import { shallowRef, computed, markRaw } from 'vue'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import { api, apiGet } from './os'; import { miLocalStorage } from './local-storage'; import { stream } from '@/stream'; const storageCache = miLocalStorage.getItem('emojis'); export const customEmojis = shallowRef(storageCache ? JSON.parse(storageCache) : []); export const customEmojiCategories = computed<[ ...string[], null ]>(() => { const categories = new Set(); for (const emoji of customEmojis.value) { if (emoji.category && emoji.category !== 'null') { categories.add(emoji.category); } } return markRaw([...Array.from(categories), null]); }); stream.on('emojiAdded', emojiData => { customEmojis.value = [emojiData.emoji, ...customEmojis.value]; }); stream.on('emojiUpdated', emojiData => { customEmojis.value = => emojiData.emojis.find(search => === as Misskey.entities.CustomEmoji ?? item); }); stream.on('emojiDeleted', emojiData => { customEmojis.value = customEmojis.value.filter(item => !emojiData.emojis.some(search => ===; }); export async function fetchCustomEmojis(force = false) { const now =; let res; if (force) { res = await api('emojis', {}); } else { const lastFetchedAt = miLocalStorage.getItem('lastEmojisFetchedAt'); if (lastFetchedAt && (now - parseInt(lastFetchedAt)) < 1000 * 60 * 60) return; res = await apiGet('emojis', {}); } customEmojis.value = res.emojis; miLocalStorage.setItem('emojis', JSON.stringify(res.emojis)); miLocalStorage.setItem('lastEmojisFetchedAt', now.toString()); } let cachedTags; export function getCustomEmojiTags() { if (cachedTags) return cachedTags; const tags = new Set(); for (const emoji of customEmojis.value) { for (const tag of emoji.aliases) { tags.add(tag); } } const res = Array.from(tags); cachedTags = res; return res; }