import React, { useContext, useCallback } from "react" import DialogContext from "./dialogContext" import * as util from "../util" export default HelpButton = -> openDialog = useContext DialogContext showHelp = -> openDialog do ->

Angry.Im Pastebin Service
Source code:

This application is intended as a programming practice. There is absolutely no guarantee on its functionality, security and reliability.

Maximum file size: {util.humanFileSize util.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}, all uploads are kept for {util.FILE_LIFETIME} only.

File uploads with "Encryption: ON" are encrypted with AES-128-GCM before uploading to server. The encryption key and IV (Initialization Vector) are generated in your browser and not uploaded to server.
They are appended to the final uploaded URL in the form of {"\"#-\""} (as a Fragment Identifier),  so that they will not be sent to the server as part of the URL when you access the file later from your browser.

The decryption will also be done entirely in your browser. Therefore, it is not supported to access encrypted files outside of a modern browser.  If you plan to download the shared file from outside the browser (e.g. command line) or on a low-performance device, use "Encryption: OFF".

Please refrain from uploading illegal content and / or abusing the service. This service is provided by the maintainer for convenience,  but failure to keep reasonable usage of the service may result in your content being removed before the {util.FILE_LIFETIME.replace " ", "-"} mark and your IP being blocked from accessing this service.  The service maintainer reserves sole authority on deciding whether a piece of content is considered abusive or not.

showHelp = useCallback showHelp, [openDialog]