refactor: IEuiccChannelManager -> EuiccChannelManager

This commit is contained in:
Peter Cai 2024-03-04 19:06:05 -05:00
parent 4dd14d23f2
commit 7c6b4ebee5
9 changed files with 223 additions and 223 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
package im.angry.openeuicc.core
import android.content.Context
import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager
import android.util.Log
import im.angry.openeuicc.OpenEuiccApplication
import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
open class DefaultEuiccChannelManager(protected val context: Context) : EuiccChannelManager {
companion object {
const val TAG = "EuiccChannelManager"
private val channels = mutableListOf<EuiccChannel>()
private var seService: SEService? = null
private val lock = Mutex()
protected val tm by lazy {
(context.applicationContext as OpenEuiccApplication).appContainer.telephonyManager
protected open val uiccCards: Collection<UiccCardInfoCompat>
get() = (0..<tm.activeModemCountCompat).map { FakeUiccCardInfoCompat(it) }
private suspend fun ensureSEService() {
if (seService == null) {
seService = connectSEService(context)
protected open fun tryOpenEuiccChannelPrivileged(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? {
// No-op when unprivileged
return null
protected fun tryOpenEuiccChannelUnprivileged(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? {
if (port.portIndex != 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "OMAPI channel attempted on non-zero portId, this may or may not work.")
Log.i(TAG, "Trying OMAPI for physical slot ${port.card.physicalSlotIndex}")
try {
return OmapiChannel(seService!!, port)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
// Failed
"OMAPI APDU interface unavailable for physical slot ${port.card.physicalSlotIndex}."
return null
private suspend fun tryOpenEuiccChannel(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? {
lock.withLock {
val existing =
channels.find { it.slotId == port.card.physicalSlotIndex && it.portId == port.portIndex }
if (existing != null) {
if (existing.valid && port.logicalSlotIndex == existing.logicalSlotId) {
return existing
} else {
if (port.logicalSlotIndex == SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SIM_SLOT_INDEX) {
// We can only open channels on ports that are actually enabled
return null
var euiccChannel: EuiccChannel? = tryOpenEuiccChannelPrivileged(port)
if (euiccChannel == null) {
euiccChannel = tryOpenEuiccChannelUnprivileged(port)
if (euiccChannel != null) {
return euiccChannel
override fun findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(logicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (card in uiccCards) {
for (port in card.ports) {
if (port.logicalSlotIndex == logicalSlotId) {
return@withContext tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)
override fun findEuiccChannelByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (card in uiccCards) {
if (card.physicalSlotIndex != physicalSlotId) continue
for (port in card.ports) {
tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)?.let { return@withContext it }
override fun findAllEuiccChannelsByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): List<EuiccChannel>? =
runBlocking {
for (card in uiccCards) {
if (card.physicalSlotIndex != physicalSlotId) continue
return@runBlocking card.ports.mapNotNull { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) }
.ifEmpty { null }
return@runBlocking null
override fun findEuiccChannelByPortBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
uiccCards.find { it.physicalSlotIndex == physicalSlotId }?.let { card ->
card.ports.find { it.portIndex == portId }?.let { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) }
override suspend fun enumerateEuiccChannels() {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (uiccInfo in uiccCards) {
for (port in uiccInfo.ports) {
if (tryOpenEuiccChannel(port) != null) {
"Found eUICC on slot ${uiccInfo.physicalSlotIndex} port ${port.portIndex}"
override val knownChannels: List<EuiccChannel>
get() = channels.toList()
override fun invalidate() {
for (channel in channels) {
seService = null

