import configInsec from "../config.insecure.json" import { detect as detectBrowser } from 'detect-browser' # The following two items are read from `config.insecure.json` # These configuration will be load into the frontend, so make sure # no sensitive information is leaked through the json # Maximum upload size (in bytes) MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE = configInsec.max_upload_size # File lifetime (deleted after X days) # This is only intended for human, any auto-deletion # should be configured in your S3 bucket FILE_LIFETIME = configInsec.file_lifetime # Maximum file name length MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 255 # bytes # Validate content-length header validateLength = (req) -> len = Number.parseInt req.headers.get "content-length" len <= MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE && len > 0 # Only accept paths like `/paste/:file_name` # No further slahses are supported getFileName = (url) -> url = new URL url if url.pathname[0] isnt '/' return null parts = url.pathname.split '/' if parts.length isnt 3 return null if parts[1] isnt 'paste' return null return parts[2] # Generate random file ID DICTIONARY = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" ID_LENGTH = 6 randomID = -> [0..ID_LENGTH].map => DICTIONARY[Math.floor Math.random() * DICTIONARY.length] .join '' # Convert a random ID into file path idToPath = (id) -> id.split '' .join '/' # Determine if we show something inline or not shouldShowInline = (mime) -> isText(mime) or mime.startsWith('image/') or mime.startsWith('audio/') or mime.startsWith('video/') isText = (mime) -> mime.startsWith('text/') or mime == 'application/json' or mime == 'application/javascript' # Determine if we consider the user a browser or not isBrowser = (req) -> b = detectBrowser req.headers.get 'user-agent' b and ( != 'searchbot') # Process progress text progressText = (progress) -> progress = progress * 100 txt = progress.toFixed(2) + "%" if progress < 10 "0" + txt else txt # Convert a file size to human-readable form # humanFileSize = (bytes, si) -> thresh = if si then 1000 else 1024 if Math.abs bytes < thresh bytes + " B" else units = do -> if si ['kB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB'] else ['KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB'] u = -1 loop bytes /= thresh ++u break if not (Math.abs(bytes) >= thresh and u < units.length - 1) bytes.toFixed(1) + ' ' + units[u] export { getFileName, validateLength, MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, randomID, idToPath, shouldShowInline, isBrowser, isText, progressText, humanFileSize, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, FILE_LIFETIME }