import React from "react" import LinkButton from "./util/linkButton" import ContentEditable from "./util/contentEditable" class Pastebin extends React.Component constructor: (props) -> super props @state = text: "" pasting: false highlight: false # Make this false by default to avoid blocking onEditTextUpdate: (ev) => console.log @setState text: toggleHighlight: (ev) => @setState (state, props) => { highlight: not state.highlight } paste: => return if @state.text.trim() == "" # Set the state first to disable the button @setState pasting: true # For things pasted through the web interface, # we always assume the name is `web_paste.txt`, # and the content type is always `text/plain`. resp = await fetch "/paste/web_paste.txt", method: 'PUT' headers: 'content-type': 'text/plain' body: @state.text console.log resp txt = await resp.text() console.log txt # Dialog opening is provided by parent @props.openDialog do -> if resp.ok https://{window.location.hostname}{txt} else txt @setState text: "" # Reset the button @setState pasting: false render: ->
File Upload
export default Pastebin