// Avatar animation on hover // Unfortunately for best result, this can only be done with JS let avatar = document.querySelector(".sidebar .avatar img"); avatar.onmouseover = (ev) => { ev.target.className = "animate"; }; avatar.onanimationend = (ev) => { ev.target.className = ""; }; // Trigger progress bar when loading new page window.onbeforeunload = (ev) => { document.getElementsByClassName("loading-progress")[0].className = "loading-progress force-visible"; }; window.onload = function() { let content = document.getElementsByClassName("content"); if (content.length == 0) return; let level = 0; let maxLevel = 0; let toc = ""; content[0].querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5").forEach((elem) => { let openLevel = parseInt(elem.tagName.toLowerCase().replace("h", "")); if (openLevel > level) { toc += (new Array(openLevel - level + 1)).join(""); } level = openLevel; if (level > maxLevel) maxLevel = level; let anchor = elem.getAttribute("id"); let titleText = elem.innerText; toc += "
  • " + titleText + "
  • "; }); if (level) { toc += (new Array(level + 1)).join(""); } if (maxLevel > 1) { document.getElementsByClassName("toc")[0].innerHTML = toc; document.getElementsByClassName("toc-wrapper")[0].className = "toc-wrapper"; // remove hidden // Get rid of ul layers that have only one ul child removeTrivialUlLayer(document.getElementsByClassName("toc")[0]); var curAnchorLink = null; window.onscroll = (ev) => { let anchor = findClosestAnchor(content[0].querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5")); let name = anchor.getAttribute("id"); let tocLink = document.querySelector("a[href=\"#" + name + "\"").parentElement; if (tocLink != curAnchorLink) { tocLink.className = "current"; if (curAnchorLink != null) { curAnchorLink.className = ""; } curAnchorLink = tocLink; } }; window.onscroll(); } }; function removeTrivialUlLayer(elem) { let children = elem.getElementsByTagName("ul"); if (elem.childNodes.length == 1 && children.length == 1) { // Every child is a ul elem.innerHTML = children[0].innerHTML; removeTrivialUlLayer(elem); } else { for (const child of children) { removeTrivialUlLayer(child); } } } // // findPos : courtesy of @ppk - see http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html var findPos = function (obj) { var curleft = 0, curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { curleft = obj.offsetLeft; curtop = obj.offsetTop; while ((obj = obj.offsetParent)) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } } return [curleft, curtop]; }; var findClosestAnchor = function (anchors) { var sortByDistance = function (element1, element2) { var pos1 = findPos(element1), pos2 = findPos(element2); // vect1 & vect2 represent 2d vectors going from the top left extremity of each element to the point positionned at the scrolled offset of the window var vect1 = [ window.scrollX - pos1[0], window.scrollY - pos1[1] ], vect2 = [ window.scrollX - pos2[0], window.scrollY - pos2[1] ]; // we compare the length of the vectors using only the sum of their components squared // no need to find the magnitude of each (this was inspired by Mageekā€™s answer) var sqDist1 = vect1[0] * vect1[0] + vect1[1] * vect1[1], sqDist2 = vect2[0] * vect2[0] + vect2[1] * vect2[1]; if (sqDist1 < sqDist2) return -1; else if (sqDist1 > sqDist2) return 1; else return 0; }; // Convert the nodelist to an array, then returns the first item of the elements sorted by distance return Array.prototype.slice.call(anchors).sort(sortByDistance)[0]; };