2020-02-17 14:48:05 +08:00

111 lines
3 KiB

import * as util from './util'
import _ from './prelude'
import S3 from './aws/s3'
import config from '../config.json'
s3 = new S3 config
main = ->
addEventListener 'fetch', (event) =>
event.respondWith handleRequest event
buildInvalidResponse = (msg) ->
if not msg
msg = "Invalid Request"
new Response msg,
status: 400
handleRequest = (event) ->
# Validate file name first, since this is shared logic
file = util.getFileName event.request.url
if not file
return buildInvalidResponse _
# Handle PUT and GET separately
if event.request.method == "PUT"
handlePUT event.request, file
else if event.request.method == "GET"
handleGET event.request, file
buildInvalidResponse _
handlePUT = (req, file) ->
if not util.validateLength req
return buildInvalidResponse "Maximum upload size: " + util.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE
# Generate a valid ID first
id = null
path = null
id = util.randomID _
path = util.idToPath id
files = await s3.listObjects
prefix: path
break if !files.Contents or files.Contents.length == 0
path = path + "/" + file
len = req.headers.get "content-length"
# Upload the file to S3
await s3.putObject path, req.body, # Expiration should be configured on S3 side
ContentType: req.headers.get "content-type"
ContentLength: len
catch err
console.log err
return buildInvalidResponse err
# Simply return the path in body
new Response "/paste/" + id,
status: 200
handleGET = (req, file) ->
path = util.idToPath file
# Find the file first, because ID is only the path part
# We still need the real file name
files = await s3.listObjects
prefix: path
if !files.Contents or files.Contents.length == 0
return new Response "Not Found",
status: 404
# The full path to the original file
fullPath = files.Contents[0].Key[0]
fileName = fullPath.split('/')[-1]
# Build options and downlaod the file from origin
options = {}
# Handle range header
if req.headers.has "range"
options["range"] = req.headers.get "range"
resp = await s3.getObject fullPath, options
if not resp.ok
return new Response "Something went wrong",
status: resp.status
# Build response headers
headers =
'content-length': resp.headers.get 'content-length'
# TODO: handle text/* with a code viewer of some sort
'content-type': resp.headers.get 'content-type'
# Prevent executing random HTML / XML by treating all text as `text/plain`
if headers['content-type'].startsWith 'text/'
headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
# Add content-disposition header to indicate file name
if headers['content-type'].startsWith 'image/'
headers['content-disposition'] = 'inline; filename=' + fileName
headers['content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + fileName
# Handle ranged resposes
if resp.headers.has 'content-range'
headers['content-range'] = resp.headers.get 'content-range'
new Response resp.body,
status: resp.status
headers: headers
export default main