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Environment Variables


  • LPAC_APDU: specify which APDU backend will be used. Values:
    • at: use AT commands interface used by LTE module
    • pcsc: use PC/SC Smart Card API
    • stdio: use standard input/output
    • qmi_qrtr: use QMI over QRTR
    • GBinder-based backends for libhybris (Halium) distributions:
      • gbinder_hidl: use HIDL IRadio (SoC launched before Android 13)
  • LPAC_HTTP: specify which HTTP backend will be used.
    • curl: use libcurl
    • stdio: use standard input/ouput
  • AT_DEVICE: specify which serial port device will be used by AT APDU backend.
  • UIM_SLOT: specify which UIM slot will be used by QMI QRTR APDU backend. (default: 1)
  • DRIVER_IFID: specify which PC/SC interface will be used by PC/SC APDU backend.


  • LIBEUICC_DEBUG_APDU: enable debug output for APDU.
  • LIBEUICC_DEBUG_HTTP: enable debug output for HTTP.
  • AT_DEBUG: enable debug output for AT APDU backend.
  • GBINDER_APDU_DEBUG: enable debug output for GBinder APDU backend. MUST be true to take effect.