Peter Cai eeb13b44e9
blog: use ExtendableEvent.wait_until()
we need to guarantee the promise will not be cancelled
2020-04-18 18:07:16 +08:00

213 lines
6.5 KiB

extern crate handlebars;
extern crate lazy_static;
mod task;
mod utils;
mod router;
mod store;
mod hljs;
mod blog;
mod sn;
mod render;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use js_sys::{Promise};
use utils::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture;
use web_sys::*;
cfg_if! {
// When the `wee_alloc` feature is enabled, use `wee_alloc` as the global
// allocator.
if #[cfg(feature = "wee_alloc")] {
extern crate wee_alloc;
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
lazy_static! {
static ref ROUTER: router::Router = {
pub static ref CONFIG: utils::Config = {
pub static ref CACHE_CONTROL_STATIC_FILE: String = {
format!("max-age={}", CONFIG.cache_maxage)
fn build_routes() -> router::Router {
let mut router = router::Router::new(&default_route);
router.add_route(blog::IMG_CACHE_PREFIX, &proxy_remote_image);
sn::build_routes(&mut router);
render::build_routes(&mut router);
return router;
extern "C" {
// This binds to the fetch function in global scope
// In cloudflare workers, there's no Window object
// and unfortunately the bionding in web_sys depends
// on Window being present.
fn fetch(req: &Request) -> Promise;
macro_rules! get_header {
($headers:expr, $name:expr) => {
// A caching proxy for images inserted into articles
// to protect user's privacy and accelerate page load
async fn proxy_remote_image(req: Request, url: Url) -> MyResult<Response> {
if req.method() != "GET" {
return Err(Error::BadRequest("Unsupported method".into()));
let path = url.pathname();
let remote_url: String = js_sys::decode_uri_component(
if !blog::PostContentCache::is_external_url_whitelisted_for_cache(&remote_url).await {
return Err(Error::Unauthorized("This URL is not whitelisted".into()));
let new_req = Request::new_with_str_and_init(&remote_url,
let remote_resp: Response = JsFuture::from(fetch(&new_req)).await.internal_err()?.into();
let remote_headers = remote_resp.headers();
"Content-Type" => &get_header!(remote_headers, "content-type"),
async fn default_route(_req: Request, url: Url) -> MyResult<Response> {
// We assume that anything that falls into this catch-all handler
// would be posts, 404, or hard-codede redirects
let path = url.pathname();
// Handle hard-coded redirects in config first
if let Some(redirects) = &CONFIG.redirects {
if let Some(new_path) = redirects.get(&path) {
return Response::new_with_opt_str_and_init(
"Location" => &format!("{}{}", url.origin(), new_path)
// If the path doesn't end with `/`, normalize it first
if !path.ends_with("/") {
return Response::new_with_opt_str_and_init(
"Location" => &format!("{}{}/", url.origin(), path)
// Home page (this cannot be registered as a standalone route due to our Router)
if path == "/" {
return Response::new_with_opt_str_and_init(
"Content-Type" => "text/html",
"Cache-Control" => "no-cache"
// Now we can be sure the path ends with `/`
// (and of course it starts with `/` as per standard)
if path.len() > 1 {
let path = &path[1..path.len() - 1];
if let Ok(post) = blog::Post::find_by_url(path).await {
if post.url != path {
// Redirect to the latest path of the post
return Response::new_with_opt_str_and_init(
"Location" => &format!("{}/{}/", url.origin(), post.url)
} else {
// Render the page
return Response::new_with_opt_str_and_init(
Some(&render::render_post(url, post).await?),
"Content-Type" => "text/html",
"Cache-Control" => "no-cache"
Err(Error::NotFound("This page is not available".into()))
task_local! {
pub static EVENT: ExtendableEvent;
pub async fn handle_request_rs(ev: ExtendableEvent, req: Request) -> Response {
let url = Url::new(&req.url()).unwrap();
if req.method() == "OPTIONS" {
return Response::new_with_opt_str_and_init(
None, ResponseInit::new()
let result = EVENT.scope(ev, async move {
ROUTER.execute(req, url).await
match result {
Ok(resp) => resp,
Err(err) => {
let code = err.status_code();
let reason: String = err.into();
Some(&reason), ResponseInit::new().status(code)