#!/bin/sh printf "STARTING script ...\n\n"; printf "1 - Verifying if unzip is installed ...\n\n"; unzip -v > /dev/null 2>&1; if test $? -ne 0 ; then # bash POSIX >> if [[ $(test $? -ne 0) ]] printf " FAIL - It seems unzip is not installed. Let's install it now ...\n\n" ; printf " 1.1 - Installing unzip ...\n\n"; apt-get install unzip -y > /dev/null 2>&1 ; if ! test $? -eq 0 ; then printf " FAIL - Installation FAILED. \n\t Please, run this script with elevated privileges OR trying install unzip manually then go back here :) \n\n" ; printf "See ya! \n\n"; exit 1; else printf " OK - unzip INSTALLED\n\n"; fi else printf " OK - unzip is already installed.\n\n"; fi printf "2 - Downloading repository ...\n\n" ; wget -c -O front-repo https://github.com/becauro/games-store-front/archive/refs/heads/main.zip > /dev/null 2>&1 ; if test $? -ne 0 ; then printf " FAIL - download FAILED. \n\t Please, check parent folder permissions then go back here OR trying download repo manually :) \n\n" ; printf "Exiting...! \n\n"; exit 1; else printf " OK - Repo downloaded!\n\n" ; fi printf "3 - Unziping file ... \n\n" ; unzip front-repo -d .. > /dev/null 2>&1 ; if test $? -ne 0 ; then printf " FAIL - unziping FAILED. \n\t Please, check the current/parent folder permissions, run this script with elevated privileges \ OR trying unzip the file manually :) \n\n" ; printf "Exiting...! \n\n"; exit 1; else printf " OK - file unziped! \n\n" ; fi printf "4 - Deleting unziped file ... \n\n" ; rm front-repo > /dev/null 2>&1 ; if test $? -ne 0 ; then printf " FAIL - Deletion FAILED. \n\t Please, check the current/parent folder permissions, run this script with elevated privileges \ OR trying delete the file manually :) \n\n" ; printf "Step Ignored. Moving to next one ... \n\n"; else printf " OK - file Deleted ! \n\n" ; fi printf "5 - Renaming extracted folder in parent one... \n\n" ; mv ../games-store-front-main ../games-store-front > /dev/null 2>&1 ; if test $? -ne 0 ; then printf " FAIL - Renaming FAILED. \n\t Please, check the parent folder permissions, run this script with elevated privileges \ OR trying rename the folder manually as 'games-store-front' :) \n\n" ; printf "Step ignored ! \n\n"; else printf " OK - Folder renamed ! \n\n" ; fi printf "END of script!\n\n" printf "6 - Changing folder permissions ... \n\n" ; chmod -R 777 ../games-store-front > /dev/null 2>&1 ; if test $? -ne 0 ; then printf " FAIL - Permissions changing FAILED. \n\t Please,check the parent folder permissions, run this script with elevated privileges \ OR trying to change the folder permissions manually :) \n\n" ; printf "Step ignored ! \n\n"; else printf " OK - Folder's permissions changed ! \n\n" ; fi printf "END of script!\n\n"