_NOOP, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
saveParcel = parseSecurityTokenSerialNumberIntoSubkeyChanges(cryptoInput, saveParcel);
if (!checkCapabilitiesAreUnique(wsKR, saveParcel, log, indent)) {
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (isDummy(masterSecretKey) && ! isParcelRestrictedOnly(saveParcel)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_EK_ERROR_DUMMY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (isDummy(masterSecretKey) || isParcelRestrictedOnly(saveParcel)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_RESTRICTED_MODE, indent);
return internalRestricted(sKR, saveParcel, log, indent + 1);
// Do we require a passphrase? If so, pass it along
if (!isDivertToCard(masterSecretKey) && !cryptoInput.hasPassphraseForSubkey(masterSecretKey.getKeyID())) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_REQUIRE_PASSPHRASE, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(log, RequiredInputParcel.createRequiredSignPassphrase(
masterSecretKey.getKeyID(), masterSecretKey.getKeyID(),
cryptoInput.getSignatureTime()), cryptoInput);
// read masterKeyFlags, and use the same as before.
// since this is the master key, this contains at least CERTIFY_OTHER
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey = masterSecretKey.getPublicKey();
int masterKeyFlags = readKeyFlags(masterPublicKey) | KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER;
Date expiryTime = wsKR.getPublicKey().getExpiryTime();
long masterKeyExpiry = expiryTime != null ? expiryTime.getTime() / 1000 : 0L;
return internal(sKR, masterSecretKey, masterKeyFlags, masterKeyExpiry, cryptoInput, saveParcel, log, indent);
private SaveKeyringParcel parseSecurityTokenSerialNumberIntoSubkeyChanges(CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput,
SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel) {
SaveKeyringParcel.Builder builder = SaveKeyringParcel.buildUpon(saveParcel);
for (SubkeyChange change : saveParcel.getChangeSubKeys()) {
if (change.getMoveKeyToSecurityToken()) {
// If this is a moveKeyToSecurityToken operation, see if it was completed: look for a hash
// matching the given subkey ID in cryptoData.
byte[] subKeyId = new byte[8];
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(subKeyId);
byte[] serialNumber = cryptoInput.getCryptoData().get(buf);
if (serialNumber != null) {
SubkeyChange.createSecurityTokenSerialNo(change.getSubKeyId(), serialNumber));
saveParcel =;
return saveParcel;
private boolean checkCapabilitiesAreUnique(CanonicalizedSecretKeyRing wsKR, SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel,
OperationLog log, int indent) {
boolean hasSign = false;
boolean hasEncrypt = false;
boolean hasAuth = false;
for (SubkeyChange change : saveParcel.getChangeSubKeys()) {
if (change.getMoveKeyToSecurityToken()) {
// Pending moveKeyToSecurityToken operation. Need to make sure that we don't have multiple
// subkeys pending for the same slot.
CanonicalizedSecretKey wsK = wsKR.getSecretKey(change.getSubKeyId());
if ((wsK.canSign() || wsK.canCertify())) {
if (hasSign) {
return false;
} else {
hasSign = true;
} else if ((wsK.canEncrypt())) {
if (hasEncrypt) {
return false;
} else {
hasEncrypt = true;
} else if ((wsK.canAuthenticate())) {
if (hasAuth) {
return false;
} else {
hasAuth = true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
private PgpEditKeyResult internal(PGPSecretKeyRing sKR, PGPSecretKey masterSecretKey,
int masterKeyFlags, long masterKeyExpiry,
CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput,
SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel,
OperationLog log,
int indent) {
SecurityTokenSignOperationsBuilder nfcSignOps = new SecurityTokenSignOperationsBuilder(
cryptoInput.getSignatureTime(), masterSecretKey.getKeyID(),
SecurityTokenKeyToCardOperationsBuilder nfcKeyToCardOps = new SecurityTokenKeyToCardOperationsBuilder(
progress(R.string.progress_modify, 0);
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey = masterSecretKey.getPublicKey();
PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey;
if (isDivertToCard(masterSecretKey)) {
masterPrivateKey = null;
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_DIVERT, indent);
} else {
// 1. Unlock private key
progress(R.string.progress_modify_unlock, 10);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UNLOCK, indent);
try {
PBESecretKeyDecryptor keyDecryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder().setProvider(
masterPrivateKey = masterSecretKey.extractPrivateKey(keyDecryptor);
} catch (PGPException e) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UNLOCK_ERROR, indent + 1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
try {
// Check if we were cancelled
if (checkCancelled()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_OPERATION_CANCELLED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_CANCELLED, log, null);
{ // work on master secret key
PGPPublicKey modifiedPublicKey = masterPublicKey;
// 2a. Add certificates for new user ids
subProgressPush(15, 23);
String changePrimaryUserId = saveParcel.getChangePrimaryUserId();
for (int i = 0; i < saveParcel.getAddUserIds().size(); i++) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_adduid, (i - 1) * (100 / saveParcel.getAddUserIds().size()));
String userId = saveParcel.getAddUserIds().get(i);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UID_ADD, indent, userId);
if ("".equals(userId)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UID_ERROR_EMPTY, indent + 1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// this operation supersedes all previous binding and revocation certificates,
