
68 lines
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<string name="app_name" translatable="false">Shelter</string>
<string name="first_run_alert">You are about to set up Shelter.\n\nThis app depends on the <b>Work Profile</b> feature of Android to isolate the apps. If you use a vendor / custom ROM that breaks related features (e.g. MIUI), you should now <b>QUIT</b> and <b>DO NOT</b> use this app.\n\nIf you choose to continue, Shelter will set up Work Profile for you.\n\nIf you are a developer and would like to make Shelter work on those incompatible ROMs like MIUI, pull requests are always welcome. The developer takes <b>ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY</b> if you break your device running an incompatible ROM.</string>
<string name="first_run_alert_cancel">Bye</string>
<string name="first_run_alert_continue">Continue</string>
<string name="device_admin_label" translatable="false">Shelter</string>
<string name="device_admin_desc">App Isolation Service</string>
<string name="device_admin_explanation">Shelter needs to become Device Admin in order to perform its isolation tasks.</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name="service_title">Shelter Service</string>
<string name="service_desc">Shelter is now running &#8230;</string>
<!-- Main UI -->
<string name="fragment_profile_main">Main</string>
<string name="fragment_profile_work">Shelter</string>
<string name="list_item_disabled">[Frozen] %s</string>
<!-- App Context Menu -->
<string name="clone_to_work_profile">Clone to Shelter (Work Profile)</string>
<string name="clone_to_main_profile">Clone to Main Profile</string>
<string name="uninstall_app">Uninstall</string>
<string name="freeze_app">Freeze</string>
<string name="unfreeze_app">Unfreeze</string>
<string name="launch">Launch</string>
<string name="create_unfreeze_shortcut">Create Unfreeze and/or Launch Shortcut</string>
<string name="unfreeze_and_launch">Unfreeze and Launch</string>
<string name="auto_freeze">Auto Freeze</string>
<!-- Action Bar Options Menu -->
<string name="freeze_all">Batch Freeze</string>
<string name="create_freeze_all_shortcut">Create Batch Freeze Shortcut</string>
<string name="freeze_all_shortcut">Freeze</string>
<string name="install_app_to_profile">Install APK into Shelter</string>
<string name="install_app_to_profile_success">Application installation finished in work profile.</string>
<!-- Settings Options -->
<string name="settings">Settings</string>
<string name="settings_about">About</string>
<string name="settings_version">Version</string>
<string name="settings_source_code">Source Code</string>
<string name="settings_source_code_url" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="settings_bug_report">Bug Report / Issue Tracker</string>
<string name="settings_bug_report_url" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Toast Long Texts -->
<string name="device_admin_toast">You have to grant Device Admin permission for Shelter to work. Please try again.</string>
<string name="provision_still_pending">Please wait while we prepare Shelter profile for you &#8230;</string>
<string name="provision_finished">Shelter setup complete. Now restarting Shelter. If Shelter didn\'t start automatically, you may launch it again from your launcher.</string>
<string name="msg_device_unsupported">Permission is denied or Unsupported device</string>
<string name="work_profile_not_found">Work profile not found. Please restart the app to re-provision the profile.</string>
<string name="work_profile_provision_failed">Cannot provision work profile. You may try again by restarting Shelter.</string>
<string name="work_mode_disabled">It looks like you have disabled Work Mode while starting Shelter. If you have enabled it now, please start Shelter again.</string>
<string name="clone_success">Application \"%s\" cloned successfully</string>
<string name="uninstall_success">Application \"%s\" uninstalled successfully</string>
<string name="freeze_success">Application \"%s\" frozen successfully</string>
<string name="unfreeze_success">Application \"%s\" unfrozen successfully</string>
<string name="clone_fail_system_app">Cannot clone system apps to a profile that Shelter has no control of.</string>
<string name="uninstall_fail_system_app">Cannot uninstall system apps in a profile thaẞt Shelter has no control of.</string>
<string name="unsupported_launcher">Cannot add shortcuts to your launcher. Please contact the developer for more information.</string>
<string name="app_context_menu_title">Operations for %s</string>
<string name="freeze_all_success">All apps in \"Auto Freeze\" list have been frozen successfully.</string>
<string name="shortcut_create_success">Shortcut created on your launcher.</string>
<!-- MIUI -->
<string name="miui_cannot_clone">Cloning non-system apps to another profile is currently not possible on MIUI. Please clone your system\'s app store (e.g. <b>Play Store</b>) into the other profile and then install apps from there.</string>