#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import sys from PIL import Image def encode(im): pixels = im.load() rle = [] rl = 0 px = pixels[0, 0] def encode_pixel(px, rl): while rl > 255: rle.append(255) rle.append(0) rl -= 255 rle.append(rl) for y in range(im.height): for x in range(im.width): newpx = pixels[x, y] if newpx == px: rl += 1 assert(rl < (1 << 21)) continue # Code the previous run encode_pixel(px, rl) # Start a new run rl = 1 px = newpx # Handle the final run encode_pixel(px, rl) return (im.width, im.height, bytes(rle)) def encode_8bit(im): pixels = im.load() rle = [] rl = 0 px = pixels[0, 0] def encode_pixel(px, rl): print(rl) px = (px[0] & 0xe0) | ((px[1] & 0xe0) >> 3) | ((px[2] & 0xc0) >> 6) rle.append(px) if rl > 0: rle.append(px) rl -= 2 if rl > (1 << 14): rle.append(0x80 | ((rl >> 14) & 0x7f)) if rl > (1 << 7): rle.append(0x80 | ((rl >> 7) & 0x7f)) if rl >= 0: rle.append( rl & 0x7f ) for y in range(im.height): for x in range(im.width): newpx = pixels[x, y] if newpx == px: rl += 1 assert(rl < (1 << 21)) continue # Code the previous run encode_pixel(px, rl) # Start a new run rl = 1 px = newpx # Handle the final run encode_pixel(px, rl) return (im.width, im.height, bytes(rle)) def render_c(image, fname): print(f'// 1-bit RLE, generated from {fname}, {len(image[2])} bytes') print('static const uint8_t rle[] = {\n ', end='') i = 0 for rl in image[2]: print(f' {hex(rl)},', end='') i += 1 if i == 12: print('\n ', end='') i = 0 print('\n};') def decode_to_ascii(image): (sx, sy, rle) = image data = bytearray(2*sx) dp = 0 black = ord('#') white = ord(' ') color = black for rl in rle: while rl: data[dp] = color data[dp+1] = color dp += 2 rl -= 1 if dp >= (2*sx): print(data.decode('utf-8')) dp = 0 if color == black: color = white else: color = black # Check the image is the correct length assert(dp == 0) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RLE encoder tool.') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help='files to be encoded') parser.add_argument('--ascii', action='store_true', help='Run the resulting image(s) through an ascii art decoder') parser.add_argument('--c', action='store_true', help='Render the output as C instead of python') args = parser.parse_args() for fname in args.files: image = encode(Image.open(fname)) if args.c: render_c(image, fname) else: print(f'# 1-bit RLE, generated from {fname}, {len(image[2])} bytes') print(f'rle = {image}') if args.ascii: print() decode_to_ascii(image)