// so remove those to retain assertions from canonicalization for later operations
Iterator<PGPSignature> it = modifiedPublicKey.getSignaturesForID(userId);
if (it != null) {
for (PGPSignature cert : new IterableIterator<>(it)) {
if (cert.getKeyID() != masterPublicKey.getKeyID()) {
// foreign certificate?! error error error
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_INTEGRITY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION
|| cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.NO_CERTIFICATION
|| cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.CASUAL_CERTIFICATION
|| cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION
|| cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.DEFAULT_CERTIFICATION) {
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, cert);
// if it's supposed to be primary, we can do that here as well
boolean isPrimary = changePrimaryUserId != null
&& userId.equals(changePrimaryUserId);
// generate and add new certificate
try {
PGPSignature cert = generateUserIdSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, userId,
isPrimary, masterKeyFlags, masterKeyExpiry);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(modifiedPublicKey, userId, cert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
// 2b. Add certificates for new user ids
subProgressPush(23, 32);
List<WrappedUserAttribute> addUserAttributes = saveParcel.getAddUserAttribute();
for (int i = 0; i < addUserAttributes.size(); i++) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_adduat, (i - 1) * (100 / addUserAttributes.size()));
WrappedUserAttribute attribute = addUserAttributes.get(i);
switch (attribute.getType()) {
// the 'none' type must not succeed
case WrappedUserAttribute.UAT_NONE:
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UAT_ERROR_EMPTY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
case WrappedUserAttribute.UAT_IMAGE:
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UAT_ADD_IMAGE, indent);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UAT_ADD_UNKNOWN, indent);
PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector vector = attribute.getVector();
// generate and add new certificate
try {
PGPSignature cert = generateUserAttributeSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, vector,
masterKeyFlags, masterKeyExpiry);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(modifiedPublicKey, vector, cert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
// 2c. Add revocations for revoked user ids
subProgressPush(32, 40);
List<String> revokeUserIds = saveParcel.getRevokeUserIds();
for (int i = 0, j = revokeUserIds.size(); i < j; i++) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_revokeuid, (i - 1) * (100 / revokeUserIds.size()));
String userId = revokeUserIds.get(i);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UID_REVOKE, indent, userId);
// Make sure the user id exists (yes these are 10 LoC in Java!)
boolean exists = false;
//noinspection unchecked
for (String uid : new IterableIterator<String>(modifiedPublicKey.getUserIDs())) {
if (userId.equals(uid)) {
exists = true;
if (!exists) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_NOEXIST_REVOKE, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// a duplicate revocation will be removed during canonicalization, so no need to
// take care of that here.
try {
PGPSignature cert = generateRevocationSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, userId);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(modifiedPublicKey, userId, cert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
// 3. If primary user id changed, generate new certificates for both old and new
if (changePrimaryUserId != null) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_primaryuid, 40);
// keep track if we actually changed one
boolean ok = false;
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_UID_PRIMARY, indent, changePrimaryUserId);
indent += 1;
// we work on the modifiedPublicKey here, to respect new or newly revoked uids
// noinspection unchecked
for (String userId : new IterableIterator<String>(modifiedPublicKey.getUserIDs())) {
boolean isRevoked = false;
PGPSignature currentCert = null;
// noinspection unchecked
for (PGPSignature cert : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(
modifiedPublicKey.getSignaturesForID(userId))) {
if (cert.getKeyID() != masterPublicKey.getKeyID()) {
// foreign certificate?! error error error
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_INTEGRITY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// we know from canonicalization that if there is any revocation here, it
// is valid and not superseded by a newer certification.
if (cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION) {
isRevoked = true;
// we know from canonicalization that there is only one binding
// certification here, so we can just work with the first one.
if (cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.NO_CERTIFICATION ||
cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.CASUAL_CERTIFICATION ||
cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION ||
cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.DEFAULT_CERTIFICATION) {
currentCert = cert;
if (currentCert == null) {
// no certificate found?! error error error
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_INTEGRITY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// we definitely should not update certifications of revoked keys, so just leave it.
if (isRevoked) {
// revoked user ids cannot be primary!
