
71 lines
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<string name="app_name" translatable="false">Shelter</string>
<string name="first_run_alert">You are about to set up Shelter.\n\nThis app depends on the <b>Work Profile</b> feature of Android to isolate the apps. If you use a vendor / custom ROM that breaks related features (e.g. MIUI), you should now <b>QUIT</b> and <b>DO NOT</b> use this app.\n\nIf you choose to continue, Shelter will set up Work Profile for you.\n\nIf you are a developer and would like to make Shelter work on those incompatible ROMs like MIUI, pull requests are always welcome. The developer takes <b>ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY</b> if you break your device running an incompatible ROM.</string>
<string name="first_run_alert_cancel">Bye</string>
<string name="first_run_alert_continue">Continue</string>
<string name="device_admin_label" translatable="false">Shelter</string>
<string name="device_admin_desc">App Isolation Service</string>
<string name="device_admin_explanation">Shelter needs to become Device Admin in order to perform its isolation tasks.</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name="service_title">Shelter Service</string>
<string name="service_desc">Shelter is now running &#8230;</string>
<!-- Main UI -->
<string name="fragment_profile_main">Main</string>
<string name="fragment_profile_work">Shelter</string>
<string name="list_item_disabled">[Frozen] %s</string>
<!-- App Context Menu -->
<string name="clone_to_work_profile">Clone to Shelter (Work Profile)</string>
<string name="clone_to_main_profile">Clone to Main Profile</string>
<string name="uninstall_app">Uninstall</string>
<string name="freeze_app">Freeze</string>
<string name="unfreeze_app">Unfreeze</string>
<string name="launch">Launch</string>
<string name="create_unfreeze_shortcut">Create Unfreeze and/or Launch Shortcut</string>
<string name="unfreeze_and_launch">Unfreeze and Launch</string>
<string name="auto_freeze">Auto Freeze</string>
<!-- Action Bar Options Menu -->
<string name="freeze_all">Batch Freeze</string>
<string name="create_freeze_all_shortcut">Create Batch Freeze Shortcut</string>
<string name="freeze_all_shortcut">Freeze</string>
<string name="install_app_to_profile">Install APK into Shelter</string>
<string name="install_app_to_profile_success">Application installation finished in work profile.</string>
<!-- Settings Options -->
<string name="settings">Settings</string>
<string name="settings_interaction">Interaction</string>
<string name="settings_cross_profile_file_chooser">File Shuttle</string>
<string name="settings_cross_profile_file_chooser_desc">When enabled, you\'ll be able to browse / view / pick / copy files in Shelter from main profile and vice-versa, ONLY through Documents UI (named Files or Documents on your launcher) or apps with Documents UI support (they only gain temporary access to files you choose in Documents UI), while still pertaining the filesystem isolation.</string>
<string name="settings_about">About</string>
<string name="settings_version">Version</string>
<string name="settings_source_code">Source Code</string>
<string name="settings_source_code_url" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="settings_bug_report">Bug Report / Issue Tracker</string>
<string name="settings_bug_report_url" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Toast Long Texts -->
<string name="device_admin_toast">You have to grant Device Admin permission for Shelter to work. Please try again.</string>
<string name="provision_still_pending">Please wait while we prepare Shelter profile for you &#8230;</string>
<string name="provision_finished">Shelter setup complete. Now restarting Shelter. If Shelter didn\'t start automatically, you may launch it again from your launcher.</string>
<string name="msg_device_unsupported">Permission is denied or Unsupported device</string>
<string name="work_profile_not_found">Work profile not found. Please restart the app to re-provision the profile.</string>
<string name="work_profile_provision_failed">Cannot provision work profile. You may try again by restarting Shelter.</string>
<string name="work_mode_disabled">It looks like you have disabled Work Mode while starting Shelter. If you have enabled it now, please start Shelter again.</string>
<string name="clone_success">Application \"%s\" cloned successfully</string>
<string name="uninstall_success">Application \"%s\" uninstalled successfully</string>
<string name="freeze_success">Application \"%s\" frozen successfully</string>
<string name="unfreeze_success">Application \"%s\" unfrozen successfully</string>
<string name="clone_fail_system_app">Cannot clone system apps to a profile that Shelter has no control of.</string>
<string name="uninstall_fail_system_app">Cannot uninstall system apps in a profile thaẞt Shelter has no control of.</string>
<string name="unsupported_launcher">Cannot add shortcuts to your launcher. Please contact the developer for more information.</string>
<string name="app_context_menu_title">Operations for %s</string>
<string name="freeze_all_success">All apps in \"Auto Freeze\" list have been frozen successfully.</string>
<string name="shortcut_create_success">Shortcut created on your launcher.</string>
<!-- MIUI -->
<string name="miui_cannot_clone">Cloning non-system apps to another profile is currently not possible on MIUI. Please clone your system\'s app store (e.g. <b>Play Store</b>) into the other profile and then install apps from there.</string>