Andy CrossGate Yan ca9375e755 Fix status bar height for Android 12L
Prior to 12L:
- values: sbh links to sbh_port
- values-land: sbh links to sbh_land
However, in 12L this was flipped around:
- values: sbh_port links to sbh
- values-land: defines sbh standalone
To fix for 12L without breaking them for prior versions, break the link and define each of them

Also, while we're at it, remove a few links in my own overlays, as they might break similarly in the future

Change-Id: Ib4d1896599f47a39274c4930fd765891bf143f7d
2022-04-17 13:50:13 +00:00

8 lines
348 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<dimen name="status_bar_height">60px</dimen>
<dimen name="status_bar_height_portrait">60px</dimen>
<dimen name="status_bar_height_landscape">60px</dimen>
<string name="config_mainBuiltInDisplayCutout">M 0,0 L -24,0 C -24,0 -24,31 0,31 C 0,31 24,31 24,0 Z @dp</string>