if (userId.equals(changePrimaryUserId)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_REVOKED_PRIMARY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// if this is~ the/a primary user id
if (currentCert.getHashedSubPackets() != null
&& currentCert.getHashedSubPackets().isPrimaryUserID()) {
// if it's the one we want, just leave it as is
if (userId.equals(changePrimaryUserId)) {
ok = true;
// otherwise, generate new non-primary certification
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PRIMARY_REPLACE_OLD, indent);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, currentCert);
try {
PGPSignature newCert = generateUserIdSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, userId, false,
masterKeyFlags, masterKeyExpiry);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, newCert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
// if we are here, this is not currently a primary user id
// if it should be
if (userId.equals(changePrimaryUserId)) {
// add shiny new primary user id certificate
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PRIMARY_NEW, indent);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, currentCert);
try {
PGPSignature newCert = generateUserIdSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, userId, true,
masterKeyFlags, masterKeyExpiry);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, newCert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
ok = true;
// user id is not primary and is not supposed to be - nothing to do here.
indent -= 1;
if (!ok) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_NOEXIST_PRIMARY, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// Update the secret key ring
if (modifiedPublicKey != masterPublicKey) {
masterSecretKey = PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(masterSecretKey, modifiedPublicKey);
masterPublicKey = modifiedPublicKey;
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, masterSecretKey);
// Check if we were cancelled - again
if (checkCancelled()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_OPERATION_CANCELLED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_CANCELLED, log, null);
// 4a. For each subkey change, generate new subkey binding certificate
subProgressPush(50, 60);
List<SubkeyChange> changeSubKeys = saveParcel.getChangeSubKeys();
for (int i = 0, j = changeSubKeys.size(); i < j; i++) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_subkeychange, (i-1) * (100 / changeSubKeys.size()));
SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyChange change = changeSubKeys.get(i);
indent, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
PGPSecretKey sKey = sKR.getSecretKey(change.getSubKeyId());
if (sKey == null) {
indent + 1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (change.getDummyStrip()) {
// no really, it is. this operation irrevocably removes the private key data from the key
sKey = PGPSecretKey.constructGnuDummyKey(sKey.getPublicKey());
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, sKey);
} else if (change.getMoveKeyToSecurityToken()) {
if (checkSecurityTokenCompatibility(sKey, log, indent + 1)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_KEYTOCARD_START, indent + 1,
} else {
// Appropriate log message already set by checkSecurityTokenCompatibility
return new PgpEditKeyResult(EditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
} else if (change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo() != null) {
// NOTE: Does this code get executed? Or always handled in internalRestricted?
if (change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo().length != 16) {
indent + 1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_KEYTOCARD_FINISH, indent + 1,
Hex.toHexString(change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo(), 8, 6));
sKey = PGPSecretKey.constructGnuDummyKey(sKey.getPublicKey(), change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo());
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, sKey);
// This doesn't concern us any further
if (!change.getRecertify() && (change.getExpiry() == null && change.getFlags() == null)) {
// expiry must not be in the past
if (change.getExpiry() != null && change.getExpiry() != 0 &&
new Date(change.getExpiry() * 1000).before(new Date())) {
indent + 1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// if this is the master key, update uid certificates instead
if (change.getSubKeyId() == masterPublicKey.getKeyID()) {
int flags = change.getFlags() == null ? masterKeyFlags : change.getFlags();
long expiry = change.getExpiry() == null ? masterKeyExpiry : change.getExpiry();
if ((flags & KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER) != KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_NO_CERTIFY, indent + 1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
PGPPublicKey pKey =
masterSecretKey, masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey,
flags, expiry, cryptoInput, nfcSignOps, indent, log);
if (pKey == null) {
// error log entry has already been added by updateMasterCertificates itself
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
masterSecretKey = PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey);
masterPublicKey = pKey;
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, masterSecretKey);
// otherwise, continue working on the public key
PGPPublicKey pKey = sKey.getPublicKey();
// keep old flags, or replace with new ones
int flags = change.getFlags() == null ? readKeyFlags(pKey) : change.getFlags();
long expiry;
if (change.getExpiry() == null) {
long valid = pKey.getValidSeconds();
expiry = valid == 0
? 0
: pKey.getCreationTime().getTime() / 1000 + pKey.getValidSeconds();
} else {
expiry = change.getExpiry();
// drop all old signatures, they will be superseded by the new one
//noinspection unchecked
for (PGPSignature sig : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(pKey.getSignatures())) {
// special case: if there is a revocation, don't use expiry from before
if ( (change.getExpiry() == null || change.getExpiry() == 0L)
&& sig.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.SUBKEY_REVOCATION) {
expiry = 0;
pKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(pKey, sig);
PGPPrivateKey subPrivateKey;
if (!isDivertToCard(sKey)) {
PBESecretKeyDecryptor keyDecryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder()
subPrivateKey = sKey.extractPrivateKey(keyDecryptor);
// super special case: subkey is allowed to sign, but isn't available
if (subPrivateKey == null) {
indent + 1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
} else {
subPrivateKey = null;
try {
PGPSignature sig = generateSubkeyBindingSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
cryptoInput.getSignatureTime(), masterPublicKey, masterPrivateKey,
getSignatureGenerator(sKey, cryptoInput), subPrivateKey,
pKey, flags, expiry);
// generate and add new signature
pKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(pKey, sig);
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey));
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
// 4b. For each subkey revocation, generate new subkey revocation certificate
subProgressPush(60, 65);
List<Long> revokeSubKeys = saveParcel.getRevokeSubKeys();
for (int i = 0, j = revokeSubKeys.size(); i < j; i++) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_subkeyrevoke, (i-1) * (100 / revokeSubKeys.size()));
long revocation = revokeSubKeys.get(i);
indent, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(revocation));
PGPSecretKey sKey = sKR.getSecretKey(revocation);
if (sKey == null) {
indent+1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(revocation));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
PGPPublicKey pKey = sKey.getPublicKey();
// generate and add new signature
try {
PGPSignature sig = generateRevocationSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPublicKey, masterPrivateKey, pKey);
pKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(pKey, sig);
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey));
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
// 5. Generate and add new subkeys
subProgressPush(70, 90);
List<SubkeyAdd> addSubKeys = saveParcel.getAddSubKeys();
for (int i = 0, j = addSubKeys.size(); i < j; i++) {
// Check if we were cancelled - again. This operation is expensive so we do it each loop.
