use diesel::connection::{SimpleConnection, Connection}; use diesel::deserialize::{Queryable, QueryableByName}; use diesel::query_builder::{AsQuery, QueryFragment, QueryId}; use diesel::result::{ConnectionResult, QueryResult}; use diesel::sqlite::{Sqlite, SqliteConnection}; use diesel::sql_types::*; use rocket_contrib::databases::{r2d2, DatabaseConfig, Poolable}; use std::sync::RwLock; // We need a global RwLock for SQLite // This is unfortunate when we still use SQLite // but should be mostly fine for our purpose // (however, due to disk sync delays, the RwLock alone // may still produce some SQLITE_BUSY errors randomly. // We implemented a wrapper later in this module to enable busy_timeout // to avoid this.) lazy_static! { pub static ref DB_LOCK: RwLock<()> = RwLock::new(()); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! lock_db_write { () => { crate::DB_LOCK.write() .map_err(|_| "Cannot lock database for writing".into()) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! lock_db_read { () => { .map_err(|_| "Cannot lock database for reading".into()) }; } pub trait SqliteLike = Connection; pub struct BusyWaitSqliteConnection(SqliteConnection); impl Poolable for BusyWaitSqliteConnection { type Manager = diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager; type Error = r2d2::Error; fn pool(config: DatabaseConfig) -> Result, Self::Error> { let manager = diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager::new(config.url); r2d2::Pool::builder().max_size(config.pool_size).build(manager) } } // Enable busy_timeout for SQLite connections by re-implementing the Connection trait // (Note: busy_timeout is never the best solution, so the global RwLock is still needed, // and this busy_timeout is just to make sure that we won't fail due to disk sync lagging behind // when we acquire the RwLock because it may take some time for the SQLite lock state to be written to disk) // impl SimpleConnection for BusyWaitSqliteConnection { fn batch_execute(&self, query: &str) -> QueryResult<()> { self.0.batch_execute(query) } } impl Connection for BusyWaitSqliteConnection { type Backend = ::Backend; type TransactionManager = ::TransactionManager; fn establish(database_url: &str) -> ConnectionResult { let c = SqliteConnection::establish(database_url)?; c.batch_execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; PRAGMA busy_timeout = 60000;") .unwrap(); Ok(Self(c)) } fn execute(&self, query: &str) -> QueryResult { self.0.execute(query) } fn query_by_index(&self, source: T) -> QueryResult> where T: AsQuery, T::Query: QueryFragment + QueryId, Self::Backend: HasSqlType, U: Queryable, { self.0.query_by_index(source) } fn query_by_name(&self, source: &T) -> QueryResult> where T: QueryFragment + QueryId, U: QueryableByName, { self.0.query_by_name(source) } fn execute_returning_count(&self, source: &T) -> QueryResult where T: QueryFragment + QueryId, { self.0.execute_returning_count(source) } fn transaction_manager(&self) -> &Self::TransactionManager { self.0.transaction_manager() } }