Peter Cai 3a0d805eb2 treewide: Nullability fixes for AOSP 14 r29
Mainly a treewide `findViewById` -> `requireViewById`, with
miscellaneous fixes.
2024-03-11 18:55:32 -04:00

39 lines
1.7 KiB

package im.angry.openeuicc.ui
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.PopupMenu
import im.angry.openeuicc.R
import im.angry.openeuicc.util.*
import net.typeblog.lpac_jni.LocalProfileInfo
class PrivilegedEuiccManagementFragment: EuiccManagementFragment() {
companion object {
fun newInstance(slotId: Int, portId: Int): EuiccManagementFragment =
newInstanceEuicc(, slotId, portId)
override suspend fun onCreateFooterViews(parent: ViewGroup): List<View> =
if (channel.isMEP) {
val view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.footer_mep, parent, false)
view.requireViewById<Button>( {
(requireActivity() as PrivilegedMainActivity).showSlotMappingFragment()
} else {
override fun populatePopupWithProfileActions(popup: PopupMenu, profile: LocalProfileInfo) {
super.populatePopupWithProfileActions(popup, profile)
if (profile.isEnabled && !channel.removable) {
// Only show the disable option for non-removable eUICCs
// Some devices without internal eUICCs have the "optimization" of ignoring SIM
// slots without a valid profile. This can lead to "bricking" of external eUICCs
// at least for that specific device.
// TODO: Maybe we can still make this option available in some sort of "advanced" mode. = true