if (checkCancelled()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_OPERATION_CANCELLED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_CANCELLED, log, null);
progress(R.string.progress_modify_subkeyadd, (i-1) * (100 / addSubKeys.size()));
SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd add = addSubKeys.get(i);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_SUBKEY_NEW, indent,
KeyFormattingUtils.getAlgorithmInfo(add.getAlgorithm(), add.getKeySize(), add.getCurve()) );
if (isDivertToCard(masterSecretKey)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_DIVERT_NEWSUB, indent +1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (add.getExpiry() == null) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_NULL_EXPIRY, indent +1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (add.getExpiry() > 0L && new Date(add.getExpiry() * 1000).before(new Date())) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_PAST_EXPIRY, indent +1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// generate a new secret key (privkey only for now)
(i-1) * (100 / addSubKeys.size()),
i * (100 / addSubKeys.size())
PGPKeyPair keyPair = createKey(add, cryptoInput.getSignatureTime(), log, indent);
if (keyPair == null) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_PGP, indent +1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// add subkey binding signature (making this a sub rather than master key)
PGPPublicKey pKey = keyPair.getPublicKey();
try {
PGPSignature cert = generateSubkeyBindingSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPublicKey, masterPrivateKey,
getSignatureGenerator(pKey, cryptoInput, false), keyPair.getPrivateKey(), pKey,
add.getFlags(), add.getExpiry());
pKey = PGPPublicKey.addSubkeyBindingCertification(pKey, cert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
PGPSecretKey sKey; {
// Build key encrypter and decrypter based on passphrase
PGPDigestCalculator encryptorHashCalc = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder()
PBESecretKeyEncryptor keyEncryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder(
PgpSecurityConstants.SECRET_KEY_ENCRYPTOR_SYMMETRIC_ALGO, encryptorHashCalc,
PGPDigestCalculator sha1Calc = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder()
sKey = new PGPSecretKey(keyPair.getPrivateKey(), pKey, sha1Calc, false, keyEncryptor);
indent+1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(sKey.getKeyID()));
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, sKey);
// Check if we were cancelled - again. This operation is expensive so we do it each loop.
if (checkCancelled()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_OPERATION_CANCELLED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_CANCELLED, log, null);
// 6. If requested, change passphrase
if (saveParcel.getNewUnlock() != null) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_passphrase, 90);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PASSPHRASE, indent);
indent += 1;
sKR = applyNewPassphrase(sKR, masterPublicKey, cryptoInput.getPassphrase(),
saveParcel.getNewUnlock().getNewPassphrase(), log, indent);
if (sKR == null) {
// The error has been logged above, just return a bad state
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
indent -= 1;
// 7. if requested, change PIN and/or Admin PIN on security token
if (saveParcel.getSecurityTokenPin() != null) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_pin, 90);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PIN, indent);
indent += 1;
indent -= 1;
if (saveParcel.getSecurityTokenAdminPin() != null) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_admin_pin, 90);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ADMIN_PIN, indent);
indent += 1;
indent -= 1;
} catch (IOException e) {
Timber.e(e, "encountered IOException while modifying key");
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_ENCODE, indent+1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
} catch (PGPException e) {
Timber.e(e, "encountered pgp error while modifying key");
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_PGP, indent+1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
} catch (SignatureException e) {
Timber.e(e, "encountered SignatureException while modifying key");
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_SIG, indent+1);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
progress(R.string.progress_done, 100);
if (!nfcSignOps.isEmpty() && !nfcKeyToCardOps.isEmpty()) {
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (!nfcSignOps.isEmpty()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_REQUIRE_DIVERT, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(log,, cryptoInput);
if (!nfcKeyToCardOps.isEmpty()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_REQUIRE_DIVERT, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(log,, cryptoInput);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_SUCCESS, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(OperationResult.RESULT_OK, log, new UncachedKeyRing(sKR));
/** This method does the actual modifications in a keyring just like internal, except it
* supports only the subset of operations which require no passphrase, and will error
* otherwise.
