# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2021 Francesco Gazzetta """Morse translator and notepad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This app is a simple morse translator that also doubles as a notepad. Swipe up for a line, swipe down for a dot, tap for end letter, double tap for end word. Up to 7 lines of translation will be displayed on a 240x240 screen, and old lines will be deleted. There is a preview of the next letter at the bottom of the screen. .. figure:: res/MorseApp.png :width: 179 """ import wasp import icons import fonts from math import floor from micropython import const _WIDTH = const(240) _HEIGHT = const(240) # No easy way to make this depend on _WIDTH _MAXINPUT = const(16) # These two need to match _FONTH = const(24) _FONT = fonts.sans24 # Precomputed for efficiency _LINEH = const(30) # int(_FONTH * 1.25) _MAXLINES = const(7) # floor(_HEIGHT / _LINEH) - 1 # the "-1" is the input line # The morse lookup table, represented as a flattened binary tree. # The head is the value of the node, the tail are the subtrees: # left half of the tail = the next symbol is a dot # right half of the tail = the next symbol is a line _CODE = " EISH54V?3UF????2ARL?????WP??J?1TNDB6?X??KC??Y??MGZ7?Q??O?8??90" # Or, letters only: #_CODE = " EISHVUF?ARL?WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO??" class MorseApp(): NAME = 'Morse' # 2-bit RLE, 96x64, generated from res/morse_icon.png, 143 bytes ICON = ( b'\x02' b'`@' b'?\xff\xff\xff\xff\x13\xc4?\x1c\xc6?\x1b\xc6?\x1b\xc6' b'?\x1a\xc8?\x19\xc8?\x18\xca?\x17\xc4\x02\xc4?\x17' b'\xc4\x02\xc4?\x16\xc5\x02\xc5?\x15\xc4\x04\xc4?\x15\xc4' b'\x04\xc4?\x14\xc4\x06\xc4?\x13\xc4\x06\xc4?\x12\xc5\x06' b'\xc5?\x11\xc4\x08\xc4?\x11\xd0?\x10\xd2?\x0f\xd2?' b'\x0e\xc5\n\xc4?\x0e\xc4\x0c\xc4?\r\xc4\x0c\xc4?\x0c' b'\xc5\x0c\xc5?\x0b\xc4\x0e\xc4?\x0b\xc4\x0e\xc4?\n\xc4' b'\x10\xc4?\xff\xff\xff\xff\x83\xc4\x0e\xda4\xc4\x0e\xda4' b'\xc4\x0e\xda4\xc4\x0e\xda?\xff\xff\xff\xfe' ) def __init__(self): self.letter = "" self.text = [""] pass def foreground(self): self._draw() wasp.system.request_event(wasp.EventMask.TOUCH | wasp.EventMask.SWIPE_UPDOWN) def swipe(self, event): if len(self.letter) < _MAXINPUT: self.letter += "-" if event[0] == wasp.EventType.UP else "." self._update() def touch(self, event): addition = self._lookup(self.letter) self.letter = "" merged = self.text[-1] + addition # Check if the new text overflows the screen and add a new line if that's the case split = wasp.watch.drawable.wrap(merged, _WIDTH) if len(split) > 2: self.text.append(self.text[-1][split[1]:split[2]] + addition) self.text[-2] = self.text[-2][split[0]:split[1]] if len(self.text) > _MAXLINES: self.text.pop(0) # Ideally a full refresh should be done only when we exceed # _MAXLINES, but this should be fast enough self._draw() else: self.text[-1] = merged self._update() def _draw(self): """Draw the display from scratch""" draw = wasp.watch.drawable draw.fill() i = 0 for line in self.text: draw.string(line, 0, _LINEH * i) i += 1 self._update() def _update(self): """Update the dynamic parts of the application display, specifically the input line and last line of the text. The full text area is updated in _draw() instead.""" draw = wasp.watch.drawable draw.string(self.text[-1], 0, _LINEH*(len(self.text)-1)) guess = self._lookup(self.letter) draw.string("{} {}".format(self.letter, guess), 0, _HEIGHT - _FONTH, width=_WIDTH) def _lookup(self, s): i = 0 # start of the subtree (current node) l = len(_CODE) # length of the subtree for c in s: # first discard the head, which represent the previous guess i += 1 l -= 1 # Check if we can no longer bisect while there are still dots/lines if l <= 0: return "?" # Update the bounds to the appropriate subtree # (left or right of the tail). # The length will always be half: l //= 2 # The index will be either at the beginning of the tail, # or at its half, in which case we subtract the current length, # which is half of the old length: if c == "-": i += l return _CODE[i]