import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" import hljs from "highlight.js" # Wrapper for a content-editable div # class ContentEditable extends React.Component constructor: (props) -> super props getText: -> console.log @domNode.innerHTML do => if @props.plainText @domNode.innerText else @domNode.innerHTML .replace /\u200C/g, '' setText: (text) -> if @props.plainText @domNode.innerText = text else @domNode.innerHTML = text codeHighlight: -> if @props.plainText and @props.highlightCode @domNode.innerHTML = hljs.highlightAuto(@domNode.innerText).value componentDidMount: -> @domNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode @ componentWillUnmount: -> @domNode = null shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps) -> nextProps.value != @getText() or nextProps.plainText != @props.plainText or nextProps.highlightCode != @props.highlightCode componentDidUpdate: -> #if @props.value != @getText() @setText @props.value # Note that we will only update when the value passed by parent # is different than what we know, i.e. the parent requested # a change in value @codeHighlight() emitUpdate: => if @props.onUpdate # Note that the parent is expected to send the content back to us # via `@props.value` @props.onUpdate target: value: @getText() onBlur: => @codeHighlight() @emitUpdate() onPaste: (ev) => return false if not @props.plainText # paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData 'text' selection = window.getSelection() return false if not selection.rangeCount selection.deleteFromDocument() selection.getRangeAt 0 .insertNode document.createTextNode paste ev.preventDefault() onKeyDown: (ev) => if ev.keyCode == 13 # Without U+200C, the new line will not work properly document.execCommand 'insertHTML', false, '
\u200C' ev.preventDefault() render: ->
export default ContentEditable