marihachi 1c38c7010d
refactor: Introduce list of MFM Functions (#7882)
* introduce list of MFM Functions

* add note
2021-11-01 23:47:13 +09:00

91 lines
2.7 KiB

import { URL } from 'url';
import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
import renderImage from './image';
import renderKey from './key';
import config from '@/config/index';
import { ILocalUser } from '@/models/entities/user';
import { toHtml } from '../../../mfm/to-html';
import { getEmojis } from './note';
import renderEmoji from './emoji';
import { IIdentifier } from '../models/identifier';
import renderHashtag from './hashtag';
import { DriveFiles, UserProfiles } from '@/models/index';
import { getUserKeypair } from '@/misc/keypair-store';
import { fnNameList } from '@/mfm/fn-name-list';
export async function renderPerson(user: ILocalUser) {
const id = `${config.url}/users/${user.id}`;
const isSystem = !!user.username.match(/\./);
const [avatar, banner, profile] = await Promise.all([
user.avatarId ? DriveFiles.findOne(user.avatarId) : Promise.resolve(undefined),
user.bannerId ? DriveFiles.findOne(user.bannerId) : Promise.resolve(undefined),
const attachment: {
type: 'PropertyValue',
name: string,
value: string,
identifier?: IIdentifier
}[] = [];
if (profile.fields) {
for (const field of profile.fields) {
type: 'PropertyValue',
name: field.name,
value: (field.value != null && field.value.match(/^https?:/))
? `<a href="${new URL(field.value).href}" rel="me nofollow noopener" target="_blank">${new URL(field.value).href}</a>`
: field.value
const emojis = await getEmojis(user.emojis);
const apemojis = emojis.map(emoji => renderEmoji(emoji));
const hashtagTags = (user.tags || []).map(tag => renderHashtag(tag));
const tag = [
const keypair = await getUserKeypair(user.id);
const person = {
type: isSystem ? 'Application' : user.isBot ? 'Service' : 'Person',
inbox: `${id}/inbox`,
outbox: `${id}/outbox`,
followers: `${id}/followers`,
following: `${id}/following`,
featured: `${id}/collections/featured`,
sharedInbox: `${config.url}/inbox`,
endpoints: { sharedInbox: `${config.url}/inbox` },
url: `${config.url}/@${user.username}`,
preferredUsername: user.username,
name: user.name,
summary: profile.description ? toHtml(mfm.parse(profile.description, { fnNameList })) : null,
icon: avatar ? renderImage(avatar) : null,
image: banner ? renderImage(banner) : null,
manuallyApprovesFollowers: user.isLocked,
discoverable: !!user.isExplorable,
publicKey: renderKey(user, keypair, `#main-key`),
isCat: user.isCat,
attachment: attachment.length ? attachment : undefined
} as any;
if (profile?.birthday) {
person['vcard:bday'] = profile.birthday;
if (profile?.location) {
person['vcard:Address'] = profile.location;
return person;