# `@actions/upload-artifact/merge` Merge multiple [Actions Artifacts](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/storing-workflow-data-as-artifacts) in Workflow Runs. Internally powered by [@actions/artifact](https://github.com/actions/toolkit/tree/main/packages/artifact) package. - [`@actions/upload-artifact/merge`](#actionsupload-artifactmerge) - [Usage](#usage) - [Inputs](#inputs) - [Outputs](#outputs) - [Examples](#examples) ## Usage > [!IMPORTANT] > upload-artifact/merge@v4+ is not currently supported on GHES. Note: this actions can only merge artifacts created with actions/upload-artifact@v4+ ### Inputs ```yaml - uses: actions/upload-artifact/merge@v4 with: # The name of the artifact that the artifacts will be merged into # Optional. Default is 'merged-artifacts' name: # A glob pattern matching the artifacts that should be merged. # Optional. Default is '*' pattern: # If true, the artifacts will be merged into separate directories. # If false, the artifacts will be merged into the root of the destination. # Optional. Default is 'false' separate-directories: # If true, the artifacts that were merged will be deleted. # If false, the artifacts will still exist. # Optional. Default is 'false' delete-merged: # Duration after which artifact will expire in days. 0 means using default retention. # Minimum 1 day. # Maximum 90 days unless changed from the repository settings page. # Optional. Defaults to repository settings. retention-days: # The level of compression for Zlib to be applied to the artifact archive. # The value can range from 0 to 9. # For large files that are not easily compressed, a value of 0 is recommended for significantly faster uploads. # Optional. Default is '6' compression-level: ``` ### Outputs | Name | Description | Example | | - | - | - | | `artifact-id` | GitHub ID of an Artifact, can be used by the REST API | `1234` | | `artifact-url` | URL to download an Artifact. Can be used in many scenarios such as linking to artifacts in issues or pull requests. Users must be logged-in in order for this URL to work. This URL is valid as long as the artifact has not expired or the artifact, run or repository have not been deleted | `https://github.com/example-org/example-repo/actions/runs/1/artifacts/1234` | ## Examples TODO(robherley): add examples