# Type: Game # Use more CPU time if possible # Games do not always need more IO, but in most cases can be hungry for CPU { "type": "Game", "nice": -7, "ioclass": "best-effort", "latency_nice": -7 } # Type: Player Audio/Video # Try to add more CPU power to decrease latency/lags # Try to add real time io for avoiding lags { "type": "Player-Audio", "nice": -4, "latency_nice": -4 } { "type": "Player-Video", "nice": -4, "latency_nice": -4 } # Must have more CPU/IO time, but not so much as other apps { "type": "Image-View", "nice": -4, "latency_nice": -4 } { "type": "Doc-View", "nice": -4, "latency_nice": -4 } # Type: Low Latency Realtime Apps # In general case not so heavy, but must not lag { "type": "LowLatency_RT", "nice": -9, "ioclass": "best-effort", "latency_nice": -9 } # Type: BackGround CPU/IO Load # Background CPU/IO it's needed, but it must be as silent as possible { "type": "BG_CPUIO", "nice": 16, "ioclass": "idle", "sched": "idle", "latency_nice": 11 } # Type: Heavy CPU Load # It must work fast enough but must not create so much noise { "type": "Heavy_CPU", "nice": 9, "ioclass": "best-effort", "ionice": 7, "latency_nice": 9 } # Type: Chat { "type": "Chat", "nice": -3, "ioclass": "best-effort", "ionice": 7 , "latency_nice": -3 } # Type: Service { "type": "Service", "nice": 10, "ioclass": "best-effort", "ionice": 6 , "latency_nice": 10 } # Type: Indifference { "type": "IN_DIFF", "nice": 0, "ioclass": "best-effort", "ionice": 7 , "latency_nice": 0 } # Type: Adj OOM Score { "type": "OOM_KILL", "oom_score_adj": 1000 } { "type": "OOM_NO_KILL", "oom_score_adj": -1000 }