const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb'); const modelsProducts = require('../models/products'); const CODE_INVALID_DATA = 'invalid_data'; const STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422; const MSG_WRONG_ID = 'Wrong sale ID format'; function quantityInArray(soldProducts) { const msg = 'Wrong product ID or invalid quantity'; const resultSize = soldProducts.some(({ quantity }) => quantity < 1); const resultType = soldProducts.some(({ quantity }) => typeof quantity !== 'number'); if (resultSize || resultType) { return { status: STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, code: CODE_INVALID_DATA, message: msg }; } return {}; } const idExistsInArray = async (soldProducts) => { const promises = ({ productId }) => { const check = await modelsProducts.getById(productId); if (check === null) return productId; // Promises return "undefined" for every item test returning nothing. }); // Promises add value(undefined) when some promises return nothing. // That's why is needed to check ALL array itens, once some item is NOT undefined.. // ...that means some product to be registered not exists, we need reject the insertion into database until every item ... // ...has a valid "producId". I've check it by using the "some() function" over "result" var. const result = await Promise.all(promises); const someNotFound = result.some((item) => item !== undefined); // Promise.all assign a "undefined" item to every not found id in "map". if (!someNotFound) { // if false ("allFound"), that means ALL "productId" were found. return []; } return result; // However, if get here, some "productId" was not found. :) }; const validSaleId = (id) => { if (!ObjectId.isValid(id)) { // Get error if invalid id format id found. return { status: STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, code: CODE_INVALID_DATA, message: MSG_WRONG_ID }; } }; const decProductQtd = async (soldProducts) => { // map every "soldProducts" passed and decrement its quantity: const promises = ({ productId, quantity }) => { const { modifiedCount } = await modelsProducts.updateQtd(productId, -quantity); if (modifiedCount === 0) return { modifiedCount, productId }; return {}; }); const result = await Promise.all(promises); const checkIfAllUpdated = result.some((modifiedCount) => modifiedCount === 0); if (checkIfAllUpdated) { return `Os seguintes itens não foram atualizados: ${result} `; } return 'Deu certo, atualizou todos produtos'; }; const incProductQtd = async (soldProducts) => { // map every "soldProducts" passed and increment its quantity: const promises = ({ productId, quantity }) => { const { modifiedCount } = await modelsProducts.updateQtd(productId, quantity); if (modifiedCount === 0) return { modifiedCount, productId }; return {}; }); const result = await Promise.all(promises); const checkIfAllUpdated = result.some((modifiedCount) => modifiedCount === 0); if (checkIfAllUpdated) { return `Os seguintes itens não foram atualizados: ${result} `; } return 'Deu certo, atualizou todos produtos'; }; const checkProductQtd = async (soldProducts) => { const promises = ({ productId, quantity }) => { const check = await modelsProducts.getById(productId); // if (check === null) return productId; if (check.quantity < quantity) return productId; // Promises return "undefined" for every item test returning nothing. }); const result = await Promise.all(promises); const someNotFound = result.some((item) => item !== undefined); // Promise.all assign a "undefined" item to every not found id in "map". if (!someNotFound) { // if false ("allFound"), that means ALL "productId" were found. return []; } return result; // However, if get here, some "productId" was not found. :) }; module.exports = { idExistsInArray, quantityInArray, validSaleId, decProductQtd, incProductQtd, checkProductQtd, };