View file

@ -1,174 +1,47 @@
package im.angry.openeuicc.core package im.angry.openeuicc.core
import android.content.Context interface EuiccChannelManager {
import val knownChannels: List<EuiccChannel>
import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager
import android.util.Log
import im.angry.openeuicc.OpenEuiccApplication
import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
open class EuiccChannelManager(protected val context: Context) : IEuiccChannelManager { /**
companion object { * Scan all possible sources for EuiccChannels and have them cached for future use
const val TAG = "EuiccChannelManager" */
} suspend fun enumerateEuiccChannels()
private val channels = mutableListOf<EuiccChannel>() /**
* Returns the EuiccChannel corresponding to a **logical** slot
fun findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(logicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel?
private var seService: SEService? = null /**
* Returns the first EuiccChannel corresponding to a **physical** slot
* If the physical slot supports MEP and has multiple ports, it is undefined
* which of the two channels will be returned.
fun findEuiccChannelByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel?
private val lock = Mutex() /**
* Returns all EuiccChannels corresponding to a **physical** slot
* Multiple channels are possible in the case of MEP
fun findAllEuiccChannelsByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): List<EuiccChannel>?
protected val tm by lazy { /**
(context.applicationContext as OpenEuiccApplication).appContainer.telephonyManager * Returns the EuiccChannel corresponding to a **physical** slot and a port ID
} */
fun findEuiccChannelByPortBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccChannel?
protected open val uiccCards: Collection<UiccCardInfoCompat> /**
get() = (0..<tm.activeModemCountCompat).map { FakeUiccCardInfoCompat(it) } * Invalidate all EuiccChannels previously known by this Manager
fun invalidate()
private suspend fun ensureSEService() { /**
if (seService == null) { * If possible, trigger the system to update the cached list of profiles
seService = connectSEService(context) * This is only expected to be implemented when the application is privileged
} * TODO: Remove this from the common interface
} */
fun notifyEuiccProfilesChanged(logicalSlotId: Int) {
protected open fun tryOpenEuiccChannelPrivileged(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? { // no-op by default
// No-op when unprivileged
return null
protected fun tryOpenEuiccChannelUnprivileged(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? {
if (port.portIndex != 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "OMAPI channel attempted on non-zero portId, this may or may not work.")
Log.i(TAG, "Trying OMAPI for physical slot ${port.card.physicalSlotIndex}")
try {
return OmapiChannel(seService!!, port)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
// Failed
"OMAPI APDU interface unavailable for physical slot ${port.card.physicalSlotIndex}."
return null
private suspend fun tryOpenEuiccChannel(port: UiccPortInfoCompat): EuiccChannel? {
lock.withLock {
val existing =
channels.find { it.slotId == port.card.physicalSlotIndex && it.portId == port.portIndex }
if (existing != null) {
if (existing.valid && port.logicalSlotIndex == existing.logicalSlotId) {
return existing
} else {
if (port.logicalSlotIndex == SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SIM_SLOT_INDEX) {
// We can only open channels on ports that are actually enabled
return null
var euiccChannel: EuiccChannel? = tryOpenEuiccChannelPrivileged(port)
if (euiccChannel == null) {
euiccChannel = tryOpenEuiccChannelUnprivileged(port)
if (euiccChannel != null) {
return euiccChannel
override fun findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(logicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (card in uiccCards) {
for (port in card.ports) {
if (port.logicalSlotIndex == logicalSlotId) {
return@withContext tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)
override fun findEuiccChannelByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (card in uiccCards) {
if (card.physicalSlotIndex != physicalSlotId) continue
for (port in card.ports) {
tryOpenEuiccChannel(port)?.let { return@withContext it }
override fun findAllEuiccChannelsByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): List<EuiccChannel>? =
runBlocking {
for (card in uiccCards) {
if (card.physicalSlotIndex != physicalSlotId) continue
return@runBlocking card.ports.mapNotNull { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) }
.ifEmpty { null }
return@runBlocking null
override fun findEuiccChannelByPortBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccChannel? =
runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
uiccCards.find { it.physicalSlotIndex == physicalSlotId }?.let { card ->
card.ports.find { it.portIndex == portId }?.let { tryOpenEuiccChannel(it) }
override suspend fun enumerateEuiccChannels() {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (uiccInfo in uiccCards) {
for (port in uiccInfo.ports) {
if (tryOpenEuiccChannel(port) != null) {
"Found eUICC on slot ${uiccInfo.physicalSlotIndex} port ${port.portIndex}"
override val knownChannels: List<EuiccChannel>
get() = channels.toList()
override fun invalidate() {
for (channel in channels) {
seService = null
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
package im.angry.openeuicc.core
interface IEuiccChannelManager {
val knownChannels: List<EuiccChannel>
* Scan all possible sources for EuiccChannels and have them cached for future use
suspend fun enumerateEuiccChannels()
* Returns the EuiccChannel corresponding to a **logical** slot
fun findEuiccChannelBySlotBlocking(logicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel?
* Returns the first EuiccChannel corresponding to a **physical** slot
* If the physical slot supports MEP and has multiple ports, it is undefined
* which of the two channels will be returned.
fun findEuiccChannelByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): EuiccChannel?
* Returns all EuiccChannels corresponding to a **physical** slot
* Multiple channels are possible in the case of MEP
fun findAllEuiccChannelsByPhysicalSlotBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int): List<EuiccChannel>?
* Returns the EuiccChannel corresponding to a **physical** slot and a port ID
fun findEuiccChannelByPortBlocking(physicalSlotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccChannel?
* Invalidate all EuiccChannels previously known by this Manager
fun invalidate()
* If possible, trigger the system to update the cached list of profiles
* This is only expected to be implemented when the application is privileged
* TODO: Remove this from the common interface
fun notifyEuiccProfilesChanged(logicalSlotId: Int) {
// no-op by default

