tamaina 766559c6e9
feat: Improve Push Notification (#7667)
* clean up

* ev => data

* refactor

* clean up

* add type

* antenna

* channel

* fix

* add Packed type

* add PackedRef

* fix lint

* add emoji schema

* add reversiGame

* add reversiMatching

* remove signin schema (use Signin entity)

* add schemas refs, fix Packed type

* wip PackedHoge => Packed<'Hoge'>

* add Packed type

* note-reaction

* user

* user-group

* user-list

* note

* app, messaging-message

* notification

* drive-file

* drive-folder

* following

* muting

* blocking

* hashtag

* page

* app (with modifying schema)

* import user?

* channel

* antenna

* clip

* gallery-post

* emoji

* Packed

* reversi-matching

* update stream.ts

* https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/pull/7769#issuecomment-917542339

* fix lint

* clean up?

* add app

* fix

* nanka iroiro

* wip

* wip

* fix lint

* fix loginId

* fix

* refactor

* refactor

* remove follow action

* clean up

* Revert "remove follow action"

This reverts commit defbb41648.

* Revert "clean up"

This reverts commit f94919cb9c.

* remove fetch specification

* renoteの条件追加

* apiFetch => cli

* bypass fetch?

* fix

* refactor: use path alias

* temp: add submodule

* remove submodule

* enhane: unison-reloadに指定したパスに移動できるように

* null

* null

* feat: ログインするアカウントのIDをクエリ文字列で指定する機能

* null

* await?

* rename

* rename

* Update read.ts

* merge

* get-note-summary

* fix

* swパッケージに

* add missing packages

* fix getNoteSummary

* add webpack-cli

* ✌️

* remove plugins

* sw-inject分離したがテストしてない

* fix notification.vue

* remove a blank line

* disconnect intersection observer

* disconnect2

* fix notification.vue

* remove a blank line

* disconnect intersection observer

* disconnect2

* fix

* ✌️

* clean up config

* typesを戻した

* Update packages/client/src/components/notification.vue

Co-authored-by: Acid Chicken (硫酸鶏) <root@acid-chicken.com>

* disconnect

* oops

* Failed to load the script unexpectedly回避

* truncate notification

* Update packages/client/src/ui/_common_/common.vue

Co-authored-by: syuilo <Syuilotan@yahoo.co.jp>

* clean up

* clean up

* キャッシュ対策

* Truncate push notification message

* クライアントがあったらストリームに接続しているということなので通知しない判定の位置を修正

* components/drive-file-thumbnail.vue

* components/drive-select-dialog.vue

* components/drive-window.vue

* merge

* fix

* Service Workerのビルドにesbuildを使うようにする

* return createEmptyNotification()

* fix

* i18n.ts

* update

* ✌️

* remove ts-loader

* fix

* fix

* enhance: Service Workerを常に登録するように

* pollEnded

* URLをsw.jsに戻す

* clean up

Co-authored-by: Acid Chicken (硫酸鶏) <root@acid-chicken.com>
Co-authored-by: syuilo <Syuilotan@yahoo.co.jp>
2022-04-30 21:52:07 +09:00