private PgpEditKeyResult internalRestricted(PGPSecretKeyRing sKR, SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel,
OperationLog log, int indent) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify, 0);
// Make sure the saveParcel includes only operations available without passphrase!
if (!isParcelRestrictedOnly(saveParcel)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_RESTRICTED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// Check if we were cancelled
if (checkCancelled()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_OPERATION_CANCELLED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_CANCELLED, log, null);
// The only operation we can do here:
// 4a. Strip secret keys, or change their protection mode (stripped/divert-to-card)
subProgressPush(50, 60);
List<SubkeyChange> changeSubKeys = saveParcel.getChangeSubKeys();
for (int i = 0, j = changeSubKeys.size(); i < j; i++) {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_subkeychange, (i - 1) * (100 / changeSubKeys.size()));
SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyChange change = changeSubKeys.get(i);
indent, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
PGPSecretKey sKey = sKR.getSecretKey(change.getSubKeyId());
if (sKey == null) {
indent + 1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (change.getDummyStrip() || change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo() != null) {
// no really, it is. this operation irrevocably removes the private key data from the key
if (change.getDummyStrip()) {
sKey = PGPSecretKey.constructGnuDummyKey(sKey.getPublicKey());
} else {
// the serial number must be 16 bytes in length
if (change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo().length != 16) {
indent + 1, KeyFormattingUtils.convertKeyIdToHex(change.getSubKeyId()));
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_KEYTOCARD_FINISH, indent + 1,
Hex.toHexString(change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo(), 8, 6));
sKey = PGPSecretKey.constructGnuDummyKey(sKey.getPublicKey(), change.getSecurityTokenSerialNo());
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, sKey);
// And we're done!
progress(R.string.progress_done, 100);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_SUCCESS, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(OperationResult.RESULT_OK, log, new UncachedKeyRing(sKR));
public PgpEditKeyResult modifyKeyRingPassphrase(CanonicalizedSecretKeyRing wsKR,
CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput,
ChangeUnlockParcel changeUnlockParcel) {
OperationLog log = new OperationLog();
int indent = 0;
Long masterKeyId = changeUnlockParcel.getMasterKeyId();
if (masterKeyId == null || masterKeyId != wsKR.getMasterKeyId()) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_KEYID, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF, indent,
indent += 1;
progress(R.string.progress_building_key, 0);
// We work on bouncycastle object level here
PGPSecretKeyRing sKR = wsKR.getRing();
PGPSecretKey masterSecretKey = sKR.getSecretKey();
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey = masterSecretKey.getPublicKey();
// Make sure the fingerprint matches
if (changeUnlockParcel.getFingerprint()== null || !Arrays.equals(changeUnlockParcel.getFingerprint(),
masterSecretKey.getPublicKey().getFingerprint())) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_FINGERPRINT, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
// Find the first unstripped secret key
PGPSecretKey nonDummy = firstNonDummySecretKeyID(sKR);
if(nonDummy == null) {
log.add(OperationResult.LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_ALL_KEYS_STRIPPED, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
if (!cryptoInput.hasPassphraseForSubkey(nonDummy.getKeyID())) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_REQUIRE_PASSPHRASE, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(log, RequiredInputParcel.createRequiredSignPassphrase(
masterSecretKey.getKeyID(), nonDummy.getKeyID(),
cryptoInput.getSignatureTime()), cryptoInput);
} else {
progress(R.string.progress_modify_passphrase, 50);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PASSPHRASE, indent);
indent += 1;
try {
sKR = applyNewPassphrase(sKR, masterPublicKey, cryptoInput.getPassphrase(),
changeUnlockParcel.getNewPassphrase(), log, indent);
if (sKR == null) {
// The error has been logged above, just return a bad state
return new PgpEditKeyResult(PgpEditKeyResult.RESULT_ERROR, log, null);
} catch (PGPException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed to build encryptor/decryptor!");
indent -= 1;
progress(R.string.progress_done, 100);
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_SUCCESS, indent);
return new PgpEditKeyResult(OperationResult.RESULT_OK, log, new UncachedKeyRing(sKR));
private static PGPSecretKey firstNonDummySecretKeyID(PGPSecretKeyRing secRing) {
Iterator<PGPSecretKey> secretKeyIterator = secRing.getSecretKeys();
while(secretKeyIterator.hasNext()) {
PGPSecretKey secretKey =;
return secretKey;
return null;
/** This method returns true iff the provided keyring has a local direct key signature
* with notation data.