View file

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ package im.angry.openeuicc.di
import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.IEuiccChannelManager import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannelManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.util.* import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
interface AppContainer { interface AppContainer {
val telephonyManager: TelephonyManager val telephonyManager: TelephonyManager
val euiccChannelManager: IEuiccChannelManager val euiccChannelManager: EuiccChannelManager
val subscriptionManager: SubscriptionManager val subscriptionManager: SubscriptionManager
val preferenceRepository: PreferenceRepository val preferenceRepository: PreferenceRepository
val uiComponentFactory: UiComponentFactory val uiComponentFactory: UiComponentFactory

View file

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package im.angry.openeuicc.di
import android.content.Context import android.content.Context
import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.DefaultEuiccChannelManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannelManager import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannelManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.IEuiccChannelManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.util.* import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
open class DefaultAppContainer(context: Context) : AppContainer { open class DefaultAppContainer(context: Context) : AppContainer {
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ open class DefaultAppContainer(context: Context) : AppContainer {
context.getSystemService(!! context.getSystemService(!!
} }
override val euiccChannelManager: IEuiccChannelManager by lazy { override val euiccChannelManager: EuiccChannelManager by lazy {
EuiccChannelManager(context) DefaultEuiccChannelManager(context)
} }
override val subscriptionManager by lazy { override val subscriptionManager by lazy {

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
import import
import im.angry.openeuicc.OpenEuiccApplication import im.angry.openeuicc.OpenEuiccApplication
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannel import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannel
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.IEuiccChannelManager import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannelManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.di.AppContainer import im.angry.openeuicc.di.AppContainer
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ interface OpenEuiccContextMarker {
val appContainer: AppContainer val appContainer: AppContainer
get() = openEuiccApplication.appContainer get() = openEuiccApplication.appContainer
val euiccChannelManager: IEuiccChannelManager val euiccChannelManager: EuiccChannelManager
get() = appContainer.euiccChannelManager get() = appContainer.euiccChannelManager
val telephonyManager: TelephonyManager val telephonyManager: TelephonyManager

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
import java.lang.Exception import java.lang.Exception
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
class PrivilegedEuiccChannelManager(context: Context): EuiccChannelManager(context) { class PrivilegedEuiccChannelManager(context: Context): DefaultEuiccChannelManager(context) {
override val uiccCards: Collection<UiccCardInfoCompat> override val uiccCards: Collection<UiccCardInfoCompat>
get() = tm.uiccCardsInfoCompat get() = tm.uiccCardsInfoCompat

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package im.angry.openeuicc.di package im.angry.openeuicc.di
import android.content.Context import android.content.Context
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.IEuiccChannelManager import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannelManager
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.PrivilegedEuiccChannelManager import im.angry.openeuicc.core.PrivilegedEuiccChannelManager
class PrivilegedAppContainer(context: Context) : DefaultAppContainer(context) { class PrivilegedAppContainer(context: Context) : DefaultAppContainer(context) {
override val euiccChannelManager: IEuiccChannelManager by lazy { override val euiccChannelManager: EuiccChannelManager by lazy {
PrivilegedEuiccChannelManager(context) PrivilegedEuiccChannelManager(context)
} }

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
import android.telephony.UiccSlotMapping import android.telephony.UiccSlotMapping
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannel import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannel
import im.angry.openeuicc.core.IEuiccChannelManager import im.angry.openeuicc.core.EuiccChannelManager
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import java.lang.Exception import java.lang.Exception
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ val TelephonyManager.supportsDSDS: Boolean
val TelephonyManager.dsdsEnabled: Boolean val TelephonyManager.dsdsEnabled: Boolean
get() = activeModemCount >= 2 get() = activeModemCount >= 2
fun TelephonyManager.setDsdsEnabled(euiccManager: IEuiccChannelManager, enabled: Boolean) { fun TelephonyManager.setDsdsEnabled(euiccManager: EuiccChannelManager, enabled: Boolean) {
runBlocking { runBlocking {
euiccManager.enumerateEuiccChannels() euiccManager.enumerateEuiccChannels()
} }
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ fun TelephonyManager.setDsdsEnabled(euiccManager: IEuiccChannelManager, enabled:
// Disable eSIM profiles before switching the slot mapping // Disable eSIM profiles before switching the slot mapping
// This ensures that unmapped eSIM ports never have "ghost" profiles enabled // This ensures that unmapped eSIM ports never have "ghost" profiles enabled
fun TelephonyManager.updateSimSlotMapping( fun TelephonyManager.updateSimSlotMapping(
euiccManager: IEuiccChannelManager, newMapping: Collection<UiccSlotMapping>, euiccManager: EuiccChannelManager, newMapping: Collection<UiccSlotMapping>,
currentMapping: Collection<UiccSlotMapping> = simSlotMapping currentMapping: Collection<UiccSlotMapping> = simSlotMapping
) { ) {
val unmapped = currentMapping.filterNot { mapping -> val unmapped = currentMapping.filterNot { mapping ->