300 lines
8.4 KiB

<transition :name="$store.state.animation ? 'fade' : ''" mode="out-in">
<MkLoading v-if="fetching"/>
<MkError v-else-if="error" @retry="init()"/>
<div v-else-if="empty" key="_empty_" class="empty">
<slot name="empty">
<div class="_fullinfo">
<img src="https://xn--931a.moe/assets/info.jpg" class="_ghost"/>
<div>{{ $ts.nothing }}</div>
<div v-else ref="rootEl">
<slot :items="items"></slot>
<div v-show="more" key="_more_" class="cxiknjgy _gap">
<MkButton v-if="!moreFetching" v-appear="($store.state.enableInfiniteScroll && !disableAutoLoad) ? fetchMore : null" class="button" :disabled="moreFetching" :style="{ cursor: moreFetching ? 'wait' : 'pointer' }" primary @click="fetchMore">
{{ $ts.loadMore }}
<MkLoading v-else class="loading"/>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, ComputedRef, isRef, markRaw, onActivated, onDeactivated, Ref, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import * as misskey from 'misskey-js';
import * as os from '@/os';
import { onScrollTop, isTopVisible, getScrollPosition, getScrollContainer } from '@/scripts/scroll';
import MkButton from '@/components/ui/button.vue';
export type Paging<E extends keyof misskey.Endpoints = keyof misskey.Endpoints> = {
endpoint: E;
limit: number;
params?: misskey.Endpoints[E]['req'] | ComputedRef<misskey.Endpoints[E]['req']>;
* 検索APIのような、ページング不可なエンドポイントを利用する場合
* (そのようなAPIをこの関数で使うのは若干矛盾してるけど)
noPaging?: boolean;
* items 配列の中身を逆順にする(新しい方が最後)
reversed?: boolean;
offsetMode?: boolean;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
pagination: Paging;
disableAutoLoad?: boolean;
displayLimit?: number;
}>(), {
displayLimit: 30,
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'queue', count: number): void;
type Item = { id: string; [another: string]: unknown; };
const rootEl = ref<HTMLElement>();
const items = ref<Item[]>([]);
const queue = ref<Item[]>([]);
const offset = ref(0);
const fetching = ref(true);
const moreFetching = ref(false);
const more = ref(false);
const backed = ref(false); // 遡り中か否か
const isBackTop = ref(false);
const empty = computed(() => items.value.length === 0);
const error = ref(false);
const init = async (): Promise<void> => {
queue.value = [];
fetching.value = true;
const params = props.pagination.params ? isRef(props.pagination.params) ? props.pagination.params.value : props.pagination.params : {};
await os.api(props.pagination.endpoint, {
limit: props.pagination.noPaging ? (props.pagination.limit || 10) : (props.pagination.limit || 10) + 1,
}).then(res => {
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
const item = res[i];
if (props.pagination.reversed) {
if (i === res.length - 2) item._shouldInsertAd_ = true;
} else {
if (i === 3) item._shouldInsertAd_ = true;
if (!props.pagination.noPaging && (res.length > (props.pagination.limit || 10))) {
items.value = props.pagination.reversed ? [...res].reverse() : res;
more.value = true;
} else {
items.value = props.pagination.reversed ? [...res].reverse() : res;
more.value = false;
offset.value = res.length;
error.value = false;
fetching.value = false;
}, e => {
error.value = true;
fetching.value = false;
const reload = (): void => {
items.value = [];
const fetchMore = async (): Promise<void> => {
if (!more.value || fetching.value || moreFetching.value || items.value.length === 0) return;
moreFetching.value = true;
backed.value = true;
const params = props.pagination.params ? isRef(props.pagination.params) ? props.pagination.params.value : props.pagination.params : {};
await os.api(props.pagination.endpoint, {
...(props.pagination.offsetMode ? {
offset: offset.value,
} : {
untilId: props.pagination.reversed ? items.value[0].id : items.value[items.value.length - 1].id,
}).then(res => {
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
const item = res[i];
if (props.pagination.reversed) {
if (i === res.length - 9) item._shouldInsertAd_ = true;
} else {
if (i === 10) item._shouldInsertAd_ = true;
if (res.length > SECOND_FETCH_LIMIT) {
items.value = props.pagination.reversed ? [...res].reverse().concat(items.value) : items.value.concat(res);
more.value = true;
} else {
items.value = props.pagination.reversed ? [...res].reverse().concat(items.value) : items.value.concat(res);
more.value = false;
offset.value += res.length;
moreFetching.value = false;
}, e => {
moreFetching.value = false;
const fetchMoreAhead = async (): Promise<void> => {
if (!more.value || fetching.value || moreFetching.value || items.value.length === 0) return;
moreFetching.value = true;
const params = props.pagination.params ? isRef(props.pagination.params) ? props.pagination.params.value : props.pagination.params : {};
await os.api(props.pagination.endpoint, {
...(props.pagination.offsetMode ? {
offset: offset.value,
} : {
sinceId: props.pagination.reversed ? items.value[0].id : items.value[items.value.length - 1].id,
}).then(res => {
if (res.length > SECOND_FETCH_LIMIT) {
items.value = props.pagination.reversed ? [...res].reverse().concat(items.value) : items.value.concat(res);
more.value = true;
} else {
items.value = props.pagination.reversed ? [...res].reverse().concat(items.value) : items.value.concat(res);
more.value = false;
offset.value += res.length;
moreFetching.value = false;
}, e => {
moreFetching.value = false;
const prepend = (item: Item): void => {
if (props.pagination.reversed) {
if (rootEl.value) {
const container = getScrollContainer(rootEl.value);
if (container == null) return; // TODO?
const pos = getScrollPosition(rootEl.value);
const viewHeight = container.clientHeight;
const height = container.scrollHeight;
const isBottom = (pos + viewHeight > height - 32);
if (isBottom) {
// オーバーフローしたら古いアイテムは捨てる
if (items.value.length >= props.displayLimit) {
// このやり方だとVue 3.2以降アニメーションが動かなくなる
//items.value = items.value.slice(-props.displayLimit);
while (items.value.length >= props.displayLimit) {
more.value = true;
} else {
// 初回表示時はunshiftだけでOK
if (!rootEl.value) {
const isTop = isBackTop.value || (document.body.contains(rootEl.value) && isTopVisible(rootEl.value));
if (isTop) {
// Prepend the item
// オーバーフローしたら古いアイテムは捨てる
if (items.value.length >= props.displayLimit) {
// このやり方だとVue 3.2以降アニメーションが動かなくなる
//this.items = items.value.slice(0, props.displayLimit);
while (items.value.length >= props.displayLimit) {
more.value = true;
} else {
onScrollTop(rootEl.value, () => {
for (const item of queue.value) {
queue.value = [];
const append = (item: Item): void => {
const updateItem = (id: Item['id'], replacer: (old: Item) => Item): void => {
const i = items.value.findIndex(item => item.id === id);
items.value[i] = replacer(items.value[i]);
if (props.pagination.params && isRef(props.pagination.params)) {
watch(props.pagination.params, init, { deep: true });
watch(queue, (a, b) => {
if (a.length === 0 && b.length === 0) return;
emit('queue', queue.value.length);
}, { deep: true });
onActivated(() => {
isBackTop.value = false;
onDeactivated(() => {
isBackTop.value = window.scrollY === 0;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity 0.125s ease;
.fade-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
.cxiknjgy {
> .button {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;