Peter Cai 4be4de241f
try to implement items/sync
* we need to figure out a way to test this API
2020-02-21 14:40:41 +08:00

215 lines
6.4 KiB

use crate::DbConn;
use crate::user;
use crate::item;
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::response::status::Custom;
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use std::vec::Vec;
pub fn routes() -> impl Into<Vec<rocket::Route>> {
enum Response<T: Serialize> {
Error {
errors: Vec<String>
// Some shorthands
type JsonResp<T> = Json<Response<T>>;
fn success_resp<T: Serialize>(resp: T) -> Custom<JsonResp<T>> {
Custom(Status::Ok, Json(Response::Success(resp)))
fn error_resp<T: Serialize>(status: Status, errors: Vec<String>) -> Custom<JsonResp<T>> {
Custom(status, Json(Response::Error {
struct AuthResult {
token: String
#[post("/auth", format = "json", data = "<new_user>")]
fn auth(db: DbConn, new_user: Json<user::NewUser>) -> Custom<JsonResp<AuthResult>> {
match user::User::create(&db.0, &new_user) {
Ok(_) => _sign_in(db, &, &new_user.password),
Err(user::UserOpError(e)) =>
error_resp(Status::InternalServerError, vec![e])
struct SignInParams {
email: String,
password: String
#[post("/auth/sign_in", format = "json", data = "<params>")]
fn auth_sign_in(db: DbConn, params: Json<SignInParams>) -> Custom<JsonResp<AuthResult>> {
_sign_in(db, &, &params.password)
// Shared logic for all interfaces that needs to do an automatic sign-in
fn _sign_in(db: DbConn, mail: &str, passwd: &str) -> Custom<JsonResp<AuthResult>> {
// Try to find the user first
let res = user::User::find_user_by_email(&db, mail)
.and_then(|u| u.create_token(passwd));
match res {
Ok(token) => success_resp(AuthResult {
Err(user::UserOpError(e)) =>
error_resp(Status::InternalServerError, vec![e])
struct AuthParams {
pw_cost: String,
pw_nonce: String,
version: String
impl Into<AuthParams> for user::User {
fn into(self) -> AuthParams {
AuthParams {
pw_cost: self.pw_cost,
pw_nonce: self.pw_nonce,
version: self.version
fn auth_params(db: DbConn, email: String) -> Custom<JsonResp<AuthParams>> {
match user::User::find_user_by_email(&db, &email) {
Ok(u) => success_resp(u.into()),
Err(user::UserOpError(e)) =>
error_resp(Status::InternalServerError, vec![e])
struct ChangePwParams {
email: String,
password: String,
current_password: String
#[post("/auth/change_pw", format = "json", data = "<params>")]
fn auth_change_pw(db: DbConn, params: Json<ChangePwParams>) -> Custom<JsonResp<()>> {
let res = user::User::find_user_by_email(&db, &
u.change_pw(&db, &params.current_password, &params.password));
match res {
Ok(_) => Custom(Status::NoContent, Json(Response::Success(()))),
Err(user::UserOpError(e)) =>
error_resp(Status::InternalServerError, vec![e])
// For testing the User request guard
fn auth_ping(_db: DbConn, u: user::User) -> Custom<JsonResp<String>> {
Custom(Status::Ok, Json(Response::Success(
struct SyncParams {
items: Vec<item::SyncItem>,
sync_token: Option<String>,
cursor_token: Option<String>,
limit: Option<i64>
struct SyncResp {
retrieved_items: Vec<item::SyncItem>,
saved_items: Vec<item::SyncItem>,
unsaved: Vec<item::SyncItem>,
sync_token: Option<String>, // for convenience, we will actually always return this
cursor_token: Option<String>
#[post("/items/sync", format = "json", data = "<params>")]
fn items_sync(db: DbConn, u: user::User, params: Json<SyncParams>) -> Custom<JsonResp<SyncResp>> {
let mut resp = SyncResp {
retrieved_items: vec![],
saved_items: vec![],
unsaved: vec![],
sync_token: None,
cursor_token: None
let inner_params = params.into_inner();
// First, update all items sent by client
for it in inner_params.items.into_iter() {
if let Err(item::ItemOpError(_)) = item::SyncItem::items_insert(&db, &u, &it) {
// Let's not fail just because one of them...
// At least the client will know there's an error
// (maybe mistakes it for conflict)
} else {
let mut from_id: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_id: Option<i64> = None;
if let Some(cursor_token) = inner_params.cursor_token {
// If the client provides cursor_token,
// then, we return all records
// until sync_token (the head of the last sync)
from_id = cursor_token.parse().ok();
max_id = inner_params.sync_token.clone()
.and_then(|i| i.parse().ok());
} else if let Some(sync_token) = inner_params.sync_token {
// If there is no cursor_token, then we are doing
// a normal sync, so just return all records from sync_token
from_id = sync_token.parse().ok();
// Then, retrieve what the client needs
let result = item::SyncItem::items_of_user(&db, &u,
from_id, max_id, inner_params.limit);
match result {
Err(item::ItemOpError(e)) => {
error_resp(Status::InternalServerError, vec![e])
Ok(items) => {
if !items.is_empty() {
// max_id = the last sync token
// if we still haven't reached the last sync token yet,
// return a new cursor token and keep the sync token
if let Some(max_id) = max_id {
resp.cursor_token = Some(items[0].id.to_string());
resp.sync_token = Some(max_id.to_string());
} else {
// Else, use the current max id as the sync_token
resp.sync_token = Some(items[0].id.to_string());
resp.retrieved_items = items.into_iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect();
Custom(Status::Ok, Json(Response::Success(resp)))