package storage import ( "fmt" "os" "path" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" ) var ( re = regexp.MustCompile(`\.ec[0-9][0-9]`) ) func (l *DiskLocation) FindEcVolume(vid needle.VolumeId) (*erasure_coding.EcVolume, bool) { l.ecVolumesLock.RLock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.RUnlock() ecVolume, ok := l.ecVolumes[vid] if ok { return ecVolume, true } return nil, false } func (l *DiskLocation) DestroyEcVolume(vid needle.VolumeId) { l.ecVolumesLock.Lock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.Unlock() ecVolume, found := l.ecVolumes[vid] if found { ecVolume.Destroy() delete(l.ecVolumes, vid) } } func (l *DiskLocation) CollectEcShards(vid needle.VolumeId, shardFileNames []string) (ecVolume *erasure_coding.EcVolume, found bool) { l.ecVolumesLock.RLock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.RUnlock() ecVolume, found = l.ecVolumes[vid] if !found { return } for _, ecShard := range ecVolume.Shards { if ecShard.ShardId < erasure_coding.ShardId(len(shardFileNames)) { shardFileNames[ecShard.ShardId] = erasure_coding.EcShardFileName(ecVolume.Collection, l.Directory, int(ecVolume.VolumeId)) + erasure_coding.ToExt(int(ecShard.ShardId)) } } return } func (l *DiskLocation) FindEcShard(vid needle.VolumeId, shardId erasure_coding.ShardId) (*erasure_coding.EcVolumeShard, bool) { l.ecVolumesLock.RLock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.RUnlock() ecVolume, ok := l.ecVolumes[vid] if !ok { return nil, false } for _, ecShard := range ecVolume.Shards { if ecShard.ShardId == shardId { return ecShard, true } } return nil, false } func (l *DiskLocation) LoadEcShard(collection string, vid needle.VolumeId, shardId erasure_coding.ShardId) (err error) { ecVolumeShard, err := erasure_coding.NewEcVolumeShard(l.DiskType, l.Directory, collection, vid, shardId) if err != nil { if err == os.ErrNotExist { return os.ErrNotExist } return fmt.Errorf("failed to create ec shard %d.%d: %v", vid, shardId, err) } l.ecVolumesLock.Lock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.Unlock() ecVolume, found := l.ecVolumes[vid] if !found { ecVolume, err = erasure_coding.NewEcVolume(l.DiskType, l.Directory, l.IdxDirectory, collection, vid) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create ec volume %d: %v", vid, err) } l.ecVolumes[vid] = ecVolume } ecVolume.AddEcVolumeShard(ecVolumeShard) return nil } func (l *DiskLocation) UnloadEcShard(vid needle.VolumeId, shardId erasure_coding.ShardId) bool { l.ecVolumesLock.Lock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.Unlock() ecVolume, found := l.ecVolumes[vid] if !found { return false } if _, deleted := ecVolume.DeleteEcVolumeShard(shardId); deleted { if len(ecVolume.Shards) == 0 { delete(l.ecVolumes, vid) ecVolume.Close() } return true } return true } func (l *DiskLocation) loadEcShards(shards []string, collection string, vid needle.VolumeId) (err error) { for _, shard := range shards { shardId, err := strconv.ParseInt(path.Ext(shard)[3:], 10, 64) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse ec shard name %v: %v", shard, err) } err = l.LoadEcShard(collection, vid, erasure_coding.ShardId(shardId)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to load ec shard %v: %v", shard, err) } } return nil } func (l *DiskLocation) loadAllEcShards() (err error) { dirEntries, err := os.ReadDir(l.Directory) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("load all ec shards in dir %s: %v", l.Directory, err) } if l.IdxDirectory != l.Directory { indexDirEntries, err := os.ReadDir(l.IdxDirectory) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("load all ec shards in dir %s: %v", l.IdxDirectory, err) } dirEntries = append(dirEntries, indexDirEntries...) } slices.SortFunc(dirEntries, func(a, b os.DirEntry) int { return strings.Compare(a.Name(), b.Name()) }) var sameVolumeShards []string var prevVolumeId needle.VolumeId for _, fileInfo := range dirEntries { if fileInfo.IsDir() { continue } ext := path.Ext(fileInfo.Name()) name := fileInfo.Name() baseName := name[:len(name)-len(ext)] collection, volumeId, err := parseCollectionVolumeId(baseName) if err != nil { continue } info, err := fileInfo.Info() if err != nil { continue } // 0 byte files should be only appearing erroneously for ec data files // so we ignore them if re.MatchString(ext) && info.Size() > 0 { if prevVolumeId == 0 || volumeId == prevVolumeId { sameVolumeShards = append(sameVolumeShards, fileInfo.Name()) } else { sameVolumeShards = []string{fileInfo.Name()} } prevVolumeId = volumeId continue } if ext == ".ecx" && volumeId == prevVolumeId { if err = l.loadEcShards(sameVolumeShards, collection, volumeId); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("loadEcShards collection:%v volumeId:%d : %v", collection, volumeId, err) } prevVolumeId = volumeId continue } } return nil } func (l *DiskLocation) deleteEcVolumeById(vid needle.VolumeId) (e error) { ecVolume, ok := l.ecVolumes[vid] if !ok { return } ecVolume.Destroy() delete(l.ecVolumes, vid) return } func (l *DiskLocation) unmountEcVolumeByCollection(collectionName string) map[needle.VolumeId]*erasure_coding.EcVolume { deltaVols := make(map[needle.VolumeId]*erasure_coding.EcVolume, 0) for k, v := range l.ecVolumes { if v.Collection == collectionName { deltaVols[k] = v } } for k, _ := range deltaVols { delete(l.ecVolumes, k) } return deltaVols } func (l *DiskLocation) EcVolumesLen() int { l.ecVolumesLock.RLock() defer l.ecVolumesLock.RUnlock() return len(l.ecVolumes) }