private static boolean hasNotationData(PGPSecretKeyRing sKR) {
// noinspection unchecked
Iterator<PGPSignature> sigs = sKR.getPublicKey().getKeySignatures();
while (sigs.hasNext()) {
WrappedSignature sig = new WrappedSignature(;
if (sig.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.DIRECT_KEY
&& sig.isLocal() && !sig.getNotation().isEmpty()) {
return true;
return false;
private static PGPSecretKeyRing applyNewPassphrase(
PGPSecretKeyRing sKR,
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey,
Passphrase passphrase,
Passphrase newPassphrase,
OperationLog log, int indent) throws PGPException {
PGPDigestCalculator encryptorHashCalc = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().build()
PBESecretKeyDecryptor keyDecryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder().setProvider(
// Build key encryptor based on new passphrase
PBESecretKeyEncryptor keyEncryptorNew = null;
if (newPassphrase != null && !newPassphrase.isEmpty()) {
keyEncryptorNew = new JcePBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder(
PgpSecurityConstants.SECRET_KEY_ENCRYPTOR_SYMMETRIC_ALGO, encryptorHashCalc,
boolean keysModified = false;
for (PGPSecretKey sKey : new IterableIterator<>(sKR.getSecretKeys())) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PASSPHRASE_KEY, indent,
boolean ok = false;
try {
// try to set new passphrase
sKey = PGPSecretKey.copyWithNewPassword(sKey, keyDecryptor, keyEncryptorNew);
ok = true;
} catch (PGPException e) {
// if the master key failed && it's not stripped, error!
if (sKey.getKeyID() == masterPublicKey.getKeyID() && !isDummy(sKey)) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_PASSPHRASE_MASTER, indent+1);
return null;
// being in here means decrypt failed, likely due to a bad passphrase try
// again with an empty passphrase, maybe we can salvage this
try {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PASSPHRASE_EMPTY_RETRY, indent+1);
PBESecretKeyDecryptor emptyDecryptor =
new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder().setProvider(
sKey = PGPSecretKey.copyWithNewPassword(sKey, emptyDecryptor, keyEncryptorNew);
ok = true;
} catch (PGPException e2) {
// non-fatal but not ok, handled below
if (!ok) {
// for a subkey, it's merely a warning
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_PASSPHRASE_FAIL, indent+1,
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, sKey);
keysModified = true;
if(!keysModified) {
// no passphrase was changed
return null;
return sKR;
/** Update all (non-revoked) uid signatures with new flags and expiry time. */
private PGPPublicKey updateMasterCertificates(
PGPSecretKey masterSecretKey, PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey,
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey,
int flags, long expiry,
CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput,
SecurityTokenSignOperationsBuilder nfcSignOps,
int indent, OperationLog log)
throws PGPException, IOException, SignatureException {
// keep track if we actually changed one
boolean ok = false;
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_MASTER, indent);
indent += 1;
PGPPublicKey modifiedPublicKey = masterPublicKey;
// we work on the modifiedPublicKey here, to respect new or newly revoked uids
// noinspection unchecked
for (String userId : new IterableIterator<String>(modifiedPublicKey.getUserIDs())) {
boolean isRevoked = false;
PGPSignature currentCert = null;
// noinspection unchecked
for (PGPSignature cert : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(
modifiedPublicKey.getSignaturesForID(userId))) {
if (cert.getKeyID() != masterPublicKey.getKeyID()) {
// foreign certificate?! error error error
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_INTEGRITY, indent);
return null;
// we know from canonicalization that if there is any revocation here, it
// is valid and not superseded by a newer certification.
if (cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION) {
isRevoked = true;
// we know from canonicalization that there is only one binding
// certification here, so we can just work with the first one.
if (cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.NO_CERTIFICATION ||
cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.CASUAL_CERTIFICATION ||
cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION ||
cert.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.DEFAULT_CERTIFICATION) {
currentCert = cert;
if (currentCert == null) {
// no certificate found?! error error error
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_INTEGRITY, indent);
return null;
// we definitely should not update certifications of revoked keys, so just leave it.
if (isRevoked) {
// add shiny new user id certificate
boolean isPrimary = currentCert.getHashedSubPackets() != null &&
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, currentCert);
try {
PGPSignature newCert = generateUserIdSignature(
getSignatureGenerator(masterSecretKey, cryptoInput),
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, userId, isPrimary, flags, expiry);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(
modifiedPublicKey, userId, newCert);
} catch (NfcInteractionNeeded e) {
nfcSignOps.addHash(e.hashToSign, e.hashAlgo);
ok = true;
if (!ok) {
// might happen, theoretically, if there is a key with no uid..
