TBM13 45cd92b41b Redo Samsung Galaxy A20 Overlay
Previous Overlay was broken: Wired Headphones weren't detected & Battery Usage didn't show anything
2022-02-17 18:59:12 -03:00

117 lines
5.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the lux values
in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
The brightness values must be between 0 and 255 and be non-decreasing.
This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
<!-- Array of light sensor lux values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
The N entries of this array define N + 1 control points as follows:
(1-based arrays)
Point 1: (0, value[1]): lux <= 0
Point 2: (level[1], value[2]): 0 < lux <= level[1]
Point 3: (level[2], value[3]): level[2] < lux <= level[3]
Point N+1: (level[N], value[N+1]): level[N] < lux
The control points must be strictly increasing. Each control point
corresponds to an entry in the brightness backlight values arrays.
For example, if lux == level[1] (first element of the levels array)
then the brightness will be determined by value[2] (second element
of the brightness values array).
Spline interpolation is used to determine the auto-brightness
backlight values for lux levels between these control points.
Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
<!-- Configure mobile tcp buffer sizes in the form:
If no value is found for the rat-name in use, the system default will be applied. -->
<string-array name="config_mobile_tcp_buffers">
<!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable
USB interfaces. If the device doesn't want to support tethering over USB this should
be empty. An example would be "usb.*" -->
<string-array name="config_tether_usb_regexs">
<!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable
Wifi interfaces. If the device doesn't want to support tethering over Wifi this
should be empty. An example would be "softap.*" -->
<string-array name="config_tether_wifi_regexs">
<!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of network
attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
based on the hardware -->
<!-- An Array of "[Connection name],[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_xxxx],
[associated radio-type],[priority],[restoral-timer(ms)],[dependencyMet] -->
<!-- the 5th element "resore-time" indicates the number of milliseconds to delay
before automatically restore the default connection. Set -1 if the connection
does not require auto-restore. -->
<!-- the 6th element indicates boot-time dependency-met value. -->
<!-- NOTE: The telephony module is no longer reading the configuration below for available
APN types. The set of APN types and relevant settings are specified within the telephony
module and are non-configurable. Whether or not data connectivity over a cellular network
is available at all is controlled by the flag: config_moble_data_capable. -->
<string-array name="networkAttributes">