Vincent Breitmoser 718acbf954 put unit tests into external module (CAVEAT)
this requires a more up to date version of gradle-android-test-plugin
than is currently in the repositories. it must be added to the local
maven repo using ./ before
2014-07-09 16:03:30 +02:00

19 lines
972 B

language: java
jdk: oraclejdk7
# Install base Android SDK
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- if [ `uname -m` = x86_64 ]; then sudo apt-get install -qq --force-yes libgd2-xpm lib32z1 lib32stdc++6; fi
- wget
- tar xzf android-sdk_r23-linux.tgz
- export ANDROID_HOME=$PWD/android-sdk-linux
- export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools
# Install required Android components.
#- echo "y" | android update sdk -a --filter build-tools-19.1.0,android-19,platform-tools,extra-android-support,extra-android-m2repository --no-ui --force
- ( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) | android update sdk --no-ui --all --force --filter build-tools-19.1.0,android-19,platform-tools,extra-android-support,extra-android-m2repository
- ./
install: echo "Installation done"
script: gradle assemble -S -q