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_MASTER_NONE, indent);
return null;
return modifiedPublicKey;
static PGPSignatureGenerator getSignatureGenerator(
PGPSecretKey secretKey, CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput) {
S2K s2k = secretKey.getS2K();
boolean isDivertToCard = s2k != null && s2k.getType() == S2K.GNU_DUMMY_S2K
&& s2k.getProtectionMode() == S2K.GNU_PROTECTION_MODE_DIVERT_TO_CARD;
return getSignatureGenerator(secretKey.getPublicKey(), cryptoInput, isDivertToCard);
static PGPSignatureGenerator getSignatureGenerator(
PGPPublicKey pKey, CryptoInputParcel cryptoInput, boolean divertToCard) {
PGPContentSignerBuilder builder;
if (divertToCard) {
// use synchronous "NFC based" SignerBuilder
builder = new NfcSyncPGPContentSignerBuilder(
pKey.getAlgorithm(), PgpSecurityConstants.SECRET_KEY_BINDING_SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGO,
pKey.getKeyID(), cryptoInput.getCryptoData())
} else {
// content signer based on signing key algorithm and chosen hash algorithm
builder = new JcaPGPContentSignerBuilder(
pKey.getAlgorithm(), PgpSecurityConstants.SECRET_KEY_BINDING_SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGO)
return new PGPSignatureGenerator(builder);
private static PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator generateHashedSelfSigSubpackets(
Date creationTime, PGPPublicKey pKey, boolean primary, int flags, long expiry
) {
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator hashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
* From RFC about critical subpackets:
* If a subpacket is encountered that is
* marked critical but is unknown to the evaluating software, the
* evaluator SHOULD consider the signature to be in error.
* An evaluator may "recognize" a subpacket, but not implement it. The
* purpose of the critical bit is to allow the signer to tell an
* evaluator that it would prefer a new, unknown feature to generate an
* error than be ignored.
/* non-critical subpackets: */
hashedPacketsGen.setPrimaryUserID(false, primary);
/* critical subpackets: we consider those important for a modern pgp implementation */
hashedPacketsGen.setSignatureCreationTime(true, creationTime);
// Request that senders add the MDC to the message (authenticate unsigned messages)
hashedPacketsGen.setFeature(true, Features.FEATURE_MODIFICATION_DETECTION);
hashedPacketsGen.setKeyFlags(true, flags);
if (expiry > 0) {
true, expiry - pKey.getCreationTime().getTime() / 1000);
return hashedPacketsGen;
private static PGPSignature generateUserIdSignature(
PGPSignatureGenerator sGen, Date creationTime,
PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey, PGPPublicKey pKey, String userId, boolean primary,
int flags, long expiry)
throws IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator hashedPacketsGen =
generateHashedSelfSigSubpackets(creationTime, pKey, primary, flags, expiry);
sGen.init(PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(userId, pKey);
private static PGPSignature generateUserAttributeSignature(
PGPSignatureGenerator sGen, Date creationTime,
PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey, PGPPublicKey pKey,
PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector vector,
int flags, long expiry)
throws IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator hashedPacketsGen =
generateHashedSelfSigSubpackets(creationTime, pKey, false, flags, expiry);
sGen.init(PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(vector, pKey);
private static PGPSignature generateRevocationSignature(
PGPSignatureGenerator sGen, Date creationTime,
PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey, PGPPublicKey pKey, String userId)
throws IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator subHashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
// GnuPG adds an empty NO_REASON revocation reason packet, so we do the same
// see
subHashedPacketsGen.setRevocationReason(false, RevocationReasonTags.NO_REASON, "");
subHashedPacketsGen.setSignatureCreationTime(true, creationTime);
sGen.init(PGPSignature.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(userId, pKey);
private static PGPSignature generateRevocationSignature(
PGPSignatureGenerator sGen, Date creationTime,
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey, PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey, PGPPublicKey pKey)
throws IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator subHashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
// we use the tag NO_REASON since gnupg does not care about the tag while verifying
// signatures with a revoked key, the warning is the same
subHashedPacketsGen.setRevocationReason(true, RevocationReasonTags.NO_REASON, "");
subHashedPacketsGen.setSignatureCreationTime(true, creationTime);
// Generate key revocation or subkey revocation, depending on master/subkey-ness
if (masterPublicKey.getKeyID() == pKey.getKeyID()) {
sGen.init(PGPSignature.KEY_REVOCATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(masterPublicKey);
} else {
sGen.init(PGPSignature.SUBKEY_REVOCATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(masterPublicKey, pKey);
static PGPSignature generateSubkeyBindingSignature(
PGPSignatureGenerator sGen, Date creationTime,
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey, PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey,
PGPSignatureGenerator subSigGen, PGPPrivateKey subPrivateKey, PGPPublicKey pKey,
int flags, long expiry)
throws IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator unhashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
// If this key can sign, we need a primary key binding signature
if ((flags & KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA) > 0) {
// cross-certify signing keys
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator subHashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
subHashedPacketsGen.setSignatureCreationTime(false, creationTime);
subSigGen.init(PGPSignature.PRIMARYKEY_BINDING, subPrivateKey);
PGPSignature certification = subSigGen.generateCertification(masterPublicKey, pKey);
unhashedPacketsGen.setEmbeddedSignature(true, certification);
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator hashedPacketsGen;
hashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
hashedPacketsGen.setSignatureCreationTime(true, creationTime);
hashedPacketsGen.setKeyFlags(true, flags);
if (expiry > 0) {
expiry - pKey.getCreationTime().getTime() / 1000);
sGen.init(PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(masterPublicKey, pKey);
/** Returns all flags valid for this key.
* This method does not do any validity checks on the signature, so it should not be used on
* a non-canonicalized key!
private static int readKeyFlags(PGPPublicKey key) {
int flags = 0;
//noinspection unchecked
for(PGPSignature sig : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(key.getSignatures())) {
if (sig.getHashedSubPackets() == null) {
flags |= sig.getHashedSubPackets().getKeyFlags();
return flags;
private static boolean isDummy(PGPSecretKey secretKey) {
S2K s2k = secretKey.getS2K();
return s2k != null && s2k.getType() == S2K.GNU_DUMMY_S2K
&& s2k.getProtectionMode() != S2K.GNU_PROTECTION_MODE_DIVERT_TO_CARD;
private static boolean isDivertToCard(PGPSecretKey secretKey) {
S2K s2k = secretKey.getS2K();
return s2k != null && s2k.getType() == S2K.GNU_DUMMY_S2K
&& s2k.getProtectionMode() == S2K.GNU_PROTECTION_MODE_DIVERT_TO_CARD;
private static boolean checkSecurityTokenCompatibility(PGPSecretKey key, OperationLog log, int indent) {
final PGPPublicKey publicKey = key.getPublicKey();
ASN1ObjectIdentifier curve;
switch (publicKey.getAlgorithm()) {
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.RSA_ENCRYPT:
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.RSA_SIGN:
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.RSA_GENERAL:
// Key size must be at least 2048 since OpenPGP card specification 3.x
if (publicKey.getBitStrength() < 2048) {
return false;
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.ECDH:
curve = ((ECDHPublicBCPGKey)(publicKey.getPublicKeyPacket().getKey())).getCurveOID();
if (!curve.equals(NISTNamedCurves.getOID("P-256")) &&
!curve.equals(NISTNamedCurves.getOID("P-384")) &&
!curve.equals(NISTNamedCurves.getOID("P-521"))) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_BAD_SECURITY_TOKEN_CURVE, indent + 1);
return false;
case PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.ECDSA:
curve = ((ECDSAPublicBCPGKey)(publicKey.getPublicKeyPacket().getKey())).getCurveOID();
if (!curve.equals(NISTNamedCurves.getOID("P-256")) &&
!curve.equals(NISTNamedCurves.getOID("P-384")) &&
!curve.equals(NISTNamedCurves.getOID("P-521"))) {
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_BAD_SECURITY_TOKEN_CURVE, indent + 1);
return false;
log.add(LogType.MSG_MF_ERROR_BAD_SECURITY_TOKEN_ALGO, indent + 1);
return false;
// Secret key parts must be available
if (isDivertToCard(key) || isDummy(key)) {
return false;
return true;
/** Returns true iff this parcel does not contain any operations which require a passphrase. */
private static boolean isParcelRestrictedOnly(SaveKeyringParcel saveKeyringParcel) {
if (saveKeyringParcel.getNewUnlock() != null
|| !saveKeyringParcel.getAddUserIds().isEmpty()
|| !saveKeyringParcel.getAddUserAttribute().isEmpty()
|| !saveKeyringParcel.getAddSubKeys().isEmpty()
|| saveKeyringParcel.getChangePrimaryUserId() != null
|| !saveKeyringParcel.getRevokeUserIds().isEmpty()
|| !saveKeyringParcel.getRevokeSubKeys().isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (SubkeyChange change : saveKeyringParcel.getChangeSubKeys()) {
if (change.getRecertify() || change.getFlags() != null || change.getExpiry() != null
|| change.getMoveKeyToSecurityToken()) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean isParcelEmpty(SaveKeyringParcel saveKeyringParcel) {
return isParcelRestrictedOnly(saveKeyringParcel) && saveKeyringParcel.getChangeSubKeys